i think its high time for a tenth crusade
Deus vult
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And the good thing is this time we don't even have to go to the Middle East
no we can just carpetbomb germany
Thats an incredibly sad sentiment
I think Reconquista is our first goal. If we make crusades, again, only leftists will survive, while a bunch of us will get killed
wont happen
pope is a cuck controlled by the deep state
unless of course, we use them as idoiot cannon fodder
we dont need the pope he's a fucking heretic anyway. the idiot claimed Jesus was a sinner, fuck him and his muslim foot-kissing mouth
alright anons... im seeing a lot of good ideas but we need a real plan, its time to get your crosses and weapons and raid Germany at dawn!!!
What could possibly go wrong?
please refer to the top image of the post to see what will happen
We Turks eat Crusades for breakfast. Don't send those milkdrinkers.
bitch we will put you in the fucking ground where you and your heresy belong
What heresy? Having three Gods is heresy.
I simply cannot stop imaging that somehow the Crusade would kind a way to err off course and burn down Vienna...
I can't remember if there was precedent for burning allied cities to the ground by the supposed crusader army?
now let me tell you... how a trinity works.
now you see, heretic, god has three forms he reveals himself, there are his "natures" each nature embodies and aspect of what god is god the father: his power and authority, god the son: his physical form on earth, god the holy spirit: his omnipresence.
Thinking about it, doesn't Allah have something silly like 500 aspects? Meaning that if the Catholics have 3 gods, they still have massively fewer than you fuckers.
crusades were always called by popes? so what do you intend to do? Install an antipope?
now to add to this what is one third of infinity? thats right infinity
so then, what's one third of an infinite being? infinity.
so because god is and infinite being even a part of him is still god in its own right.
if you had half a brain cell you would understand that, but instead you writhe in vast amounts of heresy, you disgust me!
We already have an antipope.
pardon? who is it
and yet somehow its impossible for him to have a son. i thought your worthless perversion of god could do anything
>now let me tell you... how a trinity works.
>now you see, heretic, god has three forms he reveals himself, there are his "natures" each nature embodies and aspect of what god is god the father: his power and authority, god the son: his physical form on earth, god the holy spirit: his omnipresence.
I simply do not understand. Who is the Father?God. Who is the Son? God... So Father is the Son. Then they are one. Then they are the same. So what is there to distinguish them?
Does the son have Free Will? Does The Father control the Son? Can they disagree? Of course not. They are the same entity. Then why bother with the Son. Just worship the Father.
Allah has names. They translate like generous, wrathful, compassionate etc. Not the same. Christianity is counter intuitive.
Infinity is a mathematical concept. It's not real.
>mental gymnastics this hard
LOL buddy stop trying, you’ll pop a nerve.
well, if my own accounts will not convince you perhaps the nuggets of truth from you own quran will.
by the quran's accounts who sent the helper/comforter? your "prophet" claimed to be sent by allah. and in the new testament (the one still in the quran) Jesus says that after he fulfils his purpose that HE will send the comforter thus, you own holy book call Jesus god himself
never! i am crusading internally!!! DEUS VULT
According to Bible Jesus was dead for 3 days. Why didn't the World collapsed in that time where God was dead?
"infinity is is a mathematical concept not real"
then where is your god now? isn't he supposed to be infinite by your own accounts?
again, heretic, his [son] aspect died as a sacrifice to show what god [all three aspects] is willing to do in order to save humanity. 3 days being a symbolic number of the trinity. furthermore every form of life has an essence, a soul, including god you could say He is the original soul that is the route cause of all other living things. so if god allows himself to die you think that the world somehow, arbitrarily, just collapse. it seems to me the filthy muslim inbred thinks god has less control the he really does.
now, swine, i have not the time nor the spare brain cells to waste on your utter retardation, you are bringing me off topic of my glorious crusade and i will have no more of it.
again, please refer to the pros and cons of the crusade at the top of my thread
>conquer some middle eastern country
>see this
what do anons?
end the heresy, easy.
alright lads, back to the plan. we purge germany at dawn!
also, keep that weeb shit far away from me and my crusade
>Visible ankles
Grab the stones, Mehmet
Spread the gift of whiteness
I think its time christianity is exterminated.
The vatican should be razed down same with every church by muslims then we destroy the racially inferior semites.
Ya Christians are the problem.
Entire Middle East has been purged from the cult of islam. you can go there to get away from us.
the current pope
First puke
Then aim and pull the trigger
Christians are Jew worshipers rqcial enemies they worship the other tribe.
How was what Jesus did to the money collectors NOT a sin?
jesus was an ancom cuck
then you sir, are my first target
nope, no commandments were broken
.... fucking learn some history retards that is not what an antipope is.
yes: pope Francis attempting to "get with the times" said that, quote "even jesus sinned"
Hello is this the rp thread?
excuse me kind sir, unfortunately for you this is not the RP thread you are looking for. if you would kindly vacate the thread or join us on the tenth crusade. however judging by that flag of yours you are not an ally of the deus vult way
deus vult infidel
deus vult
deus vult Islamic heathen
cleanse with the bible then with bleach
are we even organized for this i say we do gods work by actually being organized like an army should be.... or do you have problems?
first. we need arms and armament to cleanse the surrounding area of the middle east [arabia, pakistan, ect etc
then. wee need good strong men, volunteers soldier, and militia-men
finally we need a date, time, target and place to begin the purging of heretics
11th, the holocaust counts as a European crusade to secure the fatherland.
do we have any weapons dealers, to get arms from!? we need men and arms to begin the purge!!!
no more mercy!!! no more tolerance!!! we'll put the muslim filth back in the abyss where it belongs!!!
I unironicly agree with you OP
You can't spell deep state without ((()))
>re-taking constantinople
Is it even worth re-taking at this point? It has around 15 million shit skins, and the city is pretty much a shit hole at this point.
not unless we purge, battle brother!
Jesus himself claimed we were all sinners in the eyes of god. He counts. Thats the point of him. A part of god made into a filthy human so god can understand us and forgive us our sins.
Great! Do i need to lick muslim feet or just washing them with my hands is enough?
Didn't you people get BTFO in the crusades? Islam literally conquered the entire territory, took Istanbul, and Spain became Islamic?
Why do white people love to re-imagine times when they lost wars? WWII, Civil War, crusade... It's one long history of you getting fucked and remembering it like cucks.
Why the fuck would you siege Constantinopole in the first place? There are barely any ortodox by now there. Moscow is where it's at.
yes, however the point of jesus was to be innocent of sin that he may also be the perfect sacrifice for our salvation
you wash them... with fire
Click "force religion" in the peace screen.
aslong as its not to retake the ((holy land)), i can help fund it
Pretty sure muslims aren't mad about crusaders sacking Constantinopole or about europeans wasting time in the jewland delaying reconquista of iberia, mr mysterymeat.
says the canadian. lord of cucks.
also, the first crusade was actually quite successful and we established and maintained many crusader states. it was only after we had mercy on the infidels and allowed them to regroup that we lost our grip, not this time...
Brother, Europe is the holy land we made Christianity what it is.
I'd gladly go after some Pakistani musdogs. I equate Islam to evil plain and simple.
Although Malaysian Muslims are pretty based in the sense they also hate pakis and aren't extremists. They would help out
>says the man afraid to show his flag
ist a gooood thing we only need the surrounding areas of jerusalem to defacto retake it
nah, i just cant find the american flag in the list so i went with the next best thing
>i just cant find the american flag in the list
You just pic "geografic location" you goddam newfag. Fuck off back to plabbit.
as long as the deus vults, im happy
>"american" catholic doesn't care about US getting browned
Why am i not suprised?
1. actually im not even catholic
2. i do care, its just that i need my crusading priorities straight so my crusade can go uninterrupted by any weird and wacky shit going on
on top of that, the more christian i have the more soldiers i can hurl at the enemy
my crusade needs as many soldiers as i can muster, i dont have time to ethnically cleanse right now, as of now i can only hope to perge heretics
also im of german descent, and very proud of my american ancestors who cam here during the beggining of the revolutionary war
listen are you gonna help us reclaim the holy land or not? i have crusading to do
alright men, we need a plan. we need funding for the next crusade and im fairly certain we need weapon and vehicles to traverse the hostle areas