/ptg/ President Trump General -We've Only Just Begun Edition

>President Trump: Year One youtu.be/gFXcLi85cQY

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>The Memo

>Pres Trump Working Session on Tax Reform 2/14/18
>Pres Trump meets/Congress on Infrastructure 2/14/18
>FLotUS Melania @Children's Inn 2/14/18
>VP Pence @Axios forum 2/14/18
>OMB Mulvaney @House Budget Cte 2/14/18
>TreasSec Mnuchin @Senate Finance Cte 2/14/18
>SoS T-Rex Presser w/Jordan FM Safadi 2/14/18
>SoS T-Rex meets w/Syrian Negotiators 2/14/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Syria 2/14/18
>HHS Sec Azar @House Ways&Means Cte 2/14/18
>tfw no gf from IntDep 2/14/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania host some nogs 2/13/18
>Pres Trump meets w/Sheriffs' Association 2/13/18
>Pres Trump meets w/Congress on Trade 2/13/18
>VP Pence @Smithsonian Musem of nogs 2/13/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis Briefing 2/13/18
>OMB Dir Mulvaney testifies @Senate on Budget 2/13/18
>SoS T-Rex Presser w/Kuwaiti FM al-Sabah 2/13/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



>Write a constitution
>Forget something
>Have to amend it
>Forget something else
>Have to amend it for a 2nd time
Tell me, why do people pretend the "SECOND" "AMENDMENT" was THAT important to the Founding Fathers?

So I heard that school shooter was a commie?

The right won't care anyway. Trump could film himself fucking an animal and they'd find some way to defend him.


when will Hollywood make great movies again?

I'm already hearing from right wingers I know that no one cares that Trump fucked a porn star. And I believe that none of his supporters will care.

Bcs it was one of the reasons they wanted to leave Britain and create a country. How dumb are you

New baker needed ASAP

Before I go bring me up to speed on the syria situation

>FBI should follow 100 000 threats because one of them happened to be true

We could have top notch offensive/defensive nuke system with half the number of standing troops and less overseas bases. Literally could be just as safe by spending half as much.

Exam tomorrow
It'll be bad

>Openly admit the 2nd amendment only exists because of its historical context
>"This is a timeless rule and should be upheld forever"

I fuckin hate school.

>movie with a porn name
That's subversive crap. The best movie of the new millenium is Chris Nolan's Memento.

stale bait m8

>Record Surplus first month under Trump's tax plan and first fiscal year by Trump


wtf i love little Marco now

>a well regulated militia
Is code for slave patrols. The second amendment was and is about nigger control.

>Openly admit the 2nd amendment only exists because of its historical context
So does our country by extension.

They were just too busy chasing fake Russian leads, trying to get them Trump nudes

>Record Surplus first month under Trump's tax plan and first fiscal year by Trump
How will lefties spin this as Obama's?


My idea for a movie is it's like Benjamin Button, but he's also got the same condition as the guy from Memento

Show me where the FFs wanted it to be changed?

Does that mean we can get rid of the amendments blocking slavery and allowing women to vote because they're old news?

CNN reports: Alien space ship has landed at the white house. Details to follow.

>imagine being this retarded

>people support the next hitler
explain yourselves

No they were just a mistake.

>implying the first one was bad

>imagine having no sense of humor

there's almost always surplus in january


>fbi was warned
They were too busy trying to undermine a democratically elected president.

>the 2a needs to go its ancient and irrelevant
>hmm your words hurt my feelings time to remove the 1a its not longer relevant

The wrote the constitution. Then they were like "Oh, we fuked it up. We need to amend this, like 10 times"
Then it got amended like another 48 times since then

>white , trump supporting males do all the shootings
wtf, I want to import 2 million muslims and mud my heritage forever

I meant college really. There are jobs that don't need a degree. College is a waste.

>Trump will eradicate 250 millions muslim
Wtf i love donald even more now.


>250 million dead muslims

Man how I wish it were true

Yeah, Clinton.

Lol 250k deaths in syrian war what a meme chart.

Liberalism is a mental illness

>College is a waste.
Goddamn is it, but I'm all in on the gambler's fallacy at this point

I'm just shitposting, but amendment literally does mean they changed it

Oy vey don't forget the 300 gorillion killed by Trump



Kek, despite of this being ironic there are people in the US that believe just that.

The amendment process, contrary of what people may believe, happened because a segment of the founding fathers considered the constitution and the framework it was created enough for people to understand while others believed people aren't smart enough to keep it unchanged given enough time, so making it explicit was a necessity.
In short
> people are too stupid to keep a good thing when they get it, let's put in on paper and have a caste of people in place to ensure it doesn't lose its meaning through the centuries.

Take the first two amendments, for instance: the right to peaceful assembly, freedom of movement and self defense were always the first to go whenever the crown felt the peasants were getting too uppity.
When they framed the United States they deliberately made it so the federal government was too weak to interfer with the states, being essentially a mint, a bunch of diplomats and some bureaucrats to organize a common defense against invasion and settle disputes between the states, no further measure would ever be needed as long as that didn't change.
But they were not complete retards and, from the start, there was people promising to expand the scope of the federal government as their platform. Enter the amendments to crush that then and forever.

Ywn interview a girl that is totally wet while not wearing any underwear.
Why live?


You want to bake the next one?

shit picture, Harry Truman bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, only 250k have died in Syrian civil war

Am I white?

What is your major?

Obama is going to die in prison and there is nothing you can do about it.


Good luck. What are you studying?

I doubt that, Hillary might though


Im not in college.

Depend on how fast threads are going. I'm on and off today so if I'm here for 300 I can bake.
Btw, here is a print I took from someone people thought (at the time of the shooting) to be the shooter. No MAGA hat or any Trump symbols

Oh boy, I can't wait for reddit's reaction

A muslim is more likely.

>FBI should pour significant resources into investigating 'Russia Collusion' & PeePeePooPoo Dossier.

Something. And the hardest course, and one of the last ones I need to complete to be done is coming up..

well he was mentally ill, if that's what you're asking

Nah he’s a mutt. Literal 56%

When can we enact a law that states "if you're a registered demoshit you're not allowed to own a firearm?"

How many years you put into college?

he should sign a law
force all people who openly identify as communist or "resistance" to go through forced mental health evaluations once a month

imagine how much money we could save alone from paying cops to have to babysit protest niggers

> MFW kids start reporting niggers for behaving erratically, like animals

Sounds like a win win to me

A trade school might be more suitable for you.

wtf I thought college was "free" in Europe. Was I lied to this whole time by socialists and commies!?

Well, I'm going now. If you won't be here for 300 I'm sure somebody else will

Bill gets a BJ in the oval office almost gets impeached, right goes absolutely ballistic. This lunatic is cheating with a pornstar, paying hundreds of thousands in hush money and it's all good dady'o.

Party over country, people

who else still not tired of winning yet

I was thinking real estate agent.

My advice to you is the same one I dispensed to Poland: make sure this doesn't slip. People at college age think "whatever, if so fail it's only one year" but trust me: it makes all the difference in the world.
Staying one extra year out of the market may cost you the best year for hiring, usually the first ones after the economy picks back up and it's looking like it'll be 2018.

Don't fuck this up all of you still at school. Finish it in the smallest possible timeframe and run to the jobs market.

The Right literally just lost all their talking points on the sanctity of marriage.

You can't be against LGBT getting married, but not care about adultery. That's literally picking and choosing at this point.

I believe everyone can get married if they love each other. But to turn a blind eye on adultery because it's "your candidate" is hypocritical. More so if they were old enough to be outraged over Bill Clinton.

Are you relaying Reddit posts? If so make a screenshot, it last longer

You know nothing of the constitution.


4th year.
time is far more valuable than money
And I'm not exactly enjoying my time
Yes I know, I could explain why shits fucked in this particular Uni, but no dox

Yes, but the Bill of Rights is on whole other level than the rest of the Amendments. If you touch one of the Amendments in the Bill of Rights, you just opened the door to destroying the whole Constitution. We had prohibition, then the repeal of that, but if any of the first 10 Amendments are touched, shit will hit the fan.

>(heavily disputed)
This is a troll, right

hitler liked pee pee also?


Noone cares about that shit anymore, faggot.

Do you like the degree you are in?

wait til that repatriated cash from overseas really starts flowing in

I think they have pretty stiff competition with online sites. Best of luck to you though.

in theory yes, these courses no
And trust me, they are shit in design

Holy FUCK shillcon 5 tonight.

>it's all conjecture but...
libs in one sentence

Im still debating it. Its a lot of work and most don't see good money and in a down market its worse.

Two quick points. Firstly pic related is how the tweet appears because of how he sent it. Could be accidental (WH will claim it is) but also reinforces his DACA framing. Seconds he has now framed the shooting in two ways: School Security and Reporting suspicious activity (he probably also knows something we don't if he's going down this route and not just doubling down on original framing).

Overall, he's playing the persuasion game surrounding his first school shooting excellently so far.

they are really excited because this time it might have actually been a legit psycho, rather than another failed hoax