Is it true that fascism has returned in the form of anti-fascism?

Is it true that fascism has returned in the form of anti-fascism?

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It's communism and always has been. Antifa ripped the logo,mottos, and social mechanics straight from communist developments and organizations.

It's nonsense and frustrating when public figures refer to antifa type people as 'fascist', or 'left wing fascist'. It makes no sense at all, and is the result of the word being made synonymous with 'totalitarian' and 'evil' over time.

Read the Doctrine of Fascism, it's short. Or even skim Wikipedia. Fascism is Fascism and antifa is antifa.

So no, OP

Even if they used similar means, it would be for radically different ends. It's just another false equivalence thrown around to try and normalize the political violence that is resurgent in America, mostly from more right wing sources (although it is worth noting this has been a trend since around the 70's).

Yes. Their methods are the exact same as their opponents, and their ideals are equally totalitarian, if only a little different in flavor.

It's true. Leftists and feminists are blind to their own intolerance and hate speech. Free pass from the media.

No, you're just a brainlet.

It's like saying atheism is a religion. You're probably incapable of critical thinking if you think anti-fascism is fascism. In fact, you almost certainly don't even know what fascism is.

liberal corporate fascism everything that goes against thoes interest are smashed and silenced ,so yes

All governance is vary shades of fascism desu

Might makes right antifa truly are the real fascists

Atheism as it generally appears among Americans and Europeans definitely has a religious character. You fuckers are just so far up your own enlightened asses you can't see the parallels.

No, fascism isn't just "being mean and violent"

for fuck sake its an economic ideology, stop referring to a cultural re-adoption of master morality as fascism.

If you are talking about antifa, then I wouldnt really call them fascist as much as they are just typical far left ideologues. They have always been authoritarian, anti-intellectual, paranoid, violent, and belligerent

Fascism is a specific mode of government that too often is used as just basically "thing I dont like"

>economic ideology
no it's not retard, stop talking about things you know nothing bout

parallels != equivalency

>Atheism as it generally appears among Americans and Europeans definitely has a religious character.

How so?

No. The only people who say things like that are "ethnonationalist" fascists and "centrist" libertarians/ancaps. Both groups are using similar methods to deplatform each other but that doesn't mean that the ideaologies are the same.

fucking dumbshit
you're empirically 100% wrong on this, idk if you are coincidentally mislead and still speaking in your habit of smug abrasiveness or are an actual underman who is trying to say claim means evil or authoritarian just because TV tells you to think that.
whats your spastic definition then you fucking serf

Fascism’s violent methodology and street battling, particularly found in Nazism, was a reaction to constant Communist violence. Communists incessantly targeted political opponents’ rival meetings with brawling and assault. Weimar Germany was a mess of political violence, all with their roots in Communists stirring shit up. Monarchists and conservatives got their shit shut down by commies, and then Nazis when the Nazis beat the living shit out of the reds out of the competition.

It’s pretty scary how much Weimar is beginning to reflect in modernity. Communists, like ANTIFA, start violence - especially in America - with no reason to. They first turn up to Conservative Drumpfy rallies, who are moderate normal people. They beat these normal white working class people up. And then you will eventually see actual Fascists show up, in reaction to communist violence, and beat them at their own game.

Tl;dr commies cry victim when they get their shit kicked in.

Watch the r/socialism and leftyredditors swarm this post.


fascism is a brainlet buzzword meaning people that do thing i dont like

Not everyone that uses strongman tactics is a Fascist and the street scuffles we had in america the past couple years are a joke compared to a few decades ago. The news is pretty much gaslighting everyone on both sides.


how accurate is this?

First: what is fascism?

A political group that use force to remove dissidence and impose their views on others.

Try reading the principles of fascism and find out

>fascism is a brainlet buzzword meaning people that do thing i dont like

No thats authoritarians, get it right

Then what is lacking? The racial element?


Fascism doesn't even mean anything anymore lol

>A political group that use force to remove dissidence and impose their views on others.
this definition means literally everyone is a fascist.

ITT: babby's first encounter with the horseshoe theory.

Welcome children, welcome.

Antifascists are the real fascists

Being opposed to gay behavior means you secretly want the dick

I claim to hate cool ranch Doritos but that's only from my shame at snorting a line of the dust every morning

Study it out people

Not him, but Western Atheists have a strong Christian morality and an implicit belief in the inherent value in all human beings. This does not exist.

This, although everyone in antifa is a complete cunt if that's what you're getting at


>Huey "Half Measures" Long

That’s nazism you brainlet

Antifa is Marxist and Marxism is inherently State Capitalist and State Capitalism is inherently Fascist. So yes. Antifa is Fascist.

The communist cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Damn, those trips of truth. Glad to see people are waking up.

Who has Antifa actually killed? Nobody, except for a few ISISfags in Syria with YPG. Meanwhile, racially motivated attacks have surged in America since Trump's presidency.

I don't see why actual fascists (and yes, there are plenty of people who fit that label on Sup Forums) seem to think that minorities and LGBT people should be expected to have polite conversations with literal neo nazis that are rallying support for their genocide.

Literally name one fascist leader that wasn't racist. Franco persecuted the Basque people. Mussolini flip flopped on the issue but eventually sent Italian Jews to die on the Holocaust. Imperial Japan blamed Westerners for their own materialism (which was rising even before the Meiji era) and considered themselves superior to other East Asians.

>persecute people who might start a new civil war having just finished one with violent means
>Mussolini wanted to send jews to their deaths
>japan hasn’t always felt superior

>persecute people
An ethnic group, yes
As I said, he was inconsistent. But doubting yourself sometimes doesn't change that he ultimately bowed to Hitler.
>japan hasn't always felt superior
Which is why fascism was attractive them in the first place. Of course, hubris bit them in the ass anyway. Every arrogant group from Jews, Germans and Brits to Americans experiences this eventually

>Western Atheists have a strong Christian morality
>implicit belief in the inherent value in all human beings
Not exclusive to religions.

Mussolini only did it because of Germanys turbo autism

Honestly I’m surprised Antifa hasn’t killed anyone yet considering they lob rocks and homemade grenades

They're already out of steam. Centre-right has picked up too much momentum in the mainstream, so they won't get the numbers to hide within anymore.

In sentiment, yes.

Also there’s legit fascism.

>Fascism is just violence and beating the crap out of people until they believe your shit
>People unironically believe this
Why don't people just read a history book instead of tabloid journalism

No, because fascists kill foreigners, anti-fascists kill their own

obligatory red skull comic. Just change bankers to youknowwho