kyo wants to fuck gappy
Jojo's bizarre adventure
Other urls found in this thread:
First for best boy
_I_ want to fuck gappy
Tonio mosaic dub when?
Where is it?
(I'm going to assume this is the correct thread, because there are two jojo threads right now)
Don't worry, take your time!
Thanks for your work!
Yeah, I knew it was going to be a difficult chapter, but we can do it.
Claimed: 2.0, 3.4, 5.3, 6.4, 8.0
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And remember, in order to finish this as soon as possible, you can claim as many panels as you want because there are still a lot left.
Post songs that you hope become JoJo EDs.
4.2 claimed. Will do it in a mo'
This getting real frigging old.
Get one of the Steganograph extensions if you want to blogpost here or some shit.
Why is Joseph the most shamed JoJo if he's one's favorite? Not even Giorno gets that much dirt on him.
claiming 6.4
This for Part 8, for sure.
Giorno gets a lot more shit than Joseph.
He does get more shit in general, but comparing when a Giorno fag lists him as his favorite to a Joseph fag, I tend to see more people questioning the latter guy.
Joseph being your favorite is the telltale sign of the animeonly pleb. At least Giornofags read the manga, even if they have poor taste.
>The anime made Joseph a memelord trickster
Who's your favourite? I want to insult you too
Not him but Gappy is my favorite. I just felt like sharing,
You have a good taste user. That fag on the other hand....
I was gonna keep it plain but w/e
Is that from Remina?
I'm just explaining the reasoning. He wasn't nearly as popular before the anime, and for good reason. Part 2 manga is weak and its adaptation is very strong. It's a safe bet to assume that if someone's favorite is Joseph, they haven't read the manga.
Gappy's my favorite too. Too bad.
Post good fanart
Post one (1) thing you would change from each part.
I agree with your reasoning, although I enjoyed Part 2's manga a lot. It somehow made everything better for me, maybe because it was my second time experiencing coming from the anime beforehand. It's weird how much Joseph has stuck with people because of the adaptation though, even more so considering we're 4/8 Parts in.
6.4 done
I liked Kars a lot more in the anime.
Based user, you have outstanding taste.
Well, the Part 3 anime kind of screwed up Jotaro's character a bit by making him scowl all the time when he smiled frequently in the manga, so I'd guess that a lot of people just saw him as an autistic asshole instead of half-Japanese Clint Eastwood. I got nothing for why people didn't warm up to him or Josuke once Part 4 got adapted though.
Even more Dio backstory
More strategy, less asspulls
Less repetitive. How? Don't remember
Show Joseph trying to find Kira
More personality for Giorno
Fix Yo Yo Ma
More interactions with Valentine
Dunno, its not finished yet
His donut curls look weird here.
>part 1
dont kill dogs
>part 2
foreshadow joseph's tricks a little bit to not make them look like complete asspuls
>part 3
put more thought into early fights
>part 4
introduce the villain earlier
>part 5
completely erase this part and refuse to acknowledge it
>part 6
dont rush the ending
>part 7
not much other than some consistency
>part 8
revert speed king's design
>all the indie game references in this one
nice lads
I think that's sort of an issue with Part 3's later style really. He smiled quite a lot pretty much in every arc before Strength. I can assure you though, coming from the hell that is the Latino side of the JoJo fandom, anime-onlies did warm up to Jotaro and absolutely love Josuke.
Diavolo did not deserve this much suffering!
The eye is from Remina, the background is from Graduation Trip.
For some reason that panel really made me think of Graduation Trip but it would look lazy if I just dumped that panel in there. So I added the eyeball from Remina and Vitamin C.
My second favourite Cioccolata art.
The person did loads of really nice painted bits too.
And have a daily reminder you should all follow ChoJi_clove on twitter. We need more JJL artists.
Jesus this is becoming a very vidya mosaic isn't it? This place has nice taste.
>More Dio shenanigans.
>Caesar maybe teaches Joseph some of the tricks.
>Hol Horse joins, Avdol stays dead
>Kira gets in much earlier
>Cioccolata joins the gang and Giorno gets pissed ff with Mista's shit so decides to combine GE and GD to turn Mista into half shark half human.,
>Give Weather another fight, maybe let him deal with Versus directly
>Gives the Mrs Robinson fight to Mountain Tim.
>Nothing that much.
What would Diavolo's sentence normally be?
>No more Tonpetty (seriously why does the legendary hamon master show up for no reason just to do nothing)
>Replace Joseph's asspulls, either making them more believable (replace the grenades with fireworks, for instance) or getting rid of them outright (instead of "HAHA I HID A PLANE UNDER THE WATER", he just finds it at the shore instead)
>Switch some of the fight participants and ordering for better balance (switch the D'arbys; have Jotaro lose to Terence and let Kak win; switch Jotaro and Joseph during Alessi/Mariah, etc)
>Switch the fates of Keicho and Okuyasu
>Give Trish, Narancia, and Fugo another fight or two
>I dunno lol
>Refit earlier chapters where Araki obviously doesn't know how to handle the monthly layout yet
>More action from the other Higashikatas' Stands
Which panel was this?
Since people want to see Bossu in a suit, do you want the anime to make his silhouette actually look like him?
Yeah, but a lot less than that pic
0.K, do your best!
Thanks for your work!
Claimed: 2.0, 3.4, 5.3, 7.4, 7.6, 8.0
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Also, good news. Pages 1, 4, 6 and 9 are finished. We're progressing and I'm proud.
Does anyone know why Silver Chariot says Pami
That's beautiful, thanks Doc!
Claimed: 2.0, 3.4, 5.3, 7.4, 7.6
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5.3, at your service.
>the polka dots on his tie were foreshadowing for his hair
He should be shadowed but with the same muscular build and Doppio's hair or his hair tied into a ponytail.
you clever bastard
>Not liking best part
>revert speed king's design
The only thing I agree with you on. Goggles King just looks so terribad.
I've been trying to pinpoint a theme song for each part, disregarding ones that have been used. So far I got
PB - Holy Diver
BT - ?
SDC - Through the Fire and the Flames
DiU - Starchild by Jamiroquai
VA - Gold by Spandau ballet
SO - Going to Hell by the Pretty Reckless
SBR - Knights of Cydonia by Muse
JJL - ?
Having trouble working out the rest, any ideas?
>the Pretty Reckless
my nig
you should feel bad about yourself.
More tears have left my eyes during this scene than when Okuyasu drank some water
More anger has engulfed my body during your post than when Gappy ROCKED Damo.
I dont get all the hate for the colored versions
post panels where that part's jojo gets BTFO
Claiming that 5.8
The most literal one, and a reminder that Stroheim is best boy.
It's just part 7 elitists, really.
>JoJo, save yourself and train to become the best
>Bye, you annoying fucker
>PB: Give Zeppeli more fights
>BT: Give Lisa Lisa and Caesar more development
>SDC: Make a bunch of the tarot stands team-fights so the first half isn't so long
>DIU: Foreshadow and introduce Kira earlier
>VA: Fix Giorno and the shit ending
>SO: More time post-prison
>SBR: More development for the side-characters
>JoJolion: Give Yasuho a better stand
VA anime announcement when?
Reminder that Beetle Dad is the main antagonist.
August 13
>stroheim's shirt explodes and tears
in the last panel before he blows up it's magically back together
I know Araki has a weak memory but this is just absurd.
And finished.
He's probably done it more than once, like Bruno's growing hair clips
The shirt is obviously made of nanobots
Seriously, how did anyone not think Bruno was a girl at first? Look at that semen demon.
I learned she was a he when others referred to him as "he"
I wanted to believe
>the good first two volumes where giorno had character
I wish we could go back to what could've been. Smug and honest Giorno makes me moist. He probably would've been my favorite.
Well I don't know many girls with tits like that
Could easily just be a flat-chested girl.
I thought he was a gay dude from this pic before I even got into Jojo.
Simply beautiful
with pecs and a penis?
>must crush jostar bloodline
Looks like a normal person's chest.
Don't even know where you're getting the dick from.
You just don't understand how kino later Giorno is.
Gimme your best Mista poses.
Thanks for your work!
Claimed: 2.0, 3.4, 7.4, 7.6
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And now, page 5 is also finished. Only four pages remain.
Don't fall for the meme, there is no layer of understanding beyond a loyal mortal on Giorno's character, there's just a husk. The only remains of the best Giorno is a rare smile or tear.
The Joestars are filthy bourgeois
I still can't get this nose. Is it pointing downwards?