there's still hope guys
we Greeks will help you
there's still hope guys
we Greeks will help you
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i dont know bro
hello ikibey
we will send them back to hell
greeks and shitalians are a good replacement for females who have a middle eastern/rapefugee fetish.
yes, a country that is in bottom 10 of fertility rate is definitely gonna fix a population problem
>lowest number
But that's bullshit.
you need a stable income to raise children
just because blacks and asians breed like animals doesnt mean that Greeks have to do the same
its the prostitute capital of the human race
>economic depression
>low birthrates when some decades ago they were high
meanwhile in scandinavia
>stable economy, good income, no crash
>low birthrates for decades
picrel as well
scandis prefer to fuck strangers over having kids
we can change that
numbers look similar to my old source from 2014
its impressive how fast wealthy nations die
the future is in your hands Swedes
we will wash out the finn genes and make you to full Caucasians again
Great science!
The numbers are self-reported
and in some places are way higher
>tfw i live on a street with 10 houses
>20% of my neighbours are greek
>10% polish
>70% Swedes
we will make Sweden great
Berätta mer om denna Skurt-meme.