Really make you think...
Wow it waa 100% real. How could we have been so blind
why are Americans so sensitive?
Shithole nigger?
>quick burn the constitution!
Disgusting. Holy fuck.
Its this some psyop to make the world think American intelligence agencies are incompetent?
Muricucks have feels.
Who knew?
from youtube comment:
> "he can't even shed a single drop of tear, what kind of crying is that?"
We cannot accept this, guns are the demons that need to go. Child of God, I use that terminology even though I want less God. CNN, you are so great. Now let's fill this minute to further political leverage in our direction.
These CIA agent is willing to plunge a country into a civil war, but when kids are shot he cries like a bitch.
Funny shit.
Crocodile tears
How looks more like a tornado drill thing
he just sad he misses all the CIA fun
Never shared a tear for killed civilians in Iraq and droned villagers in afghanistan I'm sure.
But when it happens to him, whaaaaaaa!
i live in florida and didn't give a shit
he is crying because death toll isn't too high
How can you people make jokes at a time like this?
lol what a cunt
Remember that day when no one in the world died?
His eyes were watery before he even opened his mouth. This is pure theatrics.
>proud shitholer guy
Haha. What a fag. CIA fags are such faggots.
People at my job yesterday were not even talking about this, not a single peep. People are desensitized. You are one of the few.
Because we're not overly-emotional women.
This guy is a fucking joke.
Still banging on about bumpstocks because their false flag in vegas didn't work out.
This fucking guy is unhinged. He should be under some sort of psychiatric evaluation.
If any foreign poster hasn't figured it out already, never trust any of our intelligence agencies. They are literally more powerful than the real government.
Essentially you just listen to what they say and do the opposite. They are put on networks to spread disinfo.
It used to be that the FBI was above that. They have become political in the last 10-15 years as well.
It's kind of sad that things have gotten this bad. We used to only pull our disinfo and destabilize routine on banana republics who wanted to get too socialist.
He suggested that cars kill people too. Lol
Yep. The Jew Rule applies to the US intelligence agencies, perhaps even more than Jews themselves at this point.
They're like Double Jews.
Fuck that traitor
Also, there is no such thing as 'ex-CIA'.
This country is now unquestionable run by insane people. People that demand censorship, support mob violence, try to overthrow the election. And if something they don't like happens, go on TV and start crying to get their way. Unbelievable.
Wtf! Tears? Burn the Constitution now!
Spooks gonna spook
>NSA gets attacked by black vans and shooters amidst searching for/finding incriminating text messages of FBI employees
>conveniently another shooting attack happens the same day and serves as a huge distraction
>FBI kike goes on the news to hype up the distraction
why did he talk about a terrorist who burned his skin? then about his relatives talking about bump stocks then about a child of god?
>CIA, NSA undermine an elected official
>Deep State goons who have no regard for votes know what's best for you
Democrats get a super majority in Congress and own the White House. They pass an amendment restricting the second. They don't get 3/4 of the state governments to allow it. They try again, this time prohibiting pistols. It somehow passes the 3/4th state governments approval threshold.
Pistols banned in the USA. Who will enforce it, will police officers knock on doors of registered gun owners to retrieve guns, how much money will it take to offer buyback for guns, what are the effects of way more guns being sold under the radar with zero ID or registration, how will states like Texas react to a constitutional right being forcibly removed with penalties for not obeying?
Nah, all you need to do is be a glow in the dark Deep State of the US government crying on TV begging for a 2nd civil war by removing one of the original constitutional rights. I wonder how women would like it if there was a rally movement to remove their amendment for voting rights, wow, suddenly it's immoral and evil. KINDA like wanting to the do the same for others with gun rights, who cares if it ain't me philosophy rubberband back at them
yeah... uhh.. i really cant make a connection other than his fucking stupid lizard kike reptile brain thinking that he needed to hype himself into crying to pretend to care, so he actually remembered a traumatic event he actually experienced in order to put himself in that mindset
really makes you think
The Eternal Boomer
Too bad Terry didn't run this faggot over.
He's so incoherent. I can't tell what he's even talking about.
>this crybaby defends your country
he's a literal brainlet sociopath, he doesnt care about this, he just impulsively brought up that irrelevant story about terrorism that he personally experienced because it did sound traumatic to him and he was trying to psych himself into pretending to care about this new tragedy which had nothing to do with
these traitors all actually believe the lies that they clumsily spew, its amazing, its so obvious how full of shit they all are, and yet they actually believe in themselves
Look at nancy pelosi saying how 'Beautiful" it is that her grandson wishes he was a latino
These people are sick, deranged and retarded
Crying like a bitch is not going to bring back anybody from death fags.
Just saw this and had to do a double take bros, they can't keep fucking getting away with it.
Phil is a mess and and pure cringe. This is the same guy that said the deep state needs to kill Trump a few months ago.
Got to “a child of God is dead” and had to turn that shit off. This is what leadership looks like to people doomsday prep soy products: some BOOMER bullshit artist who feels the nation’s pain. Fuck him. Wasn’t he on there crying about immigrants a few weeks ago? Boomers are all starting to look alike to me.
I was noting those down
Thank you sir. I think some of those are new ones.
Who me?
>psyOPs 101
this is what your ww2 medling got you
>never trust any of our intelligence agencies.
This is a Kremlin shill post. The the best and brightest patriots in America are selected for the US intelligence community. They protect Americans even from presidents who worship the Kremlin.
Isn't it a little hypocritical of him when he called for Trump to be assassinated?
What level of MKUltra treatments us this guy on?
So unnatural. I thought he would laugh at 0:46
What a faggot. How on Earth did his 'terrorist with no skins' story tie into 10 nieces/nephews and bump stocks?
An actor. May he get cancer of the anus.
The jew cries out in pain as he attacks you.
Looks fake to me!
When does the killing of the media start? What's the breaking point when real Americans say enough of this anti-American, pro communism propaganda and brainwashing? Are we getting close?
This guy is one of the top 5 worst creatures on this planet
Can you post more sassy cats. Only have the one.
That trick mostly works with women but not even always.
>sickos like him rape babys to death while praying to moloch
When they recently asked Wolf about Yemen and children being bombed, he was gencerned about defense industry profits. You can YT the video. I'm not buying the crying either, I'm sorry but it appears forced.
when do they hang
did you watch the clip? there's the joke my friend
>proud shitholer
>cries about guns
What's next for this glow in the dark nigger?
My money is on
>my wifes son
While that is in The Art of War, are you unironically implying that American Glowniggers are capable of actually creating and implementing any form of strategy?
Of course you care about the sandniggers sven. And he doesnt care about this either. Hes putting on a show
The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September
In September, a YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz left a comment on a video stating, "I'm going to be a professional school shooter." The video's creator alerted both the FBI and YouTube.
fucking CNN knows their audience
Half sociopaths and half people who have given up and find humor in black satire because our reality is a big fucking joke.
I thought that's who that faggot was.
What a puss. Chad dissaproves.
The fbi seems to know about the perp every time there is a shooting or terrorist attack. Yet it still happens. Makes you wonder what the point of the fbi is except to spy on political enemies and to cover shit up
Civil war, and a war with Russia, and a war with Greater Israel
If you look up there ▲
Or down below there▼,
You'll be able to see exactly how they're making the jokes.
>...and the Oscar goes to...
there aren't nearly that many sociopaths in the world
>That trick mostly works with women
Vagina emotions short circuit proper brain function
What's the context of this webm? They are clearly emulating tears but what is the country, time and reaction from the media?
Your naivety is endearing.
Do westernes fake crieing when it suits them? is this common behavior?