Wtf is this?
Red pill me Satanism Sup Forums
Satanism is degeneracy
Satanism is a religion/ cult where practioners do everything that goes against god. So they steal, rape, murder, sacrifice and especially like to do all f that on little kids, since those are the most pute.
*pure not pute
pic related is semitic (in essence) bullshit. but luciferanism derives from the greater arian mythos
Wtf are you babbling about. Are you a Satanist too?
Satanism is pretty much an ateistic "religion" that sees the biblical Satan and his values more rational and beneficial than the stuff God wants to force on everyone. So things like truth vs ignorance as in the apple and snake story.
Then there's the actual Satan worship that is a completely different thing.
You do know that's actually judaism, right? Look up frankism.
It's not, however I agree that many jews seem to be Satanists for some reason. Real jews seem to become rarer by the day!
Oh, sabbateanism, also
I would recomand reading Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlsson
I would recommend reading the bible and leaving the rest alone.
Um, yeah it is. Literally doing everything taboo under the sun and revelling in it in order to bring about their master.
Yeah buddy. That's what most people think of satanists.
Luciferianism, LaVey's satanism, and Blavatsky's illumined teachings are different. They're more akin to not really advocating for any of that, more that you are god and therefore can do what you want and sex brings about certain energy that can't be gotten elsewhere. There's a difference. When most people think of child sacrifice, pedocults, bloodletting, etc., that's all firmly advocated by sabbatean-frankists and to a lesser extent orthodox sects of judaism.
if you want to be a semitic sheep sure go ahead
Satanism is a boogeyman word used by Christcucks to label anyone they don't like.
The people they label 'satanists' don't call themselves this word, because they more than likely don't believe in their religious figures.
Christcucks don't understand that people with different viewpoints to them don't view the world under Christian mythological archetypes as they do.
The few people that do label themselves as 'satanists' are usually edgy atheists, most likely adolescents, that like the idea of scaring christcucks or making them mad.
Your pic seems to be a painting made by a guy with one arm. To create any sort of notoriety for yourself as an artist these day means your work has to be weird in some way. Christcucks don't like weird artwork, thus it goes in the satanism pile.
Why semetic? Give me a good reason to read that. I wouldn't read a book about Satanism either!
Low level Satanists yes, they wanna be edgy. But high level Satanists control our banks, media and education system and do the exact opposite of gods principles. Read:
because the bible is based on semitic teachings revolving around pleasing the demiurge in the hopes of achieving some form of heightened material gratification while luciferanism is based on the arian transcendal urge to evolve and break from the bonds of matter
Bro, the redpill is that you're indoctrinated into believing that satanism is an anti-christian philosophy in and of itself. It's not. It's a Judaic philosophy that believes that once society accepts all immoral acts that their messiah will come. So they spend generations trying to bring about the coming of their messiah by engaging in the most heinous acts and by taking over all means of social influence and getting all of society to engage in the heinous acts, too.
Abortion, self-mutilation, beastiality, immoral sex, child rape, and all forms of degeneracy are now being openly conducted or advocated in western society. Why do you think that is?
You can try to talk it down all you want, but in the end you literally support Satan. Think about that for a second
All things you just mentioned are anti-christian user...
>But high level Satanists control our banks, media and education system
No, those are called Jews. They worship Yahweh and the all mighty dollar.
Many Jews seem to be Satanists too. Wonder why..
Liberalism and Christianity, sitting in a tree!
I can't be the only person who is absolutely disgusted by both. They're essentially the same thing. One flows from the other. Liberalism is just atheistic christianity. Both of these come from the same source, and so does judaism - "God"
The god of judaism, christianity and islam is the same usurper entity, a parasite that feeds on the faith and pain of its adherents. It is a virus, a disease. It is the great culture killer, the great race killer. This entity evolves over time and adapts, but its core nature is always the same. This is why communism and judaism are the same, this is why christianity and islam are the same etc. The only differences are supraficial, because YHWH wants people to fight and die over them. It is a sadist and human suffering both feeds him and gives him sexual pleasure.
Until this demon is rejected we will never recover.
Jesus? Jesus was the result of YHWH raping a 13yo virgin, and he himself was later crucified and abandoned by YHWH. Or rather, YHWH had a massive orgasm while his son was being tortured and crucified.
All of you speak of MKultra, illuminati and child rape as a ritual. Well, there is is. The origin and fate of Jesus is precisely that, it is an example of YHWH's true passion and purpose. He demands sacrifice, and you worship him. He taught you all how to perform MK ultra stuff. It's his invention.
But please, do continue to worship him and quote his meme books. Dumb fucks.
Gtfo Jew! Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour!
What makes them "satanists"?
They don't call themselves that, they don't worship satan.
It really just sounds like a boogeyman label you're giving them for no other reason than as a Christian its associated with the greatest evil in your mind.
The prime example of falling in love with your own intellect, and becoming arrogant.
>break from the bonds of matter
>whe are just souls controlling meat robots!
You people spit this crap as If its the most high level of knowledge, but its just plain dumb.
The soul is immaterial but it needs the sensitive organs to aquire forms into the intellect. We are the border between material and spiritual, like anfibious. It's not Just because all senses converge in the Head that all your being is there. It's just plain dumb.
Read what St Thomas Aquinas have to say about the soul, and also
Should I call them Luciferians instead? Okay. Who is Lucifer?
>what makes them satanists?
Well, you know... they follow satan. As in, they oppose Jesus Christ.
>they don't call themselves that
Yes, of course people that follow the "father of all lies" would tell you the truth about themselves.
Satanism is just another rebranding for jews, like illuminate or free mason. They’re all Jewish tricks trying to divert people’s attention from them.
That being said they might as well be satanist seeing as how many acts against nature and morality they’ve committed over the course of human history
>hur dur political ideologies can exist without humans to act them out
That’s the satanist argument about the soul and the body. They’re both abstract and incapable of existing without the other. Satanist are brainlets
>satanists are brainlets
Literally this.
>You can choose between wordly misery and eternal glory and wordly glory and eternal misery
>hmm eternal misery sounds bad but it cant be THAT bad, right? Specially if the lord of ALL EVIL is my friend, right?
How dumb you need to be?
"Satanists" are pretty much a made up thing created by anglicans as a parody of catholic church. Ever wondered why stereotipical satanists are shady types in dark cloaks chanting something in a dead language while surounded by candles?
The sad truth is that if you end up looking for our enemies they are not going to find some laughably cartoonish cultists.
>we want people to think satanism isnt a real thing
>what if we set a cartoonish version of it so people think it's just people being silly while we work on the background?
Its not complicated. You were supposed to be smarter than that, pole
Both God and Lucifer are just the Demiurge.
There are different tiers of satanism consisting of different groups of people:
>actual satanists
These are the guys most people think of when satanism comes up but most people don't know who they are. It is comprised of rich jews and their lackey's who believe God IS satan. They don't think God and satan are at odds, they think God and satan are the same entity. You'll find these guys practicing law and running for office.
>edgy adults
Anton Lavey and everyone who wants to get laid by some used up whore is in this group. They mostly get together to bitch about the system and insist that satan is a metaphor or whatever shit they came up with in the shower that day.
>edgy kids
You may find them sacrificing a chicken they stole from the quiet kids backyard coop whenever they aren't begging someone to buy them beer and skipping school. Mostly harmless, they'll grow out of it after they realize no spooky demons are going to show up and give them powers.