“One very interesting biological theory for this is related to the concept of sperm competition. Essentially, the theory goes that men get physically aroused when they know that their sperm might have to compete with those of another man, in order to possibly (even theoretically) impregnate a woman. In such circumstances, the men thrust harder and deeper during sex, they ejaculate harder, and their ejaculate contains more sperm.”
Becoming a cuck
Great, what about children?
Will she not continue her genetic line? Fine.
Is it being shortsighted selfish and immature acting on the primitive urges? Nobody cares about her digging her grave so long as she will lay in it, which she won't, no she will change her mind between 30-40 and then give birth to some handicapped birthdefect riddled forever dependent burden child and then she will expect society to bear the burden and for everyone to kiss her ass for her 'heroic sacrifice' to her forever vulnerable mutant spawn.
I have a fwb whose married with kids and is in an open relationship, they do swinging too so it seems like it's not one-sided completely
How many years until she is a single mother and then won't be able to find any man willing to raise someone elses spawn and fund a lusty untrustworthy animal and then she will harbor resent towards men and poison the child's mind with misandry and thereby perpetuate her resentment and her failure to rise above her impulses and being governed by rationale.
>actively participating in degeneracy
Please do a favor and "extend a rope to the ceiling, then cut off [his breath]," [Quran 22:15]
I don't think that will happen seeing as her partner doesn't mind her fucking me and other guys, pretty sure he does the same with other girls, difference is they tell each other before doing it so it's not counted as cheating
fuck off muzzie
Fuck off cuck promoter
You might be aroused by tyrone banging your wife, the rest of us are NOT
Keep your (((theories))) to yourself
This faggot needs the rope.
Even if they have their own views on sex can't you see the trouble that comes with that view as they both get older? Especially with children involved?
The odds of them divorcing are higher this much can be statistically verified.
I just spread a cuckolding theory for the benefit of those wishing to explore further
>her face
Jewish AF! lool
Why he wearing a fake moustache? Seriously zoom in on it.
It's a well known fact that kikesses are the biggest whores around.
In fact, that's the only reason why Jewishness descends from the mother, as kikes could never be sure who was the father.
I'm just happy as long as I can keep plowing her desu
Fucking degenerate.
You just enforce the inner bitch in her while ruining other people lives.
Most of the "open relationships" is bullshit
>ruining lives
>she chooses to do it
>Great, what about children?
>Will she not continue her genetic line? Fine.
>Is it being shortsighted selfish and immature acting on the primitive urges? Nobody cares about her digging her grave so long as she will lay in it, which she won't, no she will change her mind between 30-40 and then give birth to some handicapped birthdefect riddled forever dependent burden child and then she will expect society to bear the burden and for everyone to kiss her ass for her 'heroic sacrifice' to her forever vulnerable mutant spawn.
Go outside faggot.