Look at the authors (((name))), is it not a meme anymore? is Sup Forums actually right? its getting hard to not completely believe it. Post (((related)))
Look at the authors (((name))), is it not a meme anymore? is Sup Forums actually right...
Try again friendo
How cucked do you have to be in order to even make gun control a race issue?
>no link provided
Why do liberals call us white, and then turn around and say race doesn't exist?
No ur a Russian agent...
Sup Forums is right but that image is fake. the original didnt have naything to do with white people and the guys last name wasnt a jewish one
Ur Russian...
#takeBlackPeoplesGuns or more accuratly #NoGunsforApes
Russian troll paid money to say this.
I actually almost fell for it
Better luck next time four-chan
Yeah they're desperate.
hold on just a cotton picking minute there, lets look at the real stats by race per capita before we decide something like that.
Article is fake news. Literally. Screenshot is fake, article doesnt exist
Pic unrelated
Look at the spam OP. It's fucking obviously a false flag and a grab for guns.
I love happenings. They bring so many newfriends to the board
>uses wikipedia
>not even relevant to OPs subject matter
Oh it's the russians we must be worried about is it Clinton? Not people trying to prevent armed rebellion?
Calls for gun control will be met with mandatory minimum sentences for gun crime resulting in niggers and spics getting absolutely fucked in prison for life.
When was the last time Sup Forums was right?
I dare you to try
Every fucking time. HOW????
its fake
there is a war going on Burger. It started long before any person you ever knew was born, and you probably never even knew you were just some goyim trooper trying to make a living in the occupied burgerland
Libtards NEVER regard the unintended consequences of their virtue signaling. It IS a mental disorder. If they were intelligent enough to think rationally they would not BE libtards.
>calling for white people's guns to be taken away
Why even encourage people to look at racial statistics? Even if you're a lefty the amount of mental loops you'd have to do to even argue taking guns from white people is insane. Actually pushing this might redpill some liberals and will further polarize anyone who's ok with guns.
We need fewer white men with guns and more armed blacks. Anything else will inevitably leave the minorities vulnerable to stormfucker lynch mobs.