pic related the shooter's voter registration.
Other urls found in this thread:
The shooter was Sam Hyde. He got away again...
fuck off JIDF
>no link
19 is a bit old for a school shooter fake harder next time.
Hey you spastic trump nut huger, how about you spell his name correctly. It's Nikolas. LMAO, Sup Forums BTFO yet again.
wrong guy, The shooter was a Trump supporter whose name was spelled Nikolas.
How stupid are you dumb northerners? Miami and broward are full of Hispanics and nothing like this has happened here
"Muh spics" kys retard
>not a spic
Literally La creatura
Democrats shouldn't be allowed to own guns.
Is there data on gun homicide by party association?
hello hershel
god damn that mutt is fugly
God bless his soul. I wish he killed more Americans.
that's not even him
he has alah Akbar in his pictures
why don't people fucking think that's relevant
Too bad your shithole country couldn't take down Americans because your people are worthless pussies
Yes it is faggot
the thread on wheelchan that this was posted is full of fucking CP avoid it unless you wanna be on a list
Can someone actually find his birthday and put in Nikolas Cruz instead of Nicolas?
The Florida registry doesn't work for me.
ex student. You can be held back or have a shit birthday to be 19 in high school
t. someone who dropped out of high school when they were 20
has a maga cap on, but that's not relevant, right?
he was a graduate you fuckin stupid canadian fucking faggot
i bet you fucking mindlessly shill anti gun shit too
>not know he's a spic
get with it seth efrica
damage control much.
Embrace it anti american international jew, it is /yourguy/, he killed whites. Don't you want all whites gone? At least the alt right stands with those who do the dirty work, the alt left can't even trust their own
unless he wants to deport himself, no
Don't Canadians graduate at 19?
>Voter Registration
>Party Affiliation
What the fuck is this burgers? Do you have to register online and state what you're voting for before you're allowed to vote?
You seem to know a lot for an actual fucking retard. Couldnt graduate in 6 years? From public school? Youre part of the problem
>leaf IQ
Student: There 'Had To Be Two Shooters' Because I Talked With Suspect Shortly After Shots Were Fired
Hispanic? More likely Jewish
You need to register to vote, yes.
However party affiliation is used explicitly to vote in Primary elections (picking candidates to run in election).
Knew it.
Has anyone called the shooter's phone?
>not a white male
Nothing to see here folks.
Where can i find this wheelchan, asking for a completely unidentifiable stranger
Your pronoun is they?
I stayed for as long as I could due to just staving off adulthood although me and my entire household ended up homeless a few months before graduation. My parents were poor so college was never in the cards. I am glad I never had a dream in life as it would have been more of a downer of getting fucked over.
Here I am a few years to 40 and I still havent bothered with the GED. It's difficulty was increased recently and I haven't been in a classroom since the 90s so there's no way I could pass it.
can i get a quick rundown?
you declare in most states so you can vote in the primary within your party. so each party should be selecting their own candidate, this is the root of the russia thing here. the DNC favored hillary clinton and effectively defrauded the entire democratic party that did not want her. but anyway, you could then cache the statistical data of who's technically slated for the parties, but you dont have to vote that way, especially in the general elections. hope that helps.
English allows for ambiguous genders you stupid fucker
You appear to have a device with an internet connection. Literally all the learning materials you need are free. You only have yourself to blame.
Spelled his name wrong buddy
Reading comprehension
Another White DEMOCRATIC School Shooter, who last time is NOT WHITE, again proving how Democracy works.
yea but nature doesn't, its either XX or XY and there aren't other options. well there are but those are literal retards and they shouldn't be allowed to breed, let alone allowed to influence anyone else.
Because he was attacking muslims in the same picture he uploaded? pic related
We don't know what hat he's talking about here. In his profile he gives thanks to another poster for an Army hat. On top of that Syed isn't even responding to him, Nikolas was probably gay and trying to get his attention., not uncommon with Far-Right types.
other insta says niKolas as well
Using third-person pronouns to be gender neutral was a recent jerry-rigging of the English language.
>not huwhite
thats racist senpai
everyone tells me this. I don't have a whole lot of time left to fully immerse myself in something with a questionable payoff.
Goddamn are you people dumb. Literally no one was talking about trans people, I was just saying that English allows grammatically for gender ambiguity.
It's your choice how you spend your free time. Otherwise any job skills you've learned and connections you've made over the past 15-20 years should be worth more than a GED by now.
But it's true Kurwa, he may look white but last name is latin or Hispanic.
>The singular they had emerged by the 14th century. Though it is commonly employed in everyday English, it has been the target of criticism since the late 19th century. Its use in formal English has increased with the trend toward gender-inclusive language.
going to Sup Forums was a mistake
no job skills, unless you count Burger King and Walmart.
Well I hope you're not taking welfare then. If you are then get off Sup Forums and study to get a trade or something, or kys.
Can't receive welfare. Makes you lazy.
$20/hr isn't enough for being out in subfreezing temperatures for 12 hours a day.
How long until this changes to "White"?
Then stop your bitching. Trades make admit $30/hr too.
Already has.
not starting. I've looked.
Hey you already said you aren't a welfare leech, so you don't have to prove anything. Stop bitching and enjoy whatever life you got yourself stuck in.
I try. Another soul crushing night at work has led to a full morning of drinking and shitposting.
I think if you were born september-december you'll graduate at 19 and if you were born january-june you'll graduate at 18. assuming you're not held back.
i think he did that intentionally why would a trump supporter be best friends with a muslim, let alone take advice from him on a school shooting. That's like dylan klebolds partner being a nigger.
clearly anti-gun control commie trying to prove a point.
Do we know if it's Nikolas or Nicolas???/
The media is split 50/50 on the spelling.
Is there an official spelling yet?
Can every murrican I've seen on here calling him white now admit they're mutts themselves?
El Goblino...
rare cumdumpster
manlet confirmed
It's Nikolas Jacob Cruz, NOT Nicolas De Jesus Cruz, who is a different person (the registered Democrat)
>registered as Florida Democratic Party
really got my photons flurring
He's a nazi
>Can every murrican I've seen on here calling him white now admit they're mutts themselves?
Every american calling him white is either a leftist who believes race is a social construct or a nonwhite themselves
That guy is a babyfaced shitskin mutt
Second ever republican mass shooter, holy shit this one's huge.
How sad is it that gun nuts need to fabricate shit like this to make them feel better about getting children killed.
I wonder why so many of these violent shooters are democrat voters who live in really liberal large cities. I would wager that the shooter was on anti-depressants.
>covering face
smells more like the hood
So a last name determines ones race? Is a black Jamaican white because his name is Johnson?