>mfw Sup Forums tells me how the West will come to my aid when the blacks try to genocide the whites but I know the West won't even know it's happening thanks to the (((media)))
Mfw Sup Forums tells me how the West will come to my aid when the blacks try to genocide the whites but I know the West...
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Come to your aid? Don't count on it brother. I'm not even sure we'd come to our own
You need a gun lad. A big one. Rifles, scopes, ammo, food and water. Vehicle, parts and medical equipment. Dont expect help and if anything does come its a bonus.
Where can I go to get a good understanding of your situation?
haven't yet
Who told you that? Did the West save Rhodesia?
Never depend on the state, unfortunately our governments will betray you again.
No, the CURRENT events
>hoping for foreign aid
>not already having an exit plan
bra wat maak jy?
So, is there gonna be a race war, or will the whites simply all emigrate?
Stuff like this, Zuma's gone but the jury is still out as to whether Cyril will be any different
>tl/dr white owned land gets taken away forcefully without compensation and given to "previously disadvantaged blacks"
>tell my dad about shit going on in south africa
>30 seconds later comes at me with some shit about "i READ AN ARTICLE AND IT TURNS OUT ITS ALL RACIST LIES"
serious question, what's stopping whites in SA from just packing their shit and leaving the country as refugees? I know every white country has it's problems but not on the level of SA. is it money? Or just not wanting to leave? surely there aren't that many blue pilled whites there that thunk the nigs aren't going to pull another Haiti?
In this country I'm known as an Englishman.
My grandparents on my dad's side were both born and raised in the UK, I can't even speak Afrikaans that well
If you try and get into America (or any Western country) with white skin and a sob story they'll laugh you out the door, so basically you need to be really rich to get out of here and into somewhere better
>Sup Forums keeps whining about South Africa and the persecution of dindu nuffin white farmers
>finally look up the stats myself
>realize they have been lying and farm attacks have been dropping steadily since the late 90's
Seriously I thought it was full on civil war over there but it's literally like 50 people killed. We have more people killed in one mass shooting than they have farmers killed all year and we don't bat an eye.
Why are south africans such pussies?
Google frontloads search results about white ethnic interests with articles about how "it's just racist lies, goyim". Consider also the comically overwrought name of the Wikipedia article "white genocide conspiracy theory"
that's how the genocide works. South African whites used to react the same way. Reminder that they literally voted in people who said multiple times they'll eventually genocide all the whites, and they did it because the media told them too.
It doesn't matter that we have videos of nearly every politician there literally saying 'soon we will slaughter all 4 million whites'. White people are lazy, they won't do any research. They'll google it, CNN will tell them it's all fake, and they'll actually believe it with zero evidence.
Your father will eventually get your family killed, stay the fuck away from him, he's a comfortable idiot
>50 murders a day in SA
>I'm supposed to care about 50 murders per year cause "muh farmers"
no. talk to me when you're at 80's/90's levels of murders, otherwise you're being a dramatic crybaby.
Watch out for people like this too they're absolute fucking retards and have no idea how communists play their games. This poster is literally using ANC statistics to prove that this is all just 'propaganda'
He's probably not even a shill, just a literal retard who only did 2 seconds of research.
That's still more than one a day.
Part of the issue is the denial
Remember, this is happening because of you. You idiots did this
Somehow, somewhere in your fucking life, you actually have decided to trust ANC statistics after all that has been happening to you. Absolutely fucking mindblowing.
>everything I don't like is fake news
>anyone that goes against my narrative is paid
thanks for the non argument and reaffirming what I've said was true I guess. Take a (You), you earned it.
>50 a year
>more than one a day
amerishart edumucation
Actually we never vote for those ones, but when you make up like 5% of the population, your vote doesn't really matter
Please Google our demographics and realise whites have no real say in any matter since 1994 you fucking retard
Grow a fucking pair OP
>trust (((these))) statistics, goyim
>pick a city
>move all the whites there
>just toss the ghouls out by force
>build wall
>hodl that shit like the Alamo and let the niggers starve at the walls
stay btfo nigger
Since the West is also getting blacked, and the saffer excuse for emigration is to get away from black people, I suggest they go to Russia or Eastern Europe. No nignogs there at all. Or are they like the rapefugees storming Europe, that only want to go to the countries with generous gibsmedats?
that doesn't sound to bad actually
I'd almost homestead Siberia to get out of western Washington at this point
get a gun, get a couple knives, and get a camera with spare batteries. Get a dirt bike for quick escapes and easy infiltration.
stay safe user!
>It doesn't matter that we have videos of nearly every politician there literally saying 'soon we will slaughter all 4 million whites'.
I've found that many white normies will accept or at least ignore even the most vile atrocities against other people, as long as they themselves aren't effected. If you tell them about Rotherham for example they don't care. We've had cases here where refugee "kids" rape their host parents real kids, and the mother will defend the shitskin. We've had feminist hordes who threatened and harassed a 14 year old girl when she reported a shitskin to the police after he sexually assaulted her. If our politicians said that it's ok for muslims to kill us, then most people wouldn't give a shit as long as they themselves don't get killed. I feel that white normies on average seem to completely lack empathy. They don't actually care about shitskin either, they just pretend to because that's what give you likes on Facebook at the moment. How did it come to this?
Stay safe friend, be stoic. It can't go on much longer.
the places that boycotted you out of existence are going to help you now ?
>wtf Sup Forums
also dis
outnumbered and beset with traitors
you niggers cannot be serious
i'm obviously talking about the white vote ending Apartheid
i don't know if any of this will help but here.
“Improvised munitions handbook” cdn.discordapp.com
“Us army guide to unconventional warfare.” cdn.discordapp.com
“Close combat”. cdn.discordapp.com
“Booby traps” cdn.discordapp.com
“Anarchist cookbook” mega.nz
yes I know discord app
Sup Forums,
It is nice to be see you again. I love what you have done to the place.
See, this shit pisses me off, you've done no research and yet you think everyone else is stupid.
We ended apartheid because of rioting blacks and international embargos including ones from AMERICA
We weren't even allowed at the Olympics, but no, you wanna be the edgy kid who thinks we just suddenly got compassionate
Keep telling me how I don't know the facts tho
Now that you mention it, I do remember that Sup Forums expected a mass rising of Bongs against the mudshit menace when the Rotherham scandal broke out. But all we got was some lousy, faggy protests, which were quickly outlawed by the authorities, and it was soon forgotten by the media. And that was it.
You think I don't know this?
Do you not remember EBOK? All of that? Or are you just a dumb young kid who wasn't around during the time ((they)) convinced you to end Apartheid.
Next you're going to start fucking telling me de Klerk was forced to do what he did, and wasn't in on it. You know nothing, and your knowledge is why you're in the position you are in.
Go look up more on this guy.
It's still fake news regardless of how butthurt you get and post about it.
>not trusting the ANC makes you just a mad butthurt retard
I hope he's right and the white race survives.
I’m going to start a petition for Afrikaners to be relocated to Scotland.
Exactly. Normies didn't give a shit, and the few people who protest are quickly hunted down by the cops. I will probably sound like a psychopath now, but I'm not completely sure any more that most people have a soul/awareness. The complete indifference, that blank stare I get when I mention Rotherham and similar things... I simply can't believe that these are real people with real feelings. They're NPCs.
Yeah, you know how I feel about blacks, you know how my family and friends feel about blacks, cause you can give me a list of traitors that let's you know how we think
You are what's wrong with you country, you half breed mutt
>crippling our economy with sanctions and embargos is "convincing us"
Imagine being this cucked
I dont know anything about this shit but even I know that the anarchist cookbook is trash.
The attacks aren't much lower. The farmers just seem to be better prepared now than they were short after '94.
Alt Media's been getting the word out at least.
>step 1 get a plane ticket
>step 2 never come back
>step 3 wait for the civil war to apply for asylum.
Millions of africans are doing step 1 and 2.
Thanks for jerking off for the cause! In all seriousness however they never go anywhere if you really want to get involved start getting in the SAG discords.
Lol you are fucking delusional, blacks will never genocide whites because white psychos with guns are doing the job for them.
You never asked yourself why mass shootings are mostly done by whites and their victims are mostly white?
How are the AWB doing?
I know they grew to over 20,000 members by 2014 since dropping to their historical low of
Fuck off kike. They're not done mostly by Whites.
NZ is the perfect country for saffers to come to. Unfortunately the leftist traitors in our government have a grudge against you.
All in due course.
Discord regarding SA if anyone is interested.
create your own shit niggers, whites create, thats why we are gods....new oc from white jesus, plz no bully 1488 make manlets gr8!
>blacked by their own propaganda
That's got to hurt.
Get out now
The mainstream media is corrupt. """""Jews""""" want white people to get extinct so they'll be the only ones intellectually capable of manipulating the world