do it for the #1 goy in the world.
Dump all your USA Sup Forums memes here
>my wh*Te ass is on fireeeeeeeeeeeeee
>"whiter than you, muhamed" -Ameritard
oink oink!
no one likes muzzies except for america. your allies in ruining the world.
wow. You didn't have a Kingdom until ur run in with Alexander the great. White Europeans brought us Modern world and scientific method. #micdrop
>become president
>the FIRST ever trip to another country as president:
>Go to Saudi Arabia
>Bow for their filthy king
>Dance with their filthy faggets
>Kiss their ass
JUST cuck my shit up fampai
oh so you help jihadis because they are inbreds like you?
by very definition, slaves are never equal to their masters
Bow goy! Bow for the previously jewish but now wahabi king!
He’s not Obama, bub.
>can't handle the bantz
sounds American to me
Ain't your country being overrun with arabs?
yet he bowed, and danced to the saudi tune (literally)
no, it's just what americans tell themselves to make them feel better about their nigger country
>make and support all jihadis
>act like you don't like jihadis
stundere as fuck lmao
>alexander the manlet
t. my wh*Te ass is on fireeeeeeeeeeeee
wan't alexander after boipucci?
kek he was
>Although it was considered normal for men to have sexual relationship with each other, men from a privileged backgrounds were expected to marry and produce an heir. Who they brought to their beds for fun wasn't an issue. Even Alexander’s father, Philip, had a male lover named Pausanius.
> Alexander’s boyhood friend, Hephaestion, was his closest friend and most likely also his lover. Their tutor, Aristotle, described their intense closeness as “one soul abiding in two bodies.”
> Alexander had another male lover, a eunuch named Bagoas. Bagoas was given to Alexander by a Persian nobleman to be used as “boy toy.”
embarrassing has 2 r's
That was a curtsy
>A curtsey is a traditional gesture of greeting, in which a girl or woman bends her knees while bowing her head. It is the female equivalent of male bowing in Western cultures.
Oy vey
T o o t h p a s t e
if you used toothpaste, you wouldn't have to be poisoned by fluoride via your water supply and you would still have some functioning brain cells.
Isn't black pete a chimney sweeper and not a black person?
I barfed in my mouth after reading that. Thanks user.
pic related
>these are the people who claim your not white on the internet
So how is a dutch guy covered in soot a racist thing?
Picture is spot on, brit and dutch people look like cucks, while the american EPITOME of masculinity doesnt take shit about his country
>the virgin cuck "banter" vs chad patriotism
it isn't but american media wants to spread their BLM cancer everywhere so they try to make it about race. but this has been going on for years and no one here gives a shit.
they wear spanish clothing, they're supposed to be spanish men, and Sinterklaas is supposed to take gifts from Turkey (Byzantine) to The Netherlands.
"Santa" is a Coca Cola rip-off of Sinterklaas
Sinterklaas = Saint Nicolas or something
>native brit
nice try ahmed
>while the american
see pure american here:
oh shit, when did Sup Forums add aquafresh as a memeflag?
>being a grammar fag in 2018
nice meme flag btw
>talking about meme flags
Ya....A norwegian guy explained that santa wears white and red because it represents the amanita muscaria mushroom...a mushroom that the norwegians used to used to get stoned and hallucinate.
The mushroom gives you the impression of things being larger and smaller..that is why the legend exists that santa could fit in a chimney...the reindeer is because you have to drink the piss of reindeer after they have eaten the mushroom...this mushroom grows under pine tree (christmas tree)
Santa has red cheeks and laughs like a maniac because the mushroom give you a flushed face and makes people life like maniacs.
Supposedly his bag is filled with magic mushrooms...
The same colored mushroom is the one you use in super mario to make you get bigger
this is true everyday in this shithole country
t. french living in the US
*laugh not life
how are they supposed to be spanish? Do you think in spain were niggers at that time, or even worse, noble niggers?
nah, it's just a Sinterklaas rip-off.
This graph is bullshit.
are you retarded? it's supposed to be a white guy with black sooth on his face from chimneys
>legally marries a 13 year old
how so?
20 of fifty of the posts here are by the same id. Sage
And how am I supossed to know that? you stupid fuck. We do that in christmas with baltasar king
he did create the thread tbf
>General age of marriage (without parental or court approval or other exceptions taken into account) 18 19 21
Nice try, but have fun with your underage sexslaves that are raped into submission, while you have nothing to defend yourself, not even butterknives and remember: Get a life, bin that knife!
I agree that coca cola stole that shit.
What I was saying is that the original red/white on santa supposedly comes from a Norweigan pagan thing, scandanavian stories, etc.
The christians incorporated this legend to get the nordic people to convert.
Sorta like the way the Catholic church let's Brazilians (and caribeans) have Carnaval (festival of the flesh)...they needed to allow 3 days of debauchery for us to get on board with Christianity
Is that Mark Rippetoe?!
>.they needed to allow 3 days of debauchery for us to get on board with Christianity
yeah, because the rest of the year you're all acting like true Christians, right?
>And how am I supossed to know that?
I said it in a couple of post above yours.
The memes are merging with reality, british men soon to be mudshit sexslaves while letting their country fall into the hands of a pedophiliac sexslave ring
>Nice try, but have fun with your underage sexslaves
>implying the US isnt the number one target for sex traffickers
>What I was saying is that the original red/white on santa supposedly comes from a Norweigan pagan thing,
again, it wasn't. Sinterklaar wears red. that is why fagget Santa cuck wears red.
What a good doggo.
hahaha lmao
betsy ross made our flag by literally cutting up yours with scissors
It's true, my fault then, good sir
>a whole village of native civilians got raped and we didnt do nothing
>comparable with wetbacks and niggers that prostitute their own kind
Depends on the people.
I would say that 70% of favela dwellers are very catholic. 30% are thugs and thieves and are usually young men with too much time on their hands...gang life, listen to rap, want to be 50 cent
Most Brazilians are not very aggressive
>56% is not a race!
Burguers are the most cancerous nation, they destroyed european diversity, and now all europeans listen the same shitty music, wear expensive and burguer clothes and we watch mostly jewhood movies. I wish they just disappear
Thugs and thieves are very Catholic. Doing any African religion on a favela will get you shot, probably the same for islam
try again
try harder
>in all fields
>>comparable with wetbacks and niggers that prostitute their own kind
how niave you are my beige child
>burguers are the most cancerious nation
>meanwhile our nations youth is fleeing this country and is spreading throughout europe like a locust to leech the other countries education and to work everywhere but in our nation
>blames media for his own countries failure
Nice try, but look at Barcelona for example, rampant drug addicts and whores everywhere, Spain is a shithole desu senpai
Just because they wear a gold crucifix and have a jesus tattoo does not make them catholic.
Their lifestyle is not very Christian.
I do a lot of charity work in favelas..most of the thugs can read or write, being the leader of a gang makes them feel less like the shit they are.
Thugs in the favela are like babies...I teach them to read and write, teach them a trade and when they realize they have a skill, they suddenly lose interest in shooting people in the face for a cell phone or their purse.
The craziest little bastard I met had a skill for carpentry. Set him up for classes with a carpenter, turned his life around. now he has a shop and hires little hooligans, trains them to give up the gang life.
can't read of write*
I hope you mean a beige that is not as brown as your rotten mouth
truest post on Sup Forums
Yes it is, and sure it has nothing to do with burguer CIA murdering our president on the transition to democracy (Carrero Blanco), to fuckin subvert our nation to an eurocuck province.
For how much you hate Americans, Netherlands remains the country with the largest hard on from American "culture" I've seen a in Europe.
Especially Amsterdam, I guess that's all the expats, but you can't even take a picture of Iamsterdam by Rijksmuseum without the "American hotdogs" food truck with a huge American flag that's parked ALWAYS by the sign
>american banter
>meanwhile they have work hours that every hardworking man would laugh at