Why is Russia, a country rich in natural resources so poor? It literally has a gdp lower than Brazil.
Why is Russia, a country rich in natural resources so poor? It literally has a gdp lower than Brazil
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Communism rotted its economy to the point where 90% of its industry was oil. Russia will take a generation or two of actual market economics and low corruption to catch up to europe. It's totally possible. Just two generations ago in Australia a lot of people didn't have hot water and had dirt floors in their homes
Ask Putin and other ex KGB stooges running the country why only they and oligarchs can live good lives while their population, being brainwashed by "the world is your enemy and we're always right" and alcohol can barely live to see another day
Slavs are niggers
Booze and corruption.
Russia is still recovering from the Commie infestation.
And Russia doesn't use debt to stimulate the economy, growing it slowly.
two generations ago there wasn't electricity in about 2 thirds of the world. Your point?
It's a literal criminal mafia state, 8 of the 9 oligarchs in Russia are Jewish, it's literally more kiked than the united States, if Putin gave half a shit he'd lock them all up and seize their assets but he's content being a shabos goy
>muh gommunism
One part of the problem of all us post-commie states is we cannot fucking take responsibility. If communism was the problem why is life shittier in many respects nearly 3 fucking decades later? Thats a whole fucking generation change.
Anyway, a main reason Russia is so fucked is because its too big and diverse, which makes ruling it an absolute bitch. The only viable way is a dictatorship and even then you’re fighting oligarchs and interests from buttfuck nowhere. How the fuck do you administer the eastern end when you literally need to travel for weeks to even see it and those people have nothing in common with you? In addition, its the russian people themselves. They are divisive as shit, often need to be hostile to one another for the slightest reason. Sure, no nation is as tight when it comes to actually defending the motherland and all, but the everyday life is what matters in this case.
Communism kinda messed this up as well, BUT the biggest problem is society refuses to let this shit go. It happens here too. When the state took care of everything it was fine to have a mentality to just care about yourself and your family. The state was everything else so why care? But in “democracy” you NEED to care about the state since you have a bigger stake in it and if you dont its far easier to abuse than in communism.
Think of the analogy of a flock of sheep.
During communism you worked for someone with a flock of sheep and milked them. He made sure you and a bunch of other workers had a place to sleep, food, enough to survive. He could dick you around, but he still needs his sheep and will at least make sure you still care for them.
When democracy comes the flock of sheep goes to you and the rest of the workers. Now its a huge fucking flock and you need someone to manage it - someone with facilities, knowledge, able to sell their produce. So you come together and let the former owner manage the sheep. But they’re no longer his sheep. So he will gladly sell them at a low price and take a higher bribe, let them die off to save costs to save more money for himself. Why should he care? Its up to you to care.
But we still havent fucking learned we have to. We still think he is obliged to care. Its why its so easy to steal here.
>he can just lock them up
You really dont understand how that country works, do you
because Russians are unstable people
>dirt floors
Six generations maybe
90 years of Jews stealing every resource from your nation will do that to you.
We have bots and hackers.
If somebody wants to know why bolshevik revolution happened, then I urge you to read some of the works of those people, they're relatively short
Forgot to add , give it 30 more years , the children of the children born to the last generation of USSR citizens, will bring Russia up into top 4. It's a nation that currently is still trying to update into the modern world.
Former ussr nations, (Eastern Europe) mostly had gigantic investments by USA and Europe to build up quickly as cheap educated labor hubs.
I mean in Russia they are just starting to understand and learn the concept of "credit", it will take a generation. Especially with no concept of credit there are no big transactions going on unless you're already part of the oligarchy and dealing with foreign banks willing to finance your business/real estate needs. For most regular citizens this concept of credit is foreign.
And, if I were you and you had extra money to invest. I would most definitely purchase property in Russia's two biggest cities while they're still dirt cheap because one day they will be expensive (Barring some major war). And the laws do allow for foreign ownership of land. In fact you may even want to get an investment passport ($350k) I think, it will literally give you access to every country in the word combined with a US passport.
But the TL DR version. The children born to millennials , are the ones who will see the problems. Their version of Gen Z will be the ones to fix the problems in their early adult lives (2030-2050) and then Russia will be in top 4 economies of the world.
read some history, see what they have been through, 100 years of atrocity - that doesnt just go away
wow burger, you kind of suprised me there.
Now you couldn't possibliy reason like that and be american.
What shit hole do you come from ? (Moldova here)
can you trust you will actually own the property though? Property rights and rule of law have not really been established. Corruption is endemic, and once established, corruption is almost impossible to get rid of, it is a cancer. Why else are oligarchs exporting one trillion plus since Putin is in power, to be laundered in the West through Trump types, so that Putin cannot just take it away on a whim?
It's a huge country.
Because vatshits are fucking retarded and love taking it the ass from Kremlin kikes
Hahaha Russia will collapse and fragment long before then.
Tsar Putinism
Wow you should actually know more about that since the EU and the US imposed sanctions on Russia after they invaded Crimea....
Putler is worth 2.5 trillion, he has robbed Russians blind along with his thugs
I feel sorry for Russians, but they need to grow a pair and overthrow Putler.
you've been naughty boys attacking our infrastructure.
Are you ready for the big one, Sergi?
We have zero problems with Russians, I expect most of you are decent enough, but do you really enjoy your existence right now?
Its Putin we are after and his group of thugs, we are at war with you now because there is no way back under Putin. And we think we will be doing you a favor, Russians deserve better and soon we will bring you the oppertunity, just be ready to take it.
You have to be watching, be ready.
He's the least evil at the moment. If we could hire Cameron or Obama I'd choose either of them.
But now an overthrown tsar will result in chaos and even more unlawful and cruel behaviour towards the mere mortals.
How much do you think, does the Russian bleak outlook on life such as yours effect the state of society staying the same?
My life is OK, I'm a code monkey I can remotely for and from any place in the world or I can get a work visa.
because its mafia state, and people are fucking losers
In Australia and every former soviet country (except maybe Ukraine) people in politics wanted to change it, in Russia oligarchy who runs things don't give a fuck about people
Yeah, just like you did during your stooge Yeltsin? NATO-kikes being NATO-kikes again. Hijacking countries is what you do best. And besides, your average western soygoy dislikes russkies because they refuse to be cucked by anglos like the rest of the west and learn english.
>if our corrupt autocrats are overthrown only worse people will take their place and chaos would ensue
>but life is pretty ok I guess
Oh you Russians...
That's literally (literally) not the problem. It's corrupt as shit in Russia and former soviet bloc states. The 90s was a gangbang of misery and exploitation of a defeated population. SOME kind of stability has formed since then, but the oligarchs own Russia. Stagnation of the USSR (which was still at least increasing its output, and really didn't have to collapse in the way it did) and its facade of a status quo was replaced with a falling veil revealing unrestrained mayhem and disregard for Russia's future. The collapse basically unleashed wolves that tore it apart like there was no future.
They don't have enough social cohesion to form a non-corrupt society.
That's what actually matters.
What ways does russia have to get rid of oligarchs? Revolutiuon? It is not cuckraine with weak police. Russian military will just shoot protesters. Vote? Putin will have 146% as usual. To make Komi-Permyak People Republic and be like Chechnya? Noone wants to die.
Because they ain't all brainless fucking consumers like us here in the West. Have this funny idea that life is about more than just your bank account or the useless shite you own
Slavs are a lazy and barbaric people
Russia is also the only white country to ever have been colonized by non-whites for a long period of time. Why do you even have to ask, European ethnicities are not equal and equally capable
Russian black market is the biggest in the world.
>communism destroyed their economy
As much as I hate communism, you can't destroy what wasn't there to begin with.
fuck off fatass
If you all bought guns from the black market you could start something. Dont even bother trying to tell me russia doesnt have black markets.
Because of western cultural, and economic agression
All networks are controlled by FSB(ex-KGB). Even TOR wont help. There should have been Maltsev's revolution in November 2017, but FSB got him and other revolutuiners first
I bet its communism, despite the glorious market economy that has been roaming free in the Russia for last 3 decades.
Why is Libya so shit? A country rich in natural resources and WATER on an otherwise arid continent. Fucking primitive niggers...
When the soviet union fell, a bunch of communist high officers basically divided the mines between themselves.
Almost as if Russia has been constantly attacked and embargoed and sanctioned for the last 100 years...
Slavs who have been repeatedly invaded and raped by Mongol hordes over 400 years unwittingly acquire certain characteristics of their invaders.
Not all Slavs are the same. Case in point: smaller Slavic countries like Poland, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Slovenia (where you president's former used-to-be-tropy wife comes from)
>"They hate our freedom"
Do you see a pattern?
Also noone wants to make situation better. People just want to immigrate to Europe and USA. And be like rapefugees
Gadaffi was the only thing standing between a horde of niggers and europe. The kikes killed him so they could flood europe with arabs.
Rothchilds bankroll China.
Do you see? Do you see mother fucker, do you see?
Perfect unregulated capitalism, you dumb fucks
>it don't work
>Because of western cultural, and economic agression
>Do you see?
Yeah, communism built their economy. What happened to Russia is largely a unique cultural/historical event. It's funny the guy above said something about Russians not being consumers, having more to live for. If anything, that was the revolutionary generation and their children. Maybe not so much the collapse generation.
Imagine what the USSR was for those people. Russia was a shithole with an increasingly reviled monarch that was bumbling into several failed wars while the population was in misery. The peasants even believed in his right to rule, and he massacared them multiple times in huge missteps. The revolution was like the French Revolution in tone, suddenly many Russians felt a political, existential significance for their destiny. During 1917 even the rural areas were spontaneously creating local soviets far removed from the influence of the St. Petersburg Soviet, and they'd send their own delegates there to seek guidance willingly. The decades long struggle that followed to be significant, modern, the future of the world was the identity of Russia. When the collapse happened, it was like an existential crises.
It's a goofy anecdote, but think of the scene in Lord of War where the Soviet officer is drinking out of despair and selling off military assets. Everybody knew what the vacuum of power meant after the fall. Whoever had the most money was going to survive, and what was left of "Russia" was just scraps to sell off as quickly as possible so you weren't left behind.
Black lives.
White genocide.
>do you see?
Even before Communism, Russia wasn't exactly in the top tier of nations
russia is not even a real country atm
Yeah, because their leadership will absolutely share the wealth. You know... like the leaderships of brazil and angola.
Try to work in -40 celcius and tell how it goes.
>something about Russians not being consumers
When the USSR collapse, factories which were spread all over the union (to provide jobs to people in all republics) all of a sudden found themselves in different countries.
All of a suddent part which were need to assemble good could not be delivered, and +70% of manufacturing collapse.
A bran new factory built in Moldova to produce computer process was "repurposees" to make sausages.
When the USSR collapse, it freed +30% of civil aviation market which was picked up by its competitors; Boeng and Airbus.
Look at the USSR is a corporation. Just taking out competition, nothing 'personal'.
>don't you see """we""" know better
No I don't. Russia has been getting better in the past couple of decades, ever since we stopped listening to the anglos things got better
Their entire government system is corrupt as fuck.All the money they create is stolen by mafiosos calling themselves leaders.
A slav is a slav and you all belong in the grave.
Because Putin and his cronies keep it all to themselves.
usa plundered it after traitors destroyed ussr
is there something niggers haven't ruined?
WRONG. Another case of an anglo thinking he's smarter than he is. We know our problems, we're working to fix them, it'll take a long time. You just go away, we don't need your advice or your "help"
>in Russia they are just starting to understand and learn the concept of "credit", it will take a generation
Hahaha, classic anglo advice. No thanks
It is not because of mongols. Mongols invaded Russia in 1240s and after that Russian paid them. After that there was Ivan Terrible with his genocide, then Smuta and Polish Intervention, then Romanovs who made 75% of russians slaves until middle of 19th century. Then communism. Majority of russians were slaves since the begining of russian history. And its mentality still lives here
Maybe we are poorer than you, but we do not have 100 million negroes and latins like in your shithole
No, this is where Anglos are wrong.
Russians are not built for democracy, they need a Tsar with a whip over them.
They are similar to the Mongols and Arabs in this aspect.
>unwittingly acquire certain characteristics of their invaders
Well I guess you must be very similar to us then, Poland. Hahaha
You belong in a mosque.
Are you sure fish & chips are halal?
In some aspects, unfortunately yes.
No, this is where you are wrong. Nobody seems to understand that we are essentially a "colonial" empire. A colonial empire can't be ruled by a majority vote since each colony has drastically different interests. Chechens, Russians, Tatars and Buryats won't vote for the same things because we all want different things, we have different mentalities and we live in different parts of the world. The only way to bring all of our "colonies" together is with a strong centralized leadership. That's the only way to rule Russia
Caм пoнял чтo cкaзaть хoтeл?
were you cucked by a pole?
The only reason our countries are rich is because they're propped up by mass immigration and huge tech exports.
Go to Eastern Europe. The infrastructure is rusty and shitty but the people are healthy and happy. You have been fed propaganda. The west is nightmare vision, eastern europe is dope.
One who knows doesn't speak, one who speaks doesn't know.
Bыcpaл чтo тo. Haвepнoe хoтeл oпять пoopaть пpo плoхoй кoммyнизм нo нe пoнял дo кoнцa cмыcлa кapтинки и oбocpaлcя
And why did the USSR never join in glorius commie union with China? We all now know it is because shekelberg kikelstine ratfaced bolsheviks like the secretive Beara family run the ruskie slav goyim herd. Chinks heard enough about the gulag system to want to join up or share power because they knew the "classless utopia" was actually an ethnic ponzi scheme, same in China as in Russia.
The Chinese even have their own branch of dope dealing big nosed bankster kikes who resemble Jackie Chan and a fields overseer ethnicity similar to the wealthy slavs position in Russia, this ethnicity is known as the Manchun. The cucking of Manchun genes to affirm the various kike branches control over this breed was the reason for the Korean war and civil division. The kikes consider the Manchun ethnicity, a threat, due to their similar goyim herding manipulative capabilities.
Because most of the companies that mine the resources are state-owned. Thus the profits go to supporting Russia's massive army that eats 12% of the GDP
You don´t heal wounds from communism over night.
>Pyccкий кocмизм
B cepeдинe XIX вeкa в Poccии в peзyльтaтe взaимoвлияний ecтecтвeнных и гyмaнитapных диcциплин нa пoчвe caмoбытнoй кyльтypы Poccии вoзниклo cвoeoбpaзнoe тeчeниe мыcли (или пo выpaжeнию H. H. Moиceeвa — yмoнacтpoeниe), пoлyчившee oпpeдeлeниe «pyccкoгo кocмизмa». … Дyхoвный, нayчный и твopчecкий пoтeнциaл pyccкoгo кocмизмa, eгo пpoeктивнaя нaпpaвлeннocть и oптимиcтичecкий взгляд нa бyдyщee дeлaют этo тeчeниe вce бoлee пpивлeкaтeльным для нaших coвpeмeнникoв.
— Иcaкoвa H. B. Фeнoмeн глoбaльнocти в филocoфии pyccкoгo кocмизмa
>muh army
Have you seen the map lately? How the fuck are we supposed to hold that border without a big army? We're not sitting in the middle of the ocean like north americans, we're right next to middle east and china.
all the people responding to this are obviously russophobes. its the same analysis people failed to give to china which is why they are a global power now,
With a 'smart' army ;)
If Russia focused on defense and not offense, they could achieve that with a much smaller force. Then send the majority home so they can work and contribute to the economy.
Also they state sells all the natural gas to Europe, and Russians end up using coal to heat their homes.