Sup Forums humor thread
This sickens me...
To see not even a full day after a school fucking shooting, yall just posting shits and giggles meme hahahah posts, you guys disgust me. There is a word for you guys... Could there be anybody worse than a bunch of tiny limp dicked russian espionage faggots like you guys.
After working for blueshare and being forced to come on this site daily I am fucking through you guys finally are too much for me and im leaving this place. i had a cousin who lived near that school that got PTSD, how fucking dare yall say its a false flag. Good riddance to you all i hope you all rot in hell
Nice b8 m8
Why is Laura Loomer on there?
Wow LARPing faggot
You spealt autism wrong
lel isn't this arab currently being tortured by private mercs too?
quiet you yellow hatted monster
this will be a thread for the ages
To be honest shill not all of us are being horrible some of us are actually sad about these kids losing their lives but it's glad to see you gone hopefully you'll find a better job you deserve better
Yes, last time I heard he was in a hotel being held there for some reason not sure if he ever got out
right to life, abortion is wrong
ha, good ol times
gr8 bantz m6
HAHAHAHAHA, You faggots thought i was actually a blueshare shill????
That just shows how retarded you good old boys actually are
I am infact part of soros personal army and was sent here to subvert all of you, now that you have replied to my post i have all of your information and i am going to dox you all to hell HAHAHAA you fucking El creaturos you will pay for the memes you have wrote today, Once my boy soros gets this info you will all be dead with two bullets to the brain attempting suicide.
fuckin love Gurkhas
Gotta love the little pocket warriors. RGR are always nice lads.
my sides
you fucker
how many hearts have you destroyed yet?
try again, faggot
here's your (You), gtfo you goddamn degenerate cocksucker
>The state of British elections
you got some good shit you mountain nigger
Ah yes I see the "special" forces have arrived.
kek, saved
Thanks,I've got all sorts of shit on saved on here
I was almost the only one shitposting in the last thread
these dudes donĀ“t get tired of seeing the same old shit
>oh look guys it's the jidf/shareblue using australia proxy again
too obvious
Sad, cuz it's true.