I have to see this movie!!
Holy Shit, Vice!
Yes you do, or you're a racist
Really makes me think
The negro finally makes a superhero movie and it's a big deal? This is patronizing as hell, people are treating this like the retard in school who went to the special Olympics and now everyone has to show up to cheer him on
>The negro finally makes a superhero movie
The movie was made by white people though, even the person who created Black Panther is white.
Jews aren't White, faggot
Jews aren't even trying anymore. This subversion is so blatant
>tfw there are thousands of people on Sup Forums that will go watch this movie in the cinema just to be able to laugh at it, without ever realizing that they don't give a shit if you laugh or not as long as you pay to watch it
this is why the world has to burn
yeah it's unrelated to OP shit thread, but just wanted to let all of you know how much i hate you all
You think the denizens of this shithole board pay for movies?
It's your average marvel film, weak narrative, ok action scenes, shit comedy, not enough time dedicated to elaborate the main characters and and obligatory stan lee and after credit scene.
If you're into marvel you've already seen it, if you're a average movie goer it's an decent watch
well no, the director Ryan Coogler is black
>he didn't get all of the powerful moments
it's because you don't understand their struggle
To be honest Sup Forums I always thought niggers were bad. But this movie showed me they are good. MIND BLOWN.
Yeah they do. They always do.
>haha fucking SJW feminist movies lel i'm gonna go see how fucking bad it is
You're all the bestest of goys and if the laws of my country did not forbid it, I would slaughter you all.
pic related unfortunately has more depth than BP.
You forgot the most important part of any hit movie: Open pandering to identity politics.
Haven’t paid for a movie in years
nobody on Sup Forums goes to see these movies. we never watch them then criticize them from second hand accounts.
>The negro finally makes a superhero movie
They refuse to acknowledge Blade apparently
Someone please explain to me what soys mean when they use this word.
I cant wait for spoiler webm's!!!
Or Blackula
It's the producers that matter though...
No one will be talking about this movie in a few years. The only people who will re-watch it will be people watching the entire marvel movie set. It's just another throw away movie that’s only getting praised because it has a black cast.
Let’s get that moving.
Yeah. Fuck them.
Lol you tards are so triggered by this movie it's honestly hilarious.
Powerful...against white supremacy.
I refuse to see any movie while paying for it, and have done so for years.
It was made with white technology. The only advanced technology they have is fictional.
Slaughter with what? Your ninja stars And fleamarket knives?
Well if Vice likes it I'll def have to never watch it.
powerful and brave
Somehow niggers and women are 100% oblivious about this fact.
My goodness you have a lot to learn
Its sort of like when we use 'strong' to describe when women finally do things that men have been doing for decades
A dumbass comic book film is considered "powerful" solely because the cast is predominantly black. Can Vice get any more retarded?
They aren't retarded they know exactly what they're doing
It's all Jewish propoganda
It's shit, but it's powerful!
They virtue signal harder than anyone, bet they are hiding some shit
True, let me rephrase - anyone who watches this movie because of this lame ass transparently Jewish propaganda is retarded.
Wait, “hol up” as they say. You’re telling me it’s more progressive to have an all black cast than a black star in a multiracial cast? Blaxploitation is nothing new.
Unless you're white, in which case, you're occupying a black person's seat, so you *are* a racist? It's so confusing.
If it's aimed on destroying anti-Semites, I support it. Anti-Semitic animals are the same as niggers.
> bladewasbetter
except it wasn't
>Disney capeshit
>"the most powerful movie I've ever seen"
We're hitting level of virtue-signalling that shouldn't even be possible!
No, seriously, some part of the brain should activate to say "calm your tits, bucko" before something so insipid can leave your mouth.
Or Spawn.
Or Catwoman.
Or Hancock.
Or Steel.
VICE is cucked. It acts as a mouthpiece for jews trying to brainwash dudebro type normies.
They're a disgrace. Watch commercials on their network and pay attention to how hard they shill, transgenders, interracial relationships, and other lib garbage.
They're trash
>if you dont love this you are a racist!
fuck nigger panther
blade was better
Literally nobody does this
>Movie about norse mythology have 50% negro cast
>Movie about Africans: 100% black, no whites allowed
You're either terrible at this, or just flat out retarded.
This just shows that black people can build better cities than white devils. They don't even got no counter arguments...
Watching vice go from producing amazing non-partisan documentaries to spewing leftist drivel has ruined my faith in all that is holy. Anything can get corrupt.
What are torrents?
Or Halle Berry in X-Men
>nope too gross sorry
When women write.
m-muh wakanda!!
Yeah, but Hamilton's Pharmacopeia is interesting to watch.
imagine being this bad at shitposting
Just imagine theaters filled with 35 year old neckbeards and a few confused parents bringing their 9 year old daughters...
Is Caesar in this one too?
Why do those cucks let their wives walk out in front of them like that?
>most powerful... ever seen
Code word for it’s shit
>about norse mythology
Patton Oswalt gets killed by Dominic Purcell
>people are treating this like the retard in school who went to the special Olympics
Are they wrong?
>all those big phallic black buildings
might actually buy my girlfriend a ticket
It's literally just any other marvel movie except everyone is black
reminder that Vice is now owned by arch-conservative Rupert Murdoch.
any "liberal" projection that you see coming from there is at best a puppet show of fake "opposition", and more likely Emmanuel Goldstein type agitprop to keep the proles riled up.
Horsefucker here. The MLP movie wasn't very good.
Or the fact that the MCU's second super-hero (War Machine) is black.
>gypsy quotes a single word
>gets it wrong
oy vey
>“Vice Media sued by former employee alleging systemic pay discrimination against women” [Los Angeles Times]. “The lawsuit, which seeks class-action certification, was filed by Elizabeth Rose, who worked at the millennial-focused media company in New York and Los Angeles from 2014 to 2016, serving as a channel manager and project manager. Vice Media operates the Viceland cable channel and produces two news programs for HBO, among other projects. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, the complaint alleges that Rose, as part of her job, received internal memos that showed the salaries of about 35 Vice Media employees, revealing a pay disparity in which females ‘made far less than male employees for the same or substantially similar work.’ According to the lawsuit, Rose learned that a male subordinate — whom she hired — made about $25,000 more per year than her.”
or Grod