I'm damn sure he's a pollack weakminded cunt who fell for the meme
Why Pol?
El ogro de Florida
What meme ? i don't remember Sup Forums ever telling people to shoot up schools...
Mosques.... yeah.... But schools ? Nah.
The Alt-Right preys on social outcast white kids that have problems with women and social interactions in general. Since it happened on Valentine's Day, I'm sure he thought he was getting revenge at all the "roasties" and "degenerates" that rejected him and made him an outcast. The Alt-Right gives these kids validation for their ineptitude. It's not their fault everyone thinks they're a loser, it's the liberal society's fault.
Trump and Sup Forums have blood on their hands yet again. The fact that Sup Forums is such an obvious breeding ground for these murdering types and it hasn't been shut down yet is a pretty good sign that this entire site is just a big government honeypot.
>Shooter was registered as a democrat
>Mental health is near non-existent in the US
kill yourself you disgusting kike
He was not registered as a Democrat. Fake news
Post proofs right now or fuck off
Islam is a great religion. Barbarous adherants are only a small minority and you shouldn't form your whole view of it from just them.
Doesn't even remotely look like him. Sup Forums = fake news
Such an edgy child. You don't even realize how pathetic you are.
Jokes on you. After Sabu fucked the user movement, the CIA and friends turned it into a massive psyop. Their wedge created the Alt right AND Antifa. They play weak minded individuals against each other.
If you don't know who Sabu is get the fuck off this Mongolian basket weaver board.
Absolutely fucking spot on, I wouldnt be surprised if they found a shit load of Elliot Rodger's kind of bullshit in his pc where he justisfy his actions in a pol-meme mentality
youd piss yourself and cry if you saw how many normal attractive people want people like you to be hanging from lampposts
Not him. Antifa guy is still a huge faggot though.
La Creatura
fuck wrong link
Found the cia nigger
on the contrary, you're the ones who have made it a thoughtcrime for us to express our opinions to people like you
you have no fucking idea what is coming
Yeah, that's more an /r9k/ thing.
Pussy ass faggot commie bitch. Jew cock sucker. Fuck you and die.
he literally only put that as his profile pic to false flag us into looking like the bad guys
he's a fucking spic, dumbass
wrong IG
"White kid"
Cuban 'refugee'. Yes, ostensibly an edgy conservaturd with forever alone and NEET issues, but not white... even short of the Amurikkkan 56% mark.
the alt-right wants him fucking deported
Stupid mexican cuban dirtmind could have went to hillarys house or any of those of the pedophiles listed in wieners contacts release (that's what they where, human child sex traffickers list) and shot shit up, but nooo he's a fucking registered democrat.
how many photos of him are their with antifa and OP posts his bullshit photo with MAGA hat.
baid, fuck off this thread 1,000 times at least since yesterday.
Remember Occupy? I'd be willing to bet some of the current "alt-right" and ANTIFA stood side by side during those marches. Divisions have always existed, but it's worth noting the magnitude of the current divisions that emerged immediately after
leftism was destroyed at that very moment, by OWS
look up the "progressive stack"
it changed from being mostly about economics, to being mostly about race and gender and sexuality
everyone who cared about their nation began to see them for what they are, and left their ideology, even though they had some good points
and now no one gives about the 1%, and jews go on jewing just fine
Sorry, leaf. You're rather stupid to not understand the Antifag is not the shooter. Then again, perhaps you are of a similar "whiteness" and you burn with shame. But he's a MAGAboy, and if he was a Canadian, he would have voted for Harper.
Like you.
clear the shit out out of your brains and off your dick
added photo of himself with MAGA hat before shooting so you idiots would say "oh look a white Trump redneck".
I supported OWS, but now I'm here, voted for Trump, and trying to destroy the abomination the Left has become
ANTIFA democrat
i can see you fell for the fake identity meme
Obviously a leftist false-flag, just like Adam Lanza.
He even slaughtered kek.
This guy knows
OP is a clueless larping faggot pajama boy
One less rebbitor. This board is infested with them. When are they going back to reddi*?