Guess what: I'm a woman

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Whether you like it or not, females are comparable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day.

Tits or gtfo

Awesome, an exception to the rule. Though if you couldn't grasp the fact that that's what you are and you get so butthurt about statistics and curves or whatever it is, then I doubt everything you just posted.

as I sad in my post, I won't show you my tits

damn beat me to it. like this OP will be beat by 70 iq Tyron

Comparable how? Doesn't sound very bright to me.. How does it feel knowing that you'll never be truly happy with an attitude like that? Oh yeah, tits or GTFO

What makes you think that at nearly 30 with 7 internships and no real job, you stand any chance of being a CEO?
Oh yeah, you're a woman. Lucky you.


Tits or fuck off whore

show Bob and vsgene

>I have an IQ of 146
>I'm a member of the MENSA society

seems the 'chairs' have been replaced with baby seats, since I last checked...

so much jelly incels here, I love it


Then nobody gives a shit. No ones reading your wall of text faggot

Keep dreaming bitch. You'll never be a CEO.

>I'll be your CEO one day.
Maybe i will appoint you if you are attractive enough.

Kill yourself pot handler.

This is not how women write. You either have severe autism or are LARPing.

Or more likely both.

everyone in this thread is retard, this is pasta, and OP flag is croatian. We didn't vote in american elections, fucking retardihnos

You are too lazy to make a sandwich. And you wanna be a CEO? Bloody hell. Because of women like you our society is going to hell.

Pride cometh before the fall, as they say, God has blessed you with abundant abilities so make sure to use them for good!

In the end, we aren't defined by what we have achieved by our own merits but how we treat others and how we ourselves behave.

also the reason you "make more" than us is because of but no limited to: diversity quotas for positions of high pay and power, feminism enforcing those quotas through the government, and of course you sucking some dick on the down-low to get a raise

low tier pasta, slide thread, sage, everyone ITT is a retard yada yada yada. we've all been here before can we move on now please

This is an old, slightly modified pasta

Oh at first i thought you are dutch. Now I see you're from croatia? AHAHA in your country you may become the CEO of your local poolbar. Keep it up.

I'm on vacation here retard. You should be honoured that I spend my money here.
there is difference between laziness and not wanting to serve

Can't wait for my next trip to Croatia.
Maybe we can hook up.


Doesn't take a 146 IQ to bait the retards on this board

Sorry I don't work for cunts.


I doubt you have money to afford place where I am now.
you'll work and you'll love it

Tits or gtfo you fucking cunt. Christ, they never get it.

And you’ll die alone with no white children

You might get a half nigglet with some nigger that leaves you the next day

Tits or GTFO

I don't like blacks

Good excuse for being so damn lazy. Do you give blowjobs to your bf or is that beneath you? Learn the difference between making your partner happy and having to serve like a slave. Goodness gracious, lemme guess you are a sexually frustrated 27 year old!?

women cannot drive an F1 car, even though they can play in a womens league of any other sports.

we can infer that your neurons are the same as your neck muscles when it comes to the bell curve. inferior.

that is all.

>you should be honored
Guaranteed single for the rest of life

Go dig ditches and lay bricks and lumber professionally for a year and then come back and talk to me about being comparable.

CEO's can't read Sup Forums because the soyboys on the network assets team have blocked everything but Reddit.

Gratz on not being a worthless sack of shit like most anons here
You being a female doesn't add or take away from your success in my eyes
tits or gtfo

yes I do, but I don't have one right now
>sexually frustrated 27 year old!
I'm not 27 yet and I don't have much time to be frustrated. I WORK HARD

Yeah you're a feminist. 2nd wave.

It's like the 3rd time I see this pasta already in this month only, atleast be original.

I don't need money.
Once the first bre hits and the underwear humidity reaches critical points I get shit for free.

Kys sage
All womans with superiority complex gosuck a dick you bitch this is about politics not about you circlejerking about yourself entilted bitch kill yourself

You sad sack of shit

what's bre?

oh fuck, out come the freaks

Ok fair enough. I wish you all the best! Lots of happiness and don't be so harsh to your next love. Make him a sandwich or cook something else for him after he comes home from work all day. He would be very happy about it. Good luck!


>IQ of 146
>Cannot understand how bell curves work


>all these people in this thread falling for obvious bait

>people still fall for this

reddit needs to go. Why did so much of you faggots fell for this. Shieeet, I guess I'm to blame to. But I didn't expect so much retards

noice copy pasta