am i the only one who honestly doesn't care this time?
Douglas High School school shooting
nothing wrong with mericans shooting one another
that elementary school shooting was indeed another level of fucked up tho
I don't care every time. It is what it is.
Which is?
No, it happens like every week
>It is what it is.
>1 post by this ID
AAAAAND it's another slide thread.
The fuck is wrong with your people America? At least Europe is getting bombed by the invasive muslims, you fuckers are killing yourselves on the daily.
No, could give a shit.
Does suck for the kids killed.
I would start to care when randoms not students walk into our schools and start shooting
naw the deepstate really blew it with the school shooting card. Completely desensitized at this point. Shit got old and should have ended in Season 3
piss off faggot
I honestly dont know why there are not more shooting in USA, with that many guns i think Burgers are UNBELIEVABLY restrained.
but RIP, these are kids man, their lives ahead of them and cut short by a Russian pig
No its a symptom of a dying society
This. Technology + low social trust = a lot of alienation
The gun control "debate" in a nutshell:
1) Gun violence occurs
2) "It's too early to talk about gun control."
3) Never talk about it
4) Repeat
Literally what about that NSA shooting yesterday morning?????
registered democrats commit so many mass shootings that I think most people are numb to it.
I would say it's not a sign of a Dying Society I would say it's a sign of a society that needs serious change people need to look inside themselves and realize is this who I want to be some guy who glorifies themselves by how many social media likes I get people got to step back and remember what is important in life
I feel bad, but "Valentine's Day Massacre" is pretty kino.
I was crying this morning and now I'm making jokes I don't know
>asks what's wrong
>memes le 56% all day
What do you think?
i feel the same XD
don't worry, it wasn't real.
Shot up a school because he couldn't take the banter ahahahaha.
I don't not care, I just don't know what to believe anymore
yeah that seems conveniently forgotten.
>I was crying this morning
Pussy ass faggot
that's not the shooter though
Are you on your period, sweety?
Absolutely, getting BTFO at 15,16,17 y/o must be crippling.
what are you? a fag?
might be fake
Problem with American high schools are how "involved" they are with every aspect of life.
School has sports, clubs, music, and a generally long fucking day.
When someone is having problems, the solution (from the school) is NEVER to reduce the school involvement, but to add MORE resources.
More meals, more social work, more psychologist, more attention.
NEVER would they ever suggest: "Hey...why don't you just show up for a couple periods and then call it a day."
No. A full 40 hour week of being shackled to the bullshit you are supposed to benefit from REGARDLESS of your circumstances.
"You gotta come to school. You gotta come to school. You gotta come to school. We'll help, we'll help, we'll help, we'll help."
It's a big unrelenting pressure cooker, and it's not right for everyone.
But what's the solution EVERY fucking time? "More school involvement."
Holy shit, I kinda understand now.
I quit giving a fuck around Cho & VTech
It. Can't you fucking read?
this is the point of the psyop
"preparation of the battlefield". when governments/other entities do it to a nation, it's called treason.
purpose: numb civilians out to heightened trauma so when martial law is rolled out no one will object.
don't forget, user - 'false flag' doesn't necessarily mean people don't die
Pretty much because we have been trained to affiliate this with the left wing talking heads trying to ban everything as a result.
Gettin pussy
We live in what now equates to Mordor, so no, I don't care anymore.
Delete this
i cant even remember a single person from that, other than cho lol
Really deep insight there, thanks for the shit punctuation and shallow platitudes. Mods, ban this underaged faggot.
No you weren't
>doesn't care
about what, pray tell?
Because people willing to shoot up children at a school probably don't give a fuck about a gun possession crime that will add 2 years to their death sentence.
I stopped caring a long time ago. I mean the gun laws will obviously not change and students will keep bullying other kids joking about school shootings until that person really shoots up the school. Why do they do that knowing how easy it is to get a gun in this country? I‘m sorry but I don‘t see the unpredictable tragedy here. It‘s more of an inevitable outcome than an unpredictable tragedy actually.
Unless every school in the US doesn‘t get metal detectors, barb wire fences and armed security at every entrance this will happen again and again.
Honestly, I don't know how to feel. It don't know what to believe anymore, I never know what or who is really behind these thing. For example, they said he threatened the school multiple times and was expelled.
lol i bet you cry when people die in movies
Doesn't have any cool twists or turns in the plot, and the Florida setting is cliche. I did like the peppy blonde witness, she was a qt. But the death count was too middling. We deserve better. Explosions would be nice. A duo or triple threat even nicer.
The interviews with kids after were so weirdly professional. It all seems so strange to me. One girl said she was talking to the suspect in the school, but he had been expelled? What
Stop posting on Sup Forums, merkel.
>no focus on mental health
>media instantly tries to blame gun laws
this is why I dont give a fuck
They had said "on the news"
I stopped caring the moment they identified mr. 56% cruz as white.
I thought the school had stated the kid was expelled. Plus wouldn't kids be weirded out if they saw a 19 year old expelled kid at school during a shooting? The girl said she joked about it with him while they were evacuating
Yes goy, don't worry about your childern getting shot up by spics, it's normal.
No one even remembers the church massacre after Vegas. No one will remember this one.
>be me see headline and chuckle
>read cbc article (((no author)))
>find out the only person interviewed from the scene was a jew lolololol
16 of those 17 kids were probably niggers or kikes or genetic trash. No reason to cry.
its florida dude
the state produces crazies like it produces orange juice
Not the banter, brainlet. It's because there's truth to it. Races forced to live intermingled are going to clash inherently.
Based Post.
One of the successes of Finnish schools is shorter school days. Finns have incredible test scores on the World stage and it's remarkable that they get all kinds of time off.
Part of the success of Finnish schooling is that they don't try to "Force" education like American education. They mix in more music and optional studies. They make it so students are inspired to find out more.
I felt like school stole most of my childhood. It made me the bitter person I am today. More school. More programs. More counseling. When I turned 20, I just took 3 years off from society to let all that garbage drift away. I shook off all the propaganda and indoctrination.
I don’t give a shit. Honestly don’t care. Every day some illegal murders an American and that’s preventable and these whiney faggot liberals want to bring in more. Fuck them. I’d give up my guns in a white ethnostate with no fuckin kikes
Also this.
squirtle is shopped
blood is real
No. I'm just going to enjoy them from now on.
It's just another psyop by the Democrats to try to disarm us. Every time this happens they come forward with their gun control rhetoric.
Aren't there armed guards at schools in some parts of the states ?
Are you 14 or just retarded. You've written so much but said so little
underrated post
>actually 3 posts
I'm tired of faggots like you always thinking every thread besides the shitty ones you make are "LE EBIL SLIPPY SLIDE THREADS"
fuck off
>de Jesus
>Trump supporter
yeah I really don't give a shit. I don't wish death on kids, but in regards to the news story, MSM can quite literally eat my ass, without taking a break, until I die of old age
Blood is shopped
Squirtel is real
This desu.
Lol honestly. Every normie i know, could give a rats ass. Who gives a fuck, just give us a nuke at this point.
No slide threads are when you have a single id that's made 20 or more posts.
Well am I wrong?
>watching interviews with students
>literally every one is a mutt
>mfw le 56% meme is real
Where are the white children?
Is this even in the US?
>Doesn't know that ID are different for each thread made
No matter if /leftypol/ or some redditnigger...make some friends like in pic related
Literally every time and even when nothings going on.
lmao brainlets
Interesting. Maybe seeing all those mutt faces with no similarities to you is what makes people not care.