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I also find asians attractive.

Maybe there are identifiable physical characteristics that represent attractiveness
>there are

what a useful cunt

They are.

>spic mutt trying to make herself feel better

It is basic human psychology to be attracted to others who resemble themselves not only physically but also mentally. I’m not saying there aren’t exceptions but this is the norm.

She is Jewish

I'm sure she'll be happy when she's older.

>brainwashed into finding niggers ugly



So why does everyone wants to look European?

Except I came from a Eurocentric society you fucking mutt
You must go back

Literally a trigger word for these people.

Bitch no. She isn’t one of us, Spics embrace the European features and hid the nonEuropean features. Even our full darkies try to bleach themselves Ex Sammy Sosa.

before Sup Forums after Sup Forums

she looks very European

minus the black hair

>The split ends
>Gray hairs
>Bushy eyebrows
>Hairy forearms
>Birthmark on neck
>Mole under index finger nail

The nose knows and shes probably upset about being mixed race


Does have the niggrish hair...

You don't get "brainwashed" into finding something beautiful - it is or it isn't. She is not (that middle finger).

>Sammy Sosa.
So that's how argentina became white

>i am not ugly you are brainwashed
imagine being born a woman, and looks is only value you have and you born without them

Kant remarks on how every race prefers the white woman, and goes on to note how rich arabs and indians would buy white slaves to father prettier children.
Were they brainwashed even then?

as always, be sure to picture the reverse scenario anytime an "argument" like this is presented

imagine it was some fat pasty fedora-wearing neckbeard wearing a shirt saying "m'ladies you were BRAINWASHED by the PATRIARCHY into not finding me attractive"

Would he be taken seriously?

>Yeah whiteboi the only reason you don't want this sweet chocolate is cuz of yo eurocentric education system n sheeyit
>now lick this stinky wallet, Honk

Translation: I'm an ugly goblina with no racial group to belong or relate to, so now I have to overcompensate to bring up my self esteem. Please, someone love how unattractive and weird looking I am.

I disagree


hell of a way to admit you're unattractive.


>all of the media going crazy over sammy sosa
little Timmy can wake up and say he wants to be Tammy, but GOD DAMNIT don't try to become a white person you son of a bitch!

If you can be brainwashed to like certain things in a person, how can yoou argue conversion therapy doesn't work?

Powerfully retarded

its almost like I have a European brain

she might be "happy" but eight or so cats won't be

>you are born gay
>but attraction can be altered

well, which is it?

Eurgh, fuck off

They are the epitome of beauty. They are sharp and defined. It took FOCUS and ATTENTION to marry the right men and women together to proud such features. The woman in this image is a concoction of careless parents that didn't give a shit about perfection.

Not even 0,2 horsepower.

she's cute :)

>this whole movement is basically ugly roasties and le 56% faces admiring European aesthetics.

Our women are very dumb to fall for their bullshit

I know!

That's not a spic that's a full-fledged kike cunt

She's never seen my porn collection

she looks like a dirty gypsy

She looks like she's good for pleasure but not breeding. Damn what it'd be like to cum deep in her throat. Dios mio...

this fucking nose....

Yes, we Europeans are so ugly. How can we even compete with niggers, kikes and spics?

Always follow the nose

>you were brainwashed by yourself

Not really. There are identifiable traits that most would consider beautiful. This goes so far back to ancient roman times in which mathematicians and artists theorized that beauty could be measured.
Technically they were both correct and incorrect. For absolute certainty on beauty, they were incorrect, however, like I originally stated, there are identifiable traits that most would consider attractive.

Most scientists believe that we perceive proportional bodies to be more healthy. This is suggested in the famous image showing an idealized human body within a square and a circle.
Leonardo da Vinci's drawings of the human body emphasised its proportion. The ratio of the following distances in the above Vitruvian Man image is approximately the Golden Ratio.
The same ratio can be applied to faces to construct what would be consider atypical beauty.
The same pricinpal was also used by famous artists and architects throughout history to create some of the most beautiful and inspiring pieces of work known throughout the entire world.

You can look all of this up if you want, but this is basic high school math:
For a starting point.

Being attracted to my own race

Another x% non-white showing envy and hatred toward its superiors.

Most of the anti-white "whites" are like this specimen.

just mad that she is ugly and poo colored.

This. I was innately and powerfully attracted to nordic features before I even knew what nordic meant. Moved back to Denmark to find my scandi roots and my eyes were opened. Genetics is all powerful.

Is she trying to say that as a European she’s not attractive so other Europeans aren’t necessarily the epitome of beauty? Or is she trying to imply that she’s attractive, and non-European, so other non-Europeans are also attractive?

Also, what thread are the shills trying to slide?

>math is brainwashing

What a cutie

cant believe no ones posted it yet

>I can't have my own opinions
It's like people actually cares what she has to say?

Gypsy’s prove race realism. They are like Orcs.

>I'm blonde.
>I have a blonde scandinavian wife.
>We have a blonde daughter.
>Feels good.

No you don't. You find Asians who had eye, nose, chin and cheekbone surgery to look European attractive. Actual Asian features look uglier than niggers'

I know right, look at those disgusting features

At least she has a good message.

It'd be nice if shitskins stopped lusting after white women, but we all know that will never happen.

Because they are.


It doesn't even look human. This is outrageous.

>can brainwash niggers into wanting to look white
>can't brainwash them into getting a job
Some things just cannot be done.

No it turns out you are brainwashed and in reality you don't feel good as the dirty browns

A good counter to being
>born gay

You have to identify as a gender before you can conclude homosexuality. In fact if the gender you are born into is non-conforming then being born gay is impossible. Because homosexuality relies on the binary system in order to make sense.

So the next time you see an argument that someone is born gay, just ask if you are born male or female and you'll stump the person. Because if you are born genderless then you are born without an identity to conform a sexuality around.

You’re living the dream

>in group preference
not brain washing

Sammy is the man.


tell that to the AI
>statistics is racist





The original Vitruvian man drawing didn't show the golden section as your illustration depicts.

>people aren't attracted to me because they're brainwashed, not because there's anything wrong with me

Will it be too late by the time she realizes the truth behind this delusion? What will become of her?

The fuck are you on about, what's wrong with her?

This is another way of saying “why don’t white boys want me”

I agree as someone of the Hindu race we are vastly superior to whites

Not only white but top tier chads/alphas/arabs with money

but the asain girl is cuter????

its a common misconception that adians try to look white.

the most common surgeries in asia are double eyelid, jaw shaving and nose.

>double eyelid
around 50% of the asian population naturally have it and its the asian beauty ideal to have it not necessarily exclusive to white beauty standard

>jaw shaving
they want a round, upside down egg shaped face, which is nothing like the edgy european face.

not sure about this one but they don't want big european noses.

>they want white skin
yes but not because they want to be like europeans. that beauty standard existed before (see geishas). having white skin meant you are not working class and you stay inside.

Go's without saying.

>This whore is not more objectively beautiful that that whore

Fucking whores they took motherhood away from you and now you are inferior men. You have no dignity or honor to hell with you all you brain dead vermin.


God bless you, witch hunter.

She's (((french)))

Who would have thought that beauty is subjective and in the Western world, which is made up of Europeans, would consider European features to be the best.

It's probably because I like frumpier looking girls rather than stacies like the swedish girl

t. ugly chick

Does this men homosexuals were brainwashed into finding men attractive?


The epitome of beauty is ACTUALLY determined by ME

Don’t compare her to a non-human

>Tfw massive jew-fever but your dumbass country only takes in muslims..