Video of Florida school shooting!
ha i bet he get a lot of folovers after this video
top kek
Yeah but how could this happen when everyone is so tolerant and compassionate in this new age! It's funny because 60 years ago there could have been school shootings, hell, even in the 80's but there never were. It's not the guns that did this, something changed in our society that caused this and my guess is it's that whole "diversity is our strength" shit
Tig if brue
An American high school student is in the library, going through a few magazines.
...Eventually he runs out of ammo!
That's how you know he's spitting truth
nice digits
Checked and correct. This shit was virtually unheard of in the days before SSRI medication and constant media shilling of mass murder events in an effort to sway the public towards gun control. Back then they focused on reporting inner city crime, but they stopped doing that when they realized it wasn't making white America pro gun control, it was making them anti black. So now it's reporting these events like their football games even though it's been proven to make it worse. Just look into suicide clusters and why the media stopped reporting teen suicides. They want this to happen.
Hey, Lyle Schwartz-Green here with @MSNBC. Wow, that must have been so scary. I sure hope you made it to safety. When you get a moment, could you follow me back so I can ask you some questions about what happened here?
Nigga u kike
Someone webm before taken down
quints of truth
Ding ding ding
Doesn't sound like any assault rifle I've ever heard.
Sounds like SFX from a 90s FPS.
Some of you krauts have solid bantz
Any way to know if this is legit?
If you do a little bit of research, you find out all these school shooters were raised by single mothers
>what happened
boomers happened
It's amazing how god damned stupid kids are these days.
Your best bet in a situation like that is to make yourself as small as possible, move as little as possible, and to be as QUIET as possible.
When you're in the middle of a room thrashing around and screaming "OH MY GOD HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT!!!!" like some kind of retarded wildebeest you are BROADCASTING YOUR LOCATION to the shooter and essentially BEGGING him to make you next in line for a hail of hot lead.
If an user in your school starts shooting, PLEASE be smart enough to hide in a fucking closet or roll up in a ball in the corner of the room furthest away from the door.
That good doctor's racial inclination to SHUT IT DOWN is in conflict with his fellow tribesmen's desire to shoah our gun rights. Too bad.
It's a stolen joke.
>Diversity is the cause of all these mass shootings
>Whites responsible for 95% of them
The mental gymnastic it must take to convince yourself of this shit
praise him
Mass shootings only serve to help the Jewish tribe in the end, same with wars.
America is a strange place. Just another day in the "land of the free".
>video of people sitting in a room
>video of school shooting
Pretty sure the shooter was a millenial, not a boomer.
Our generation is the worst. Accept it and move on.
Oh you. ;)
Can we say mass shootings are trending nowadays?
He has quints shut up
>Imagine being in the situation, hiding behind a corner and jumping the soyboy shooter, beating him unconscious, being a hero
not sure if trolling or retarded
no lol
/k/ here
those gunshots don't sound right. Fake as fuck. All wrong for the audio recording, and literally sound like a fucking movie gun sound effect, not an actual gun
50 years of mass shootings has provided about 1,000 deaths.
11,000 niggers will shoot each other in less than two years.
school shootings are so cliche
No one ever hears about the stories where the shooting was stopped.
anyone got vids of bodies or anything
Who cares about what others know?
>11,000 niggers will shoot each other in less than two years
Thats a fallacy that keeps getting pushed, there has been a single shooting in Chicago this year, with no deaths. There as been 13 school shootings in that same time
>Not wanting glory
no the boomers had kids and the kids are douchebags
Fuck no, that's a sitting duck scenario in a nutshell.
Fight back with whatever you have.
That is in no way a fallacy you kike.
Lies lies and more lies from you. The only fallacy here is the "muh 18 school shooting!" Suicides in parking lots and stray bullets from ghetto nog neighborhoods hitting the exterior walls of a school do not equal mass murder events involving lone gun men. Fuck yourself and fuck your bullshit pilpul lies.
In the last 5 years Chicago has had more homicides then all the lynchings done by the KKK in the span of 85 years. Who's really the bad guys here
>Shows fake infographic
Every fucking time, thats were you retards that keep pushing these fake statistics get your "facts" from and other idoits keep reiterating it
>Cited sources
Dumb nigger detected, I'm done with you.
Personal glory is enough
>Expecting KIDS who have never been through a truly tense and stressful event to have a cool head
C'mon man don't be a retard. Chicks are gonna scream bloody murder and be retarded as fuck even if the dudes remained calm somehow.
Get the fuck off this board, Jude. You can look up these numbers in the publicly available FBI crime statistics.
What gets me is schools still follow this stupid ass "Hide under your desk" bullshit.
Fuck that, I'm going out a window and into the nearest neighborhood, are you fucking serious?
that "guy" screaming like a fucking bitch. please tell me the gunman shot him.
How subhuman to have to be to snapchat a fucking tragedy? Have kids these days completely lost their sense of shame?
For fuck's sake man. Take a selfie next to a corpse while you're at it.
Guy screams like an idiot risking attracting the shooter but still remains quite calm to think: "Oh I should snapchat this, dis gonna go viral man."
People are getting fucking weird.
>Thats a fallacy that keeps getting pushed,
Are... are you retarded?
>there has been a single shooting in Chicago this year, with no deaths.
uh... [pic related]
>There as been 13 school shootings in that same time
[citation required]
only in america
Wasted on retardation
Those digits don't lie
Too bad it was a false flag and the child actors in interviews are clearly reading pre-made lines. Funny how thy are all attractive kids(except the few who truth bombed) calling peers “kids” and using police/military lines like “the shooter”, “x number of rounds”. Fuck guiz, even Ingram could tell the dude who was part of the school paper was a liar. The body language and speech pattern is telling
Checked, but gay.
>sources are legit and available to the public
>claims it's fake
Whatever fits your narrative bud.
Trips are compelling.
>t. Diversity
And you would wet your panties you little faggot.
Satan tells the truth
Thread is full of call of duty heroes.
Full house beats three of a kind.
More like the American government has created more fatherless homes. This young man was adopted and probably really angry.
There were no orphans pre-80s?
Huh, learn something new every day here.
Tell us how you would respond call of duty hero. I can tell you how the majority of you Sup Forums faggots would handle real-world gunfire, you would shake, cry, and piss your fucking pants. Now, shut the fuck up.
I'm going with the media in general, but nice digits
ive a solution , give everyone glocks and if someone starts shooting shoot him back , tada just cured schoolshootan and everyother shootan.
>it's a "school shooting" when only talking about location
>it's "gang related" when talking about the race of the shooters which are majority nigger and spic
lel fuck off kike
Why are you posting a video thats blasted on every site? And the fact its almost a day later and some of you are acting like you didnt know? Holy fucking hermits
It's the same three videos... the OP shoots one, the muuh brother is being saved by SWAT twitter one and the guy rubbing his dick while the EMTs are evacuating wounded people.
When are we getting new material?
but these shootings happen at majority white schools
I blame the rise in autism desu. This faggot was clearly autismal.
Seriously. There must be a 1000+ students at that school. Have you ever known a teenage girl that can put her phone down for more than 3 seconds? And we only get 3 videos ffs
Really taking it personally, huh?
You must have have been in a gun related situation and shit your pants, you have my condolences.
Kek has spoken.
More people. Easier access to information and disinformation. Overwhelming pressure on men in society. Blatant objectification of men in society. Social media platforms.
Forced diversity is a problem, but I think its the least of our problems. Drug abuse and an insane suicide rate in young men show something sinister, and I think its an overwhelming amount of imagery thrown into the faces of kids every day from a general minority group of people screaming about how "you're the victim" but rarely ever say it about young men. Men are demonized in western society and cant handle it anymore. Things bottle up and chip away and eventually weaker willed men, usually mid to late teens early twenties, blow.
It's psychotropic meds user. Every single student who has shot up a school like this has been on psychotropic medication for depression or ADHD. Look it up.
All of these types of medications affect the mind.. mood, thoughts, behaviour. And they are being overprescribed wince, well, the 80s and 90s. And all of them have warnings that an adverse side effect is suicidal thoughts and tendencies. People on these meds have to be closely monitored.
If you want your smoking gun, no pun intended, as to the reason why this is happening, there it is.
Nice digits kek, but there were school shootings in the ‘60s
>American mostly white up until a couple decades ago
>No mass shootings pretty much ever
Whites becoming minority, shootings increase?
And can almost guarantee you that most students in this age category that are medicated like this are male.
Our male children are being brainwashed into a state of disconnected/disengaged depression at school starting at a very young age. And then they are prescribed psychotropic medication.
There were always mass shootings, there was just never this level of connection with the rest of society
Giga satanic quins
Is that fucking clarence?
University of Texas shooting
>1 shooting
Compelling argument
Hey Satan who do you want to kill?