So apparently Putin has dropped his every single meeting and now is nowhere to be found.
Official explanation is that he's sick, but some leaks state that he's somewhere in the bunker deep in russia talking with his generals.
What happened? We WW3 nao?
Pic not related
Putin is Missing
Other urls found in this thread:
Source of his absence of get the fuck out you dirty pole
> Crazy statement X about person Y without any sources to back it up
> "Discuss!!!"
He tries to hide from the Poland-ball rapist after the comics about TIGERS.
fear the toilet cleaners
Hitler's Descendants Endorse Star Wars
Discuss !
He’s readying to overtake the suwalki corridor in his new partitioning of Europe, starting N O W
That gif is pure mockery. Every actor that accept a role in this shit should be gassed on neptune.
>He's so fucking nigger that he is unable to search something in google.
I fuckong hope mudshits will kill you all... i fucking have had it with germans
Fucking idiots
Another nigger
>some faggot larger on Sup Forums knows either putins itinerary or his whereabouts.
Fuck this board is really shit these days
>he don't read anything other than Sup Forums or stormfront
An absolute state of the west.
It's now quite apparent why are even your politicians wants to outbred you with arabs.
You're probably dumber than them lol
Probably just coordinating his army of Twitter and Reddit bots. It's the highest priority it would seem
probably has the flu...
Hoping for alien disclosure, probably going to be disappointed.
>shit the west isn't buying the separatist shit anymore
>time to start WW3
Actually ruskies had quite a few prominent figures spoke about ufos and incidents during the USSR times. It's easy to find iirc
are you guys retarded?
>tweeted 03.03
>thread started 02.33
Yeah, but the normies need to hear it from a government official, in an official statement, on television, or they're never going to believe.
hes done this before, everyone needs a coke and hooker party once in a while
In Syria did you know an American private security company named Wagner just killed around 100 Russian mercenaries working for Assad? We have to form an alliance with other races and get these Jews off our fucking back. Once the Jews are out of the mix we can deal with rational people without a hidden agenda.
maybe they are discussing how they are going to retaliate after USA killed lots of their comrades
This happened once for a week or two a few years ago. No source
just scrub the fucking toilet already
you suck at making threads
The eternal pierogi nigger strikes again. Like most other slavs, most are incapable of admitting their country and people are better off being subjugated by the superior German.
The timing is interesting w/o doubt. Israel will make Damascus uninhabitable any day/hour now and then the dam shall truly break. Although, we might get a nuke caused Tsunami just prior, FWIW.
Age is catching up
He's locked himself in a bunker with your mom and he's gunna push her buttons unless you end sanctions NAO