Explain this Sup Forums

Explain this Sup Forums

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>Non white


Not him, but he most likely voted democrat

He looks like the average Spaniard, he is clearly not a Mexican


>white caucasian male
>not muslim



Muslim means a follower of a cult, it has nothing to do with race.
>Also, Cruz

>muh caucasian

>Explain this Sup Forums
Registered Democrat spic.

Why is Russia so green? Those niggas Mongolian

Hi. When people talk about Caucasians, they are typically talking about the phenotypes that fall within the r1 haplogroups.

Ah yes, all the ethiopian caucasians

>fragile x

Anti-Semites are aggressive and stupid animals who blindly believe in the Jew boogieman or simply jealous of bright minds.


Who the fuck would call that white? This is the reason that stupid ass mutt meme exists

Ethiopian negros are caucasian, or at least were


Build the wall

Export dreamers.

Make America Great Again

>Mixed eyes
>Mutt ears
>Muslim eyebrows
>Yellow skin
Obviously the problem is that he's white.

>red hair

Antifa - mudslime terrorist alliance confirmed

>every single person calling for the extinction of whites is either non white, or jewish

>"oy vey why are you noticing goyim"

why the fuck are you eastern euros who post on Sup Forums all such deluded cucks?

is it because you're rejects who cant get along with your mostly racist and red pilled society members?

kill yourself ivan

Lol, poor kavkaz.

Fuck off kike, your subhuman people deserve to be lynched and killed. If only Hitler was successful, Semitic scum

Hes a racist, bigoted, far right trump supporter that thinks he's white. What more do you need to know....

HUwhite like La Creatura Venti

Fucking americans man.

That mosque is lovely

>this is considered white in America

Irish Hispanic?



Actually he was a normal kid up until the media started producing anti-trump propaganda.

>spend last 20 years teaching everyone how evil white men are
>everyone starts treating young white males like shit, except of course the good looking, rich, popular ones
>the trashy white beta males develop mental issuses from years of systematic bullying from not only peers, but society at large
>see that every time another beta loser shoots some place up, he gets famous

Gee, I bet guns and whiteness are to blame

One thought.

>be american
>have literally 1 school shooting per week in 2018 so far

But at least you have m-muh freedums right?

>white male

thats a fucking spic and you know it.

It's considered white when they want to push an anti-white narrative.

>red heads again

fuck eh, white up that photo of the antifia brazilian, gave up on the one with the MAGA hat so he could False flag Trump supporters?

Image related

>be italian
>beaten at scholl by marocchini
>beaten at home by albanian thiefs
>watch as your gfs gets beaten by niggers (if you know what i mean)

>waaaaaah we are being oppressed
>maybe if I kill a bunch of kids it will stop
literally a nigger-tier concept

Legit curious, is it common for people in urban areas to attend schools 15+ miles from where they live?

>0% black
always a silver lining eh?

Maybe in your shithole poornigger neighborhood

are they really saying hes white? kek its just like zimzam

yeah there's a massive problem with white caucasians

Maybe if we stopped pumping these kids with pharma they'd grow up without fucked up brains. I bet you this guy was being proscribed antidepressants, antianxiety, or ADHD meds.

This either happened to you or you are terrone and get bullied and beaten by other terronis.

>What is hair dye?

Pretty safe bet.

Jej. A 56%er at absolute best. He has the same green eyes and freckles as the ogros americano from the iphone ad.

Delete this

Voter registration says Mexican

who cares what he is. hes a fucking faggot.

Whites are the most dangerous animal

>Explain this /nigger/

WHites still have some catching up to do.
You do the math...

More like
>you won't to fug whitey
>go die already whitey
>you're irrelevant whitey
>they beat the fuck out of you for being white
>slap you in the face for being white
>flick boogers on you for being white
>you won't do shit weak pinky bitch because I'd fuckin stab you and my homies will kill your old racist parents pinky biiiiiitch

>kid snaps and brings gun to kill the niggers and cucks
>oOoOoOoOoh maaaaAAAAh guuaaawwwd what a psycho! I knew he was crazy what's wrong wid da white debil?!

Fuck you jew


>>Explain this /nigger/
>WHites still have some catching up to do.
>You do the math...

Fake info nigger, that guy lives in Oakland. Parkland is in the other side of the county

>School officials have not disclosed why Mr Cruz was expelled from the school, but student Victoria Olvera, 17, told the Associated Press it was because of a fight with his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend.

La creatura was cucked.

That guy clearly isn't white. He looks like a mestizo version of the wood elves from TES Oblivion

He has these weird gremlin eyes...

It is because they are not Slavic but some churka. As if many real Russians would be here. Most Russian I know are traditional right but pretty much non politic and play counter strike after working from 9 to 5.



chink takes the lead once again

did the last name "Cruz" give it away?
As in Ted "Cuban" Cruz?

the resemblance is uncanny. kek.

He is the embodiment of the 56% meme, to be frank.

>can't corner the dorner

He was a spic.
Can we be done now, shills?

>el misterio del norte

Caucasoid isn't the same as white

>Nidal Hasan
>Eduardo Sencion
>Muhammad Abdulazeez
>John Samir Zawahri

shit they are considered white by the US census.

Add this guy to the chart

the lips are what give it away, absolute mutt.

El Ogro de las Americas

What about the nog that went around shooting people on video "this is for joy". Forgot his name.

shooting suspect Cruz followed all types of gun groups as well as resistance groups on social media including the Syrian resistance & Iraqi fighters.

He's the whitest kid I know.

I saw that too, still stealing!

He seems like a mix of Mexican with a Jew.

A MexiJew.

Hope they don't mean Syrian general on Sup Forums