If Nicky Cruzy went through a mental wellness check when he tried to buy his gun, would he have still received it?
If Nicky Cruzy went through a mental wellness check when he tried to buy his gun, would he have still received it?
Define "Mental wellness check".
Ask him basic questions and watch as he spergs his way around revealing that he is mentally unstable? You know, how courts do it.
So, violate his privacy rights?
Are there ANY rights you believe in?
uuub, Americans spewing all of their bullshit media on poll?
He was already going to some mental health facility, maybe self-admitted because he was able to stop going and pass a NCIS check.
>giving bureaucrats court powers to summarily determine someone's mental wellness by badgering them with leading questions
Good good goyim.
Was he even old enough to buy a gun? We need to BAN UNDERAGE BUYERS!
Sounds more a like trump crashing and burning....can I see it?
He was 19 so he could legally buy long guns (Rifles and shotguns). You have to be 21 to buy handguns.
>mental wellness check
Not a thing retard
He shouldn't have legally been allowed to get a gun in the first place, with our current laws he couldn't get them, to get a gun there has to be a background check, he would have failed, they would have seen that he git expelled for misbehavior. Even more than that, he wasn't even allowed to bring his backpack to school.
>they would have seen that he git expelled for misbehavior
Not if it didn't get him a criminal record they wouldn't have. Gun store owners don't have access to some magical, omnipotent database
When you buy a gun in the US, you fill out a form 4473 and send that to the ATF who sure as shit has access to your personal information. I'm not even American and I know your fucking laws better than you do.
They can find your permanent record, almost anything bad you do, such as getting to the point of not being allowed to bring your backpack to school would go on your record.
>NCIS check.
It's NICS. You're not the first I've seen get that wrong here today
>a background check, he would have failed, they would have seen that he git expelled for misbehavior
is this bait?
because I seriously can't fucking tell anymore
He'd have SNEED that he could steal it but then CHUCKED out the plan.
>trying to use it as an argument
I clearly meant got, you dumb nigger.
Also, yes, if you get expelled, it shows up on your permanent record, it also says why you got expelled.
Ew. You should feel ashamed to mess this meme up the way you did.
not the typo asshat
do you actually think that being expelled from school removes your gun rights same as a felony conviction or are you just pretending to be retarded
are you 14?
school record does not equal criminal record
that might stop a college from accepting you but it's not the same thing
>4473s search school records
explain how a check takes 10 minutes
No, but the way he was acting would show up. When they put something on your permanent record, they don't leave it vague, they give a reason. Even the school administrators got so scared of him, they banned him from having a backpack. People already thought he would shoot up the school, things like that would get on your record.
Excuse me for changing it up a bit.I know what the original is.
your school record is a thing yes but it's not the same record that the gun store is checking
that is your criminal
if you are arrested at school an offense may show on both records but an expulsion is not a crime on it's own
and even if it was it's not a felony
>giving bureaucrats court powers to summarily and subjectively determine someone's mental wellness by badgering them with leading questions
Also Nick Cruz was investigated by the FBI last summer but Muller let him go because he didn't have any connections to the Trump campaign.
A white shooter?
With a last name of Cruz?
With black hair and brown eyes?
Made up entirely of white DNA?
I knew someone who went thru more than two decade of psychiatric and psychological “treatment”. The person was far more stable when they STOPPED taking the medication that was being given to them. The person was literally a danger to themself and other while under most of the “care” and only became far more stable when they cut off the medication and stuck to a single psychologist who actually seemed to not be fucked in the head himself, unlike most of the other psychologists.
I knew someone who was routinely seeing both psychiatrists and being prescribed psychiatric medication. Person tried to stab me with a ten inch kitchen knife, and thru a handful of other kitchen knives at me. It was mentioned to the persons psychologist and the psychologist got pissed of and told me it never happened. I wouldn’t fucking trust 80% or more of psychiatrists or psychologists to have a clue jow to make someone better, or accurately diagnose someone.
A more reasonable psychologist simply told me that if the person went to jail thry would be completely fucked up for the rest of their life, and it was best to leave it be since I was no longer in immediate danger from the person. Old psychiatrist got dumped like a bag of rancid ebola infected shit.