How can you see her suffer like this and still claim to be on the right side?
How can you still defend gun owners?
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It’s not the president’s job to prevent every possible tragedy. Fucking idiot commies.
What does "gun control" mean anyway? What exactly do they want to happen? Do they think all shootings will just stop happening if we make it slightly harder to get guns?
Murder is already illegal though.
You can make a gun for $30 out of shit that’s sold at every hardware store in America if you think banning anything will work your a fucking retard case in point all alcohol was made illegal by the 18th amendment so people just made there own
If it's not guns it's chemical weapons or ieds or a truck of peace or bus. It's not a drug problem it's just society falling apart because there is no moral backbone to hold it up, god is dead and such.
Fuck me I meant gun
He missed one
I actually agree with her. Confiscate and disarm the left and we won't have anymore shootings.
Mudslimes are having no problem committing mass murders in Europe with Trucks of Peace. Get rid of guns and people will switch to trucks.
Well she’s wrong so...
obvious political sock puppet account is obvious
>lol fuck drumpf impeach drumpf haha we cant let him be our president
>omg drumpf why didn't you do what you should do as a president and totally overrule the legislative system
It's almost like liberal women are totally and entirely devoid of reason or logic, worthless for everything but screaming.
>Gun control will prevent this...
How? A guy who wants to murder as many people as possible is going to quit if a gun is harder to get?
Send her to Palestine where everything is illegal and see how she likes it
replace gun control with deporting non whites
>be me
>be concerned over all the violence
>go see if there's really good statistical evidence that guns are to blame
>oh look there fucking isn't any
>nobody gives a shit, everyone decides to just pretend its guns
kill me
Almost all of our gun crime is committed with illegally procured guns. How is stricter control going to solve that.
These mass killing with rifles are a statistical anomaly for a country so large.
Is anyone else unnerved by the composition of the tweet? It's like it's been penned by politicians. The usual "prayers won't work" along with a vague hope for "gun control". Fucking liberals and their zombie rhetoric.
Muh emotions.
Is all so tiring.
Lol. Gun control. Fucking kek.
Why don't they just make schools gun free?
Gun control is populace control.
I bet this retard sent prayers every time a Muslim blew himself up, or ran over dozens of people in a truck.
The shooter forgot to kill that roastie.
It's over guys. You have way too much guns going around to get rid of them all. If you had thought ahead and banned them decades ago, you would have no shootings. You're in too deep to get out already. Goodbye America.
Making things harder will probably discourage some - not all obviously. And it's easier for the police to track them down too.
You could put a ban on corrupt law enforcement officiers, crisis acting, communism and false flags operations in general. That would solve the problem.
>gun control will prevent people from killing people
How stupid are these people really? Do they really think guns are the only things that kill people?
>Somebody broke the law
>More laws will fix this
Cruz is a Jewish surname. Jacob, his middle name, is definitely Jew. Conclusion, Nick Yacob Cruz, the Florida shooter, is a JEW.
What does she say now?
Gun control is a verbal tick to blame mostly Republicans but also a reveal that she's a liberal.
We need one more layer of review before we allow the purchase of a firearm.
If your voter Registration card says democrat we don’t sell the gun. That would have solved over half (75% most likely).
>do something because 0.000005% of the population got killed today because my school didn't have proper security
>ban all guns
>but the niggers that get them illegally are still allowed to have because they don't care
>black on white crime skyrockets
>still white peoples fault
Rejecting prayers shows how little she cares about the events compared to how she's willing to use them to advance an agenda
You misunderstand Sarah, I'm praying for you to get shot...just like I've been praying for months for your friends and teacher to be shot.
>violently seize people's property in the name of non-violence.
Also this.
Not to mention the fact the school knew this kid was fucked up and didn't do shit, but neglect him and kick him out.
>might makes right
>power is absolute
> woe to the conquered
>You ban rifles the next one will use a handgun.
>You ban handguns the next one will use a sword.
>You ban swords the next one will use a knife.
The problem is not the weapon overall. The Weapon will only result in a higher or lower body count. I really don't understand why one should be able to buy an AR-15 but our laws here in Germany are also idiotic. At the end it is societies fault for producing a situation where a human takes this route of action.
If they were friends with a piece of shit like her chances they were also shit.
You could ban guns in America, but they would still flood over from Mexico. Are you asking for someone to build a wall or something?
wow this is powerful
look at all those retweets shes made of people calling her woke
the modern day female 56%er can make literally anything about her
>price of shit
I pray for her to pay such a thing
Totes need AWB now! Just like the one that prevented Columbine and like the one that prevented Sandy Hook. Like totally.
>dipshit doesn't know what an AR-15 is
sometimes I wish you guys could ban guns just to show these people it wouldn't do shit and you can't just change laws because you had an emotional outburst. statistically gun deaths are still really low. you'd have to ban tobacco and alcohol first to make a convincing argument
How convenient. Just when anti-white bias is on the rise we get another mas shooting the white-hating Democrats can use to push for their favorite subject, gun control. Go ask a South African farmer if they feel safe with gun control in their country.
she should probably just kill herself desu senpai
Why do these fucking retards think that criminals are going to follow the law.
The school is 40% jewish.
Basically this
They could ban guns and start weekly confiscation but the guns would still flow over our borders and through the mafia ports. All it would do is accelerate the collapse
Yeah who is this bitch? Does she even go to that school?
They're trying to hurt "white criminals".
Already mountains of evidence prohibition doesn't do shit. Even the anti's admit nothing changed whatsoever crime wise under the Clinton AWB.
Still it's the same "this time" or "it'll be different" or "wasn't X enough" arguments they drag out.
Almost never do we get anything prohibited back so it's best not to ever let it happen in the first place.
>The Colt AR-15 is a lightweight, 5.56×45mm, magazine-fed, gas-operated semi-automatic rifle.
So my memory was right. Good god! I was thinking I was getting dementia.
The AWB was proven not to do shit but cunts still fall for it.
And alcohol was banned. It leed to the worst crime spike/spree in American history.
I love when liberals freak out like this but when it's Islamic terrorism we're not supposed to do anything about it.
>gun control will prevent it from happening again
No it won't you fucking actor
t. Jew
more of a moral argument. not a statistical one. you cant just say you want guns banned while sucking back booze and smoking cigs
Isn't the natural conclusion to banning guns just going to make the criminally insane resort to explosives?
Which in the grander scope is a lot worse?
what IS the price of shit?
Too bad they used a spiclet.
It really is I’m not doing the muh Jew shill, the school is literally 40% jewish.
Are we talking american or indian?
why didn't anyone get mad at obama when mass shootings happened under his watch
>it's over guys
kek, tell me about it
Are those cookies? Can I have some?
Was she hot?
Without guns it's Goodbye America.
Someone water this plant.
Florida highschools aren't gun free zones. You are allowed to carry there. There were two armed police officers on campus while it happened too.
because he cried
Spics are white when the media needs them to be. Ask zimzam.
Enjoy being over ran with shit skins and mudslimes. Maybe you will wish for a gun when a hoard of jamalls are raping your family and cutting your limbs off.
>being this retarded
Hell, US troops kill that many kids each week overseas, where were her crocodile tears then?
Who the fuck would take a picture like this?
Honestly if I had to deal with cunts like these on a regular basis I'd probably shoot up the school too
Right. Of course this wasn't a false flag. It's normal to take to social media like this after witnessing a bloodbath
See this is why random school shootings are bad some of them get away.
She is part of the problem and doesn't even know it. No respect (for our president), filled with hate. Thinks gun control is the answer. Maybe if we could respect one another, and didn't live in a Godless society, this wouldn't happen.
don't you muricans have police officers outside schools?
how could that be in such a gated community?
Look at the grammatical error.
>>>> multiple of my classmates.
Supposed to be
Many of my classmates.
They have gun control in Mexico and Venezuela but people in those countries get shot all the time.
She should have been shot honestly. Using dead kids to promote loss of civil liberties is One of the lowest points you can go.
>why didn't anyone get mad at obama when mass shootings happened under his watch
Nobody got mad at Obama because he was pro gun control. You get mad at the people who don't want to fix the problem, not the people who do.
Coalburner detected
I most certainly would. Without the gay hashtag though
Moral arguments are flawed. Morals are mixed with feelings witch leeds to bias.
Why not just give all the kids guns and teachers too?
No school shooter could compete with 100+ kids firing back.
Or maybe the intelligents solution is too much for liberals
>300000000000000000000 gorillion ppl
shall not be infringed, snowflakes