t. Sup Forums

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he's whiter than most europeans, that's for sure. that's pretty white, for and american.

He looks like the average Portuguese/Spaniard, white for sure

But that guy literally isn't white

I've never seen a human that looks like that in my 29 years on this planet here in Aus

He looks like a fucking goblin


He is Iberian, you Aussies are Anglo
>He looks like a fucking goblin
He is just ugly nothing to do with race

He's whiter than Italians

This shit is showing how irrational Sup Forums really is. They talk about Divide and Conquer, yet are jumping through hoops trying to say he's not white when he identifies as white, looks white, everyone who knows him thinks he's white, and for all intents and purposes he is white.

He looks like a gypsy


Oh, so not white, fuck off meme flaggot

oh here we go

If your skin is white, you're white. Dont see how this is up for debate. Jews are white, if your neck gets red in the sun your ass is white.

El Goblino...

his biological parents are Italian, Cruz is from his adoptive family. he is white. I heard that in Australia Greeks and Balkans people aren’t considered white but are ‘wogs’ is that true


>jews are white
not quite, goblino

Nice ears.

He looks nothing like Australian whites. He is ethnically American that is for sure.

White isnt just skin colour, some asians are whiter than most whites. It refers to a collection of genetic distinctions.

That's a castizo

He looks like the amerimutt meme, m8. Whiter than most Europeans my ass

According to Sup Forums if you are ugly then clearly you aren't white. It's kind of amazing really.

Yeah he's white, if you look a race, you really are that race. Nobody gioves a fuck about 1/16 spanish or liberian. For all purposes your race oonly matters to the people around you and they only see your skin, not your entire heritage.

You have a problem with me not accepting anything less than people like myself?

He just isn't germanic but definetely white caucasian, he isn't mixed race like many here are saying

I love being white

he's a spic, Ahmed

He’s an ugly spic mutt killer that’s for sure

I approve of the new 56%

He looks like a fucking rat

He might have been automatically allowed into the white ethnostate for the sake of efficiency or whatever but let’s not pretend like we’d all be perfectly happy about it

>he's pretty white
He's darker than more than 50% of Americans.

If we divided the country by skin color he would be on the non-white darker side.


So, not white at all, gotcha

White is white, isn't a race, but you have white races, then you have caucasian, but then you have races based on genetics like for example haplogroups. White race is nonsensical bullshit invented by USA to enable interracial between European races.

You're a fucking slav from a shithole which survives on tourism and EU-bucks and your ancestors got raped by fucking turks, why is it that you retards are always the first to jump to "w-well you Americans are not white!" maymays?

>fag has wide ears
>"he looks like this fictional drawing we made, therefore not white"

Your IQ is clearly under 100, therefore not white

mestizos are non-white

Like this slimy, jew rat.

Lots of larping going on
Antifa running interference

Yes he looks mixed with natives but still majority euro blood
You got thousands that look like him in Northwest Argentina

I hit a nerve, didn't I, monstruo...

> slave eyebrows
> spic ears
> celt hair
> negroid lips

He's not white cause he clearly has features spanning 3 continents. If you are from more than 2 regions you are impure

>the ethnostate is only for people who are at least a 5 out of 10 on the attractiveness scale




Don't let Sup Forums decide who is white...given the chance they'd turn on 95% of humanity then each other.

Hair needs to be more red/auburn

He looks like la monstrucidad la cubano

He looks like a Chechen. They are not white period...

>his biological parents are Italian
So he's mulatto, not white

The nerve is that your country sucks and your life is most likely worse than mine yet you and your other retarded slav brethren who just 20 years ago spent your time slaughtering each other because 1000 years ago you were different kingdoms before everyone around you decided to skullfuck you into submission constantly run around saying "a-at least we are white you amerimutt". Legitimately who gives a fuck if Croatia is 99% European, your people have never accomplished a single fucking thing beyond fucking over the Serbs- that's it, your biggest accomplishment is being a spoiler for someone else. Congrats fucktard.

Mestizos aren’t white

clone of sminem
works for bogdanoff


No he doesn't, his coloring does but not his facial features

>le 51%

This is mulatto you dumb pasta nigger.

El creatura...

He is def south american or cuban.

Why are his eyes so damn glassy?

Sicilian here. I've never seen an Italian witg ears or eyebrows like that unless they were pajeet

I've seen sicilians with those jersey shore lips tho

A spic is a spic.

That’s a mick

>Clearly this not a white male like me

So someone said he was on camera with a girl as shots were still being fired. Was that the police or a second shooter?

>He looks like a fucking goblin
Like this?

>He looks like a fucking rat
He is Albanian

He looks like shrek

It's time for some common sense gun control. These poor children. RIP.

Average italians

>I've never seen a human that looks like that in my 29 years on this planet here in Aus

I think I cracked the code. He's a mixture of this kind of ginger usatthebiglead.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/blake_griffin_with_his_father_tommy_griffin_and_mother_gail_griffin.jpg?w=673

and this kind of half negro biography.com/.image/t_share/MTE4MDAzNDEwNzg5ODI4MTEw/barack-obama-12782369-1-402.jpg

>he identifies as white
That doesn't make a person white

>he looks white
He LITERALLY does not look white

>everyone who knows him thinks he's white
That doesn't make a person white. Do those people also think there are 150 genders, or that Wakanda is full of kangz?

The ONLY thing that makes a person "white " is their skin color, which has nothing to do with opinions or politics.

Skin= shade of brown = nonwhite.

You know how I can tell that YOU are a shitskin? Shitskins literally can't tell the difference between a white person and a brown person.

ONLY non-white people are confused about whether a person is white or not.

White people know a white person when they see one, brown people can only guess (wrong)

If George Clooney is considered white then NKCruz is white.

More like pure gypsies.



I'm sorry you aren't white

Looks pretty much like one to me.

Can Sup Forums post a picture of what a (((white))) person looks like. Wtf is the white standard

wasn't he adopted?

Cruz is a European name, Chang.

Average Argentinian

Not even close.

What a shock, they want to rewrite a school shooter as white, who ever saw this coming

la abominación estadounidense

here u go famalam

I love how you find a pic of a normal guy to counter the fact meme magic is real and the amerimutt came to life


>de Jesus Cruz




>normal guy
maybe in pakistan

You guys on here debating whether this white mother fucker is white enough for your standards is crazy. You and him are in prison, 100% you're eating lunch at his table.

but who will fight ganondorf now?

go to school, Paco

>defending It*lians
I am moroccan and I'm whiter than these shitskins

His race is irrelevant to anyone with common sense, its just upsetting that so many are trying to pass this guy as a spic when he is clearly not

That guy look Cuban

ignore retards who say a dark complexion excludes you from "whiteness"
anyone who values their made-up white "race" above their actual ethno-culture (germanic, celtic, slavic) is a victim of jewish brainwashing.
most posters on Sup Forums calling people non-white for non-reasons are literal white trash amerimutts who are at the same level mentally as niggers. the ignorance of the average american is greater than your average poor russian peasant.
t. Russian transplant.

He's LITERALLY Hispanic, as indicated on his voter registration.