"This graph plots the proportion of the 88 mass shooters in census-based racial groups against each group’s proportion in the US population. The dotted line represents equality between the two proportions. Groups falling above or below the line have committed mass shootings above or below the rate expected given their representation in the population. Generally speaking, groups defined by race have committed these outrages at approximately the same rate, given their relative size."
Are mass shootings a white man’s problem?
Its about environment. If security wasn't so high in urban areas with metal detectors and police officers then there there would be more shootings by blacks. I mean how else can someone explain the huge gap from black on black crime and school shootings?
White kids spend time in school, so they shoot up schools. Black kids spend time on the streets, so they shoot up the streets (which I believe are not classified as mass shootings for some reason).
Black user here; I can confirm.
White people have better aim.
Black people do more mass shootings though.
That being said the shooter in Florida was Hispanic, just like the one in Texas not too long ago
No. Mass shooting is a gun problem. No gun no mass shooting, simple.
no its just that the us don't count the weekly nigger gang violence shooting because apperantly you cant count cause monica is dumb like a child
According to your own graph whites are less likely to be mass shooters...
Seems like these threads pop up pretty often whenever mossad is involved in a false flag. I wonder (((who))) is behind this post
Based on your graph, African Americans are more likely to commit mass shootings.
There are plenty of high school age nogs putting their peers on blast all the time. Libcucks are more than happy to include those statistics in "MUH YEARLY MASS SHOOTING" stats, but otherwise they'd rather nobody look into it.
Show flag, I’m curious who’s behind this low effort shitpost
Weird how Latino is so low per capita? It’s almost as if they classified some Latinos as whites
This graph just tells me that latinos are too lazy to shoot up their schools. Typical.
When will culture be acknowledged? Americans are insane. Made insane by their media and government.
its hard to be mass shooter in school if you dont attend one
Being able to aim is a burden I must live with every day.
Congratulations, white people are the majority.
Now do individual murders.
>even among mass shootings niggers are overrepresented
No, it's an american problem.
Gang violence is in its own category
ITT: Sup Forumstards can't read graphs
Black on and black crime is about equal to white on white crime according to the latest study by DOJ you uneducated fag.
Thats the point of the post: to show people that whites commit mass shootings at a rate below that which is expected. Its written in the post, a quote from the article. The idea was to arm others with the truth so they can defend against the oncoming anti-white media bullshit.
No. Mass shooting is a cunt problem. No cunts, no reason to shoot them.
When you push the white guy to far this is what happens now imagine if we revolted
>Whites underrepresented
Wtf hispanics are way too high