Apparently nobody cares about this

((them)) sure don't.

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If the rich keep buying politicians, nothing will change.

how do you even measure productivity? Is this implying that people today work twice as hard as people in the 70's? Because that's fucking ridiculous. More like computers internet printers robots coffee machines and shit raised productivity.

You're a fucking moron, memeflag.

It sucks but things won't change because the rich have us fighting like idiots over trivial political stuff. So much for trump being the chaos candidate, the big winners of him winning is the billionaires who are giddy with happiness.

add in government spending to that graph and you'll discover where all the wealth went (it went to the unproductive government and entitlement sector)


Maybe because the increase in productivity is caused by increased automation of work and use of computer assistance.

The latter is what productivity is. The chart is basically a lot like saying the wage share of GDP has declined. As we produce more things, workers are getting less of a fraction of those things

This, I bet Tim Cook had a raging erection under the table when trump was praising him in the white house and promising him tax cuts, 2 years ago he was in the hotseat trying to do everything for apple not to pay taxes in the USA. Those taxes are a right off from trump now I bet, a nice gesture from one billionaire to another I suppose.

This graph could have been sold better:

When was the labor-pool flooded with empowered women? Late 60s?
Massive HR departments
Paid leave
Insurance requirements
Progressive labor laws regarding breaks, lunches, etc.
Anti-discriminatory laws
Legal costs
Environmental regulations
On and on and on.
Things that were either smaller or didn't exist in the early 20th
How can the wealth generated by improved productivity go to the workers if you spend it on progressive ideas before you've even generated it?

When I was in college I worked for the Jew and I realized something don't work so hard I started watching other people and they were goofing off and I was instilled with a good worth ethic thinking well I should be working for $6 an hour, if they want people to work they got to pay for it

>Trump is responsible for wages plateau'ing off since the 1970s
>Reducing the tax burden on companies planning on in-sourcing back to America is bad because reasons
cry some more into your soynut crunch you histrionic faggot

Just for reference


yep imagine being so retarded that these conservashits think a corporatoin that makes $40 fucking billion in profits a year needs tax cuts

trumpshits are a fucking liability

it's what happens when woman work

I'm sure this chart could easily be explained by women entering the workforce.

Cool now do:

>hourly compensation
>unskilled mass migration
and notice how wages stagnate right about the same time as millions of shitskins flood your country and satiate demand in for unskilled labour.


The USD used to be backed by gold until LBJ thought he could pull one over the entire world by firing up the printing presses and devaluing the entire world's currency.

The reason isn't even necessarily the gold standard.
It's that women are hired to do the same jobs for less money.
1970 is around about when the consequences of second-wave feminism kicked into high gear.

It isn't about what they need leaf, its about incentivizing decisions that otherwise would not pencil out
Its something literally every city, state, province, and country does
Meanwhile, if you actually lived in the USA and did your taxes you'd see the real effect of the tax plan
Its not perfect (see the alimony deduction issue) but literally most people save money
In a couple months when most workers will have filed the jig will be up, and liberals won't be able to lie about it anymore because people will actually see the numbers for themselves

"Double" the manpower, without doubling the demand for labour = wage mitigation

This too, adding a shit ton of workers to any market that used to be at an equilibrium of supply/demand is always going to devalue wages.

Why should someone be paid more for increased productivity derived from some tool designed by someone else. They're putting in the same, if not less, effort. Computers are designed by other people and given to them, pay computer coders and designers more, not the end stage user.

>Meanwhile, if you actually lived in the USA and did your taxes you'd see the real effect of the tax plan

i do see the effect of the tax plan. bond yields are spiking and u retards are going to have a debt crisis

It's because we deviated from the gold standard you tard

The big problem is automation. In the '90s we worked 184 billion hours I believe in 1994 or something in all of America. In 2014 we worked... 184 billion hours. That number isn't changing because machines are doing the jobs of humans. Eventually they WILL eclipse us in every field, it's only a matter of time. Once self-driving cars replace nearly 1/2 of the workforce in America we will have big problems. That will happen in our lifetime, I guarantee it.

>corporations need tax cuts
You can go buy stock and own part of a corporation yourself. You’re just hurting people who actually invested money rather than blew it on some yeezes

The issue isn’t corporations not being taxed enough, it’s that too much of the actual profit is immediately reinvested back into the company, so stocks don’t give out enough profit dividends.

Reinvestment should come from selling more stock, so investors can choose whether they reinvest the money they make from dividends.

Stealing from the productive and risk takes and giving it to the unproductive and risk adverse is never a good solution.

>doesn't understand business
>being this reatrded
Corporate taxes are a sly way of implementing another tax on the individual. I pass all of my expenses onto my customers, if I don't I will go out of business.

when france had a backbone:

Money is created privately by banks.

Why should a computer coder benefit from the pitagoras hypothesis?.

Things made by collectivities stay collective.

> goes back into tye company
> should go to the stockholders
It goes to the Ceos and other top board members. Then companies spend an obnoxious amount on money on legal fees to keep other people in the market.

I fucking hate ancaps, i used to be one. But your imaginary world of free market doesnt exist. When you say free market, what you actually mean is that companies replace governments making the rules on trade.

>u retards are going to have a debt crisis
An inevitable reality long before the tax plan

tht should start changing, because taxes.

expenses are tax deductible u fucking larping retard

corporations only pay taxes on their profits

they write off all their costs

revenue - expenses = profits

they only pay tax on profits

u retarded corporate shills are a joke

Keep competitors out of the market*


they go to fucking share buybacks and making the richer

ya i can buy 10 shares meanwhile billionaires buy up millions

If you are sellung banannas this is true. But almost any other product no.

making the *rich richer

It's said than progress in IA will grow exponentially, that would take care of most specialized jobs not eliminating the whole process but making a lot of the workforce unnecessary.

I'm hoping it happens in 8 or less years.

>absurdly simplistic bullshit telling poorfags what they want to hear

Wow my eyes are opened

WTF?I'm Nazbol now.

Baby boomers, the largest generation ever, combined with women entering the workforce in mass caused the supply of labor to spike. With the spike in labor supply, the demand for labor stagnated. As demand for labor stagnated, so did the value of that labor. Hence where we are today.

The workers didn’t become more productive by themselves. Investment in technology increased productivity. Literally none of those workers you’re complaining for showed up to work on their own accord with a spreadsheet program on a shitty windows 3.0 rig. Why should the workers get dividend off investments in capital they didn’t make? Those workers could’ve bought stock in the company they work for then they’d be entitled to profit generated by enchanted productivity tools gained through capital investment.

> brainlet cant figure out what happened in the 70s
Women entered the workforce en masse. Double the labor force over time, which cuts the price of labor in half and now your graph makes a lot more sense. OP BTFO

>sorts by 5y
>sorts by all

>checks deficit
>checks debt

>I fucking hate ancaps, i used to be one. But your imaginary world of free market doesnt exist. When you say free market, what you actually mean is that companies replace governments making the rules on trade
Im not AnCap and nothing I said was inherently AnCap you fucking idiot, where did I say anything about being pro-monopolies and big companies strong arming small companies? I’m just against taxing the shit out of them.

I just picked a random flag to avoid nation-banter in another thread, but you’re such a dumbarse you just looked at the flag instead of reading the substance of my post.

lol wtf

you have no sources. also it was proven late last decade that in many companies people dont do shit but waste company time in america. the company can check what you do on company hardware and often people were just wandering the web

corporations only pay taxes on their fucking profits, that means after they write off all their costs of doing business

Investment in physical capital has basically oscillated around a flat line since the 50s, but net wages have declined. We are also in a period of high profitability, but investment hasn't reached pre-2008 levels. That implies corporations are hoarding.


>spend more capital opening a business so I have computers and internet to make it more efficient
>$7/hour wagecuck thinks he is actually the one making me more productive, not my increased investment relative to the number of people I decided to hire

lel, this is one of the worst arguments I've seen for why wages should increase. I agree it's bad that they have stagnated, but not everything positive can be attributed to worker contributions.

>checks deficit
>checks debt
>see's little difference between this and previous admin

That's probably true, I know I fuck off a lot at work, but that just runs into the issue of there being not enough demand for actual labor hours while the economy requires people get paid to buy all the shit it is producing. I've cycled through a couple of room mates over the past years, and most of them have been engineers or skilled business labor of some kind. Three of them had just gotten new jobs in the city, and all of them joked that they weren't given work for months and their boss just told them to hang tight till they got something for them to do. Which is to say it isn't always labor's fault that businesses might have cyclical bursts of activity.

Analysis: Government set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year

Funny how when women entered the work place they crashed job wages.

>measaures against last year of Obama's tenure, ignores rest
7.1 T over 10 years, roughly the same amount over Obama's 8 years.

You think private businesses actually make meaningful investments in research? The overwhelming majority of the increase in productivity is derived from publicly funded research. Other than that, the capital is worthless without the worker even more so than the worker is hindered by a lack of capital.


so is this adjusted for inflation or have wages actually gone down?

because if im not mistaken wages have actually gone down

This desu senpai.

>Women enter the work force
>supply of workers doubles overnight


>Money is created privately by banks.

There are 3 sources of money creation. Private Banks. The Central Bank. Government Spending.

Likewise there are 3 sources of money destruction. Loan repayments. Bond fuckery. Government Taxation.

Currently we are in a Debt Deflationary crisis. We capped out the maximum money private banks can lend, but at the same time no one wants to run up a giant deficit.
Running up a debt as a Government is actually just fine, you in practice inflate away debt, but that comes at a cost to savers. Equally it effects the trading relations between nations.

What's the problem? No Government wants to inflate away the debts that they have run up, as that would be electoral suicide. Equally they don't want to annual the debts that have already been run up.

This means that without the possibility to issue new loans, to grow the monetary supply, without the will to spend money, and QE having failed abysmally... we're just gonna ride a deflationary stagnation, until either the communists or fascists coup a Government, and all other Governments then bite the bullet and fix the crisis in order to avoid hanging from lamp posts.

No one will fucking read this though, you useless faggots!

>>supply of workers doubles overnight

no that's not what happened u retarded 12 old child

>implying the importation of a subhuman slave class of speedy gonzales's and outsourcing to china has absolutely nothing to do with the level of productivity

fuck off kike, capitalism is broken

So you’re saying that since the 50s companies haven’t transitioned to computers on a large scale? Like if you went to a Bloomingdales in 1955 and 2018 you’d see the same machines on the counter?

No, productivity is NOT measured by how hard people work. You're falling for the "jobs" fallacy. Just because you're working harder, doesn't mean you're being more efficient. Productivity is measured by, well, profitable output.

As far as the chart is concerned they've gone down because productivity is a measure of output. So real wages have been "flat", but that is in the macroeconomic context of output growing. Nominal wages have even risen, of course, but in terms of corporate balance sheets workers became less of their costs.

>no that's not what happened u retarded 12 old child
bby y r u hurtin???

>capital is worthless without the worker
Not for long friendo

It's a bullshit metric

name one thing publicly funded research has done in the past 20 years

The wages stagnated because of a massive population boom.

women gradually entered the workforce

it wasnt overnight

how retarded r u

Longer than you think.

this and women and inmmigrants entered the workforce in large numbers and a lot of jobs were just made obsolete or the numbers needed to do them declined

maybe so maybe not

What do you mean by a thing and the past 20 years?


2009 = 1.6 trillion deficit
Hard not to "reduce" from 1.6 t
Meanwhile Trump is starting with 984b deficit
His 10 year plan adds less to the debt than Obama's 8
Get rekt

Every Apple product in existence.

I just mean the average ratio of their spending on investment vs other costs hasn't changed. It has big swings, maybe even regularly breaking a standard deviation or so, I haven't actually looked at that, but right now we are actually resting around the average I think. Profits are above average over a similar timescale, though. So that is just to say companies in general aren't spending their profits on investment right now. But wages are also down, so it seems like they are hoarding.

no they didn't

How does importing more unskilled labor increase productivity per worker? It should do the opposite.

The Battle Flag of Northern Virginia isn't a memeflag you Yankee scum

Hourly compensation isn't the only kind of compensation that there is you know. Take into account benefits (like healthcare, especially considering how expensive it is here in the US) and that supposed gap disappears.

It will take pretty much forever to actually eliminate labor from any meaningful logistics and production chain you can think of.

So what happens between 1970-1975 and what other graphs show a similar trend (around a similar time)?
Put all dem graphs togefor and us got yaself a revolutionary flyer/handbook.

Nobody cares about his either. Wtf?

r u retarded?

Obama's last budget deficit was like $500 billion.

Why is Trump exploding the budget deficit at a time of full employment?

lol i love how blind u retards are. u won't even see the wave of shit coming at you

Economists rip Trump's spending spree as 'foolhardy,' 'ludicrous,' and 'the dumbest'

Obama cut the budget deficit by 2/3. Trump is exploding it. Trump inherited a strong economy. Obama inherited a massive recession. You retards are so fucked.

Fuck off.
GVA took a nose dive for most populations in the UK.

productivity is the cost of input per unit of output. Lowering input costs results in higher productivity, although it's self-defeating as it relates to wages.

its incredible that all things start to getting bad in the same time, deslocalization of busenes inmigration from south america wealth inequality ,what happened pol,what happened


And of that part of London, only a small group got it.

These two graphs are Trump and Brexit in a nutshell.