Reading about this BAMF right now. Seems like Noone gives a fuck about him. Are there any other presidents who deserve more praise, but are trapped in the shadows of other men?
>Inb4 manlet
>Inb4 drunkard
Reading about this BAMF right now. Seems like Noone gives a fuck about him. Are there any other presidents who deserve more praise, but are trapped in the shadows of other men?
>Inb4 manlet
>Inb4 drunkard
Other urls found in this thread:
He was a drunk manlet . Lee superior in every way.
>Drove out the British army with a bunch of ragtags and pirates
>Shut the banks down
Nixon actually was an excellent president and saved the country by unfucking LBJ's fiat currency by making all oil bought from the sauds be made with USD.
He also deescalated the pointless vietnam war and opened Western discourse with China, putting extra pressure on Russia since they and China had not been getting along.
>Van Buren
Grant was a shit president desu senpai
Grant was a decent general but a crappy and corrupt president. Also the alcoholism thing is overblown. He typically didn't drink at all, it's just that he binged in those times he did. When he was out on campaign he didn't touch the stuff.
>he’s my ancestor
Calvin Coolidge. Kept government small and left the people alone to get rich. Then Hoover fucked it all up and FDR doubled down on his failed policies
Seconding Polk. Garfield just died, slowly, in office. That might have been an improvement on some administrations, but I don't see why it makes HIM underrated
Dude was a shit general and was only left in command, compared to the 8 before him, because he was willing to mill irish into southern guns zerg style. Numbers dont lie. Shitty drunk cobbler
Except on the battlefield
Wasn’t FDR part of the NWO though?
I recount the story of the Battle of New Orleans everytime I get the chance. Jackson was a bad ass.
Well it worked, didn't it? Besides, what else you going to do with the Irish?
Yes, and that's why I spit on his grave.
If he had been in command from the outset of the war it would have been over by 1862 because he and Sherman were the only ones who understood how the war needed to be waged. Jackson realized the same thing for the CSA and they wouldn't listen to him.
Excellent general but poor president
>on 50 dollar bill
Pick one.
From The Boston Globe ("Ulysses S. Grant’s greatest regret"):
Not surprisingly, Grant’s order got a good deal of attention in the 1868 presidential campaign — the first time a “Jewish issue” played a role in presidential politics. Grant didn’t deny that General Orders No. 11 had grossly violated core American values. “I do not sustain that order,” he wrote humbly. “It would never have been issued if it had not been telegraphed the moment it was penned, and without reflection.”
But it was as president that the full extent of Grant’s regret became clear. He opposed a movement to make the United States an explicitly Christian state through a constitutional amendment designating Jesus as “ruler among the nations.” He named more Jews to government office than any of his predecessors — including to positions, such as governor of the Washington Territory, previously considered too lofty for a Jewish nominee.
Grant became the first American president to openly speak out against the persecution of Jews abroad. In response to anti-Jewish pogroms in Romania, he took the unprecedented step of sending a Jewish consul-general to Bucharest to “work for the benefit of the people who are laboring under severe oppression.” All in all, the eight years of Grant’s presidency proved to be a “golden age” in US Jewish history. When he died in 1885, he was mourned in synagogues nationwide.
Everyone knows he was a bad president though, he's just on the $50 out of appreciation for his service in the war.
>bad president
On lists made by people who said LBJ was a good president. Thanks but no thanks.
Polk for sure. The President with the ultimate poker face took Oregon without firing a single shot.
His only fuck up was not taking all that Mexican land and purging it to make the USA even larger. Other than that he was a model president.
Oh, almost forgot to mention that he's probably the only President to voluntarily be a one-term leader. What a fucking dude.
>Sup Forumsk is our volk
He kicked Mexican ass and got us the final third of the Continental US thus allowing us unprecedented access to both oceans
Never mind, I just looked him up, he basically was the LBJ of his time.
Grant's presidency was a horrendous rip tide of corruption, he is not remembered fondly in this regard. What gives you the idea he was a "bad-ass motherfucker?"
Grant banished the jews from the South. That's why he has always been attacked.
How the fucking kikes manage to continue tricking stupid fucking humans since the dawn of time is beyond me, they stick out like rat shit on rice to me.
I mean, he was a bad ass motherfucker, look at his western campaign. His presidency just sucked.
can't argue with that
best president ever
Garfield was college professor who drank whiskey, and died. He never did anything worthwhile, regardless of what his college wants you to think.
Confederacy had superior generals, just less resources and manpower
I mean, he's on the fucking 50 dollar bill. that's some praise. and he's generally ranked in the top ten according to historians.
Why is it that the best generals in the war were always the ones that dressed all shabbily?
Nixon also started the EPA. Definitely would have been one of the greatest if the FBI/CIA didn't want his ass gone. Probably why the FBI/CIA wanted him gone. Funny how much history rhymes.
meade was best girl
General Order No. 11 was the title of an order issued by Major-General Ulysses S. Grant on December 17, 1862, during the American Civil War. It ordered the expulsion of all Jews in his military district, comprising areas of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky. The order was issued as part of a Union campaign against a black market in Southern cotton, which Grant thought was being run "mostly by Jews and other unprincipled traders."[1]