He's right Pol
>shall not be infringed
Bet he doesn't own guns and is of the jewish persuasion.
Only rural and suburban retards own guns.
Yes. Mass shooting bootlicking ideologues and government jackboots.
banning a particular firearm won't deter the mentally ill.
Moron OP doesn’t know Remington 870 can carry 86 double ought buck projectiles with no reload. Lurk moar.
Friendly reminder on when gun control is acceptable.
Then explain why he owns 2 AR-15s?
>semi auto ARs
>implying that there any that aren't semi auto
Nogunz confirmed
>I own ARs
>I also own multiple shotguns, bolt-action rifles and pistols
>I really do
Clearly the patrician weapon of choice when it comes to mass shootings is a mini-14.
>gun control hasnt stopped psychotic killers in the past
Don’t listen to that faggot. Rifles kill 300 Americans a year. That’s nothing. Blacks with handguns kill 8,000+ annually. That’s who is doing the killing
People murdered with rifles of all types: 248
People murdered with shotguns: 262
People murdered with "other guns": 93
People murdered with knives: 1567
People murdered by fist: 660
I don't think Americans should be allowed to have guns desu. They are generally too retarded and take too much drugs and medications mixed in with bad diet and stressful working conditions and no health insurance and binary us vs them political system makes for a toxic life environment. They should ban guns from all people unless they served in the military or the national guard which is what was presumed to be the "militia" in the late 18th Century
Every school should have police that are armed with ARs. This would never happen.
There are straight-pull configurations for the cucked nations.
Okay, and then when we outlaw AR15s, his shotguns become his new gun of choice, then you rinse and repeat until you're finally left with nothing other than pointy sticks. Bottom line is that it doesn't matter what gun you use, if you target a "gun-free zone", it's like shooting fish in a barrel. The kid could've went in there with a samurai sword and done just as much carnage, if not even more so. BAN EVERYTHING!!1111
Why use an AR if you could just import a ton of Arab immigrants.
Why does he own 2 AR-15s then?
Guys like you make me happy you have Trudeau.
no correlation
doesn't account for population
I like Trudeau I barely think about him at all and don't live in a permanent crisis state.
You forgot to mention that Trump should release his taxes.
I'm also a US citizen and the owner of 4 AR-15s, but this tragedy has changed my heart. It's time for sensible gun control. Who's with me?!!
>I own a ton of rope, and not that I would but if I were to kill all niggers, I would use rope. We need to ban rope.
>no health insurance
its there if you arent some section 8 welfare nigger
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
being fully honest
The average heavy truck attack will kill more than the average shooting.
OP is a glamazon faggot.
Okay, he can give up his AR15 if he doubts his ability to restrain his desire to mass murder people.
No one else should be forced (at gun point) to give up their AR15s if they don't want to, i.e if they trust their sanity and know history.
That is the 2nd Ammendment - your right to choose if you want a gun or not.
>the highest IQ state is one of the most democratic
as expected
cross reference this with Niggers/100 inhabitants
The only right answer
Not gonna lie, former AR15 owner here. This is fucking hilarious watching all these mass shootings. But in all seriousness we can't let people own guns.
What qualifies as a mass shooting?
>I'll ignore the trend and cherry pick
Fuck off Obama leaf
We have more blacks than most of those countries have people with no account for populace as a whole in mass shootings. lets revisit this graph post migrant crisis when europe gets to try out being "le 56% face" for a decade.
even if you eliminate niggers from the equation you are still left with dozens of school shootings which are usually done exclusively by whites and other events like Las Vegas and that time that white /polack/ shot up a church. School shootings literally only happen in America
>owns guns
>doesn't value them
Some white people are worse than niggers and Jews combined.
Maybe he should sell his guns to me if he's going to go on a shooting spree.
>mfw anyone says "I can't be trusted with a right, so take it away from everyone"
>somehow manages to take away all guns
>Next mass killing is kid bringing a homemade IED to a prep rally and killing half the school
>Nick de Jesus Cruz
Try again kike.
>hey fellow whites
Oh look, this rural and suburban retard thinks that his opinion matters and that he has the right to challenge an ultra high IQ city person's authority. How adorable. Here's your (You)
Only a no gun anti white would take that post serious, or make it
it was a joke that rural and suburban retards took out of context
>I own 2 "AR-15s"
Yea, no
>lowest iq states have the highest amount of niggers and Mexicans
justin's a raging faggot
>firearms are made to shoot mass at targets
Wrong, I live in Minneapolis, now fuck off commie
Not solid logic at all.
Looks like Gun sales are going to skyrocket
Liberalism, dysgenics, atomization, urbanization, welfare will turn any people into stupid violent
What the fuck is up with this "bolt action" meme?
Like, seriously if you use this kind of terminology you are apart of the problem.
Guns haven’t gotten more dangerous over the past decades, and back in the day there were far less gun controls in place to boot.
Can someone explain how it’s suddenly the gun’s fault?
Whitey >103
Commiefornia, Illinois, New Mexico, Deep South
33 were killed at Va tech with a glock. That's probably a more effective weapon for an indoor/short range attack because you can aim ,spin around and move more quickly. It's also easier to switch magazines.
>still left with dozens of school shootings which are usually done exclusively by whites
fucking prove it, faggot. We'll wait for you to cite anti-gun propaganda that includes gunshots fired within earshot of a school, then ridicule you. Dont forget to reach all the way back to columbine to prove shootings are "exclusively white" even though there were supposedly 18 of them this year.
> Adam Lanza white
> colombine shooters white
> eliot rodgers white
> Vegas man white
> bowl cut nazi white
> Jared Lee Loughner white
What mindbending meds was he on?
Ban them instead.
numbers don't lie
A gang shootout where a few nigs are hit so liberals can say there is a mass shooting every day.
how do you call it then, spinny-knobby bangstick?
No op he’s a massive faggot like yourself
California has Silicon Valley, where the world's most intelligent people live.
How much the average Californian must be stupid in order to reduce indicators?
Even Russia after 100 years of destruction has better average intelligence
>school shootings
Nice list, cherry-picked to the max.
If there's dozens of school shootings by whites every year, why include columbine or even sandy hook?
Whites 60% pop./60% of the shootings
Nogs 12%/20%+
>ultranormie fucktard caves to the whims of roasties
wow what a surprise
only a matter of time before he has kids with some stupid bimbo, she gets BLACKED, takes his kids from him and raises them on his dime in a home where they watch their mom get fucked by a new guy each week then kills himself like he deserves
>Whites underrepresented
Who cares about stats on mass killings. We don't give up our guns, ever. It keeps the government in check, along with acting as a deterrent against foreign invaders. Why isn't this the primary argument?
Far more people are killed by handguns. Why not go after those as well?
Might want to post this related graph aswell, kike.
That's what I'm getting at. Jamal's drive by that hits three people is a mass shooting now. The numbers are fucked up and used as rhetoric.
Don't be so quick to pass judgement. We're not sure yet why he did this.
because handguns cant be used to defend against hordes of shitskins who breed like rats
>elliot rogers is white
Leaf Education at it's finest.
Why is the American rate so high anyway? It's obviously not the access to guns when you have countries with plenty of guns per capita like Finland and Norway that have even fewer mass shootings than fucking noguns nations like Britain. I know the easy answer is "niggers" but I'd appreciate it if somebody elaborated on it. I've been trying to figure this shit out.
nigger mass shootings are not mass shootings. MAss shootings are done because of mental illness and/or general retaradition and pathology nigger shootings are in the organized and gang crime category and are just the way niggers conduct business and crime in a black market business environment. it's not the same issue you don't count Al-Capone's crime wave in 1930's Chicago as "mass shootings"
How do you do fellow white conservative gun owners
> literally 56%
The worst part is that they'll alternate which metric they use without actually acknowledging it.
When they want to say we had more mass shootings than days of the year last year, they'll define mass shooting to include typical ghetto fiascos. When they want to say it's a white thing, suddenly the definitions narrow and twist.
>nigger mass shootings don't count because that's just how niggers are
>Why is the American rate so high anyway?
That graph is not displaying a rate.
> Italian
Italians used to do the exact same thing with even worse numbers during the prohibition era.
The bait and switch I hate the most is when they say "gun deaths" (to include suicides) and then talk about homicides in the next breath without acknowledging the difference.