To all nazis, what do you have to say about ashkenazi jews having a higher average IQ than ''aryans'' ? How can you say you're supreme?
To all nazis, what do you have to say about ashkenazi jews having a higher average IQ than ''aryans''...
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We're balanced, how many jew athletes do you know.
Yeah I'm real jealous of superior Jews
IQ isn't the only measure of value. The average jew might be bright, but they're also parasitic, cowardly, and physically weak. Consider this -- no great Jewish empire has ever existed. Instead, Jews infiltrate empires that have already been built, and suckle at them like leeches.
We can hold a territory.
Pure Germans have higher IQ though.
have seen the kikes country
> its a sand hole with shit old building
they produce nothing
> can't farm
>can't build anything
if you're the one pushing racial IQ how are we the nazis?
why are kikes such attentionwhores? This board forgets about kikes for a few hours to focus on happenings and then you have anonyJews creating bait threads to lure the ebil Nazzis from that said happening. Sometimes I think Jews love anti semitism. Without Antisemitism, Jews wouldn't know how to function. You have always be at the centre of everyone's attention. Obnoxious faggots.
if you pic a part of subrace of a subrace let me to me too
The average ashkenazi IQ is 107 (murray hernstein numbers are only accurate non biased numbers on this)
The average Germanic IQ is 109.
My antisemitism is mostly ironic trolling. Call them non-human and watch them go apeshit.
>boss hires new qt to work for us
>she told me shes a 1/4 jew
>ashkenazi jews having a higher average IQ than ''aryans''
[citation needed]
Don't bother looking brah, countless shills have made the claim, none have backed it up.
Says the ashkenazi jews to the goyim. The gentiles pose the greatest threat to the Juden. Juden you will not replace us! Juden you will loose!
Jews lack empathy which means that their IQ is either used for their personal gain only or destruction. Europeans use their intelligence to build good societies for people to live in.
Israel has a GDP equivalent to Alabama (over a quarter black). The Semites aren't as prosperous when they actually have to make a real living rather than sponging off the top of free, tolerant, individualist white countries. No matter how much they wail about antisemitism, the Jews that populated Israel all came from shitty Arab and Soviet countries. The amount of Jews from the West which moved to Israel is minimal. In fact, many Israelis come here.
The entire Middle East just needs to be glassed right. now.
Bleach her. She and her children would have been spared the gas by Hitler.
Are you another Jew pretending to be German?
because their atributes are so one sided that never could have achieve anything if wasnt for us
Weimar Germany. Soviet Russia. Modern America. Israel. We've seen what they build on the backs of goyim. They are the eternal enemy of mankind.
Its a lie, Jews are niggers, no Jew is smarter than an Aryan.
Shut the fuck up sardine.
There are more white people in the world with an iq higher than 115 than there are jews in the world period.
>jewish intelligence
is it 6 million already?
here rabbi, have another nobel prize
Jews rigged the tests.
blacks are fast but dumb
askhenazi are smart but weak
asian are smart but are small/weak
indians smell bad and shitting in the streets
arabic are stupid and explode spontanious
whites are balanced and have no downside
Americans treated kikes better than kikes treat each other and the inbreds still turned on Americans. America proved the rat will never be satisfied until we're enslaved or exterminated.
The few right wing kikes that exist in America want billions for Israel and open borders.
so are mensa people the master race i think that they have more etnick homegeneity that ask jews thenself
>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000
They only use their IQ to subvert the goyim. Nationalism is about the interests of your own people, not about who's "superior".
Bernie voted with Rand Paul to audit the fed. Naturally there are hierarchies and different factions of Jewry, and Bernie was sincere and wasn't a part of the club, which is why the primaries had to be rigged against him. I don't agree with his politics, but if you're brave enough to talk about or go against the Federal Reserve, you're not a part of (((them))).
Lurk more, Türkroach
i m 1/4 nazi, so show pic
not so good for 2000 years ,and in 50 years you have lead usa is imploding behind our eyes the euroean nobleze were smarter and much more capable than you ,your only merit is waking up the chinese
We don't want to be supreme. We want to rule ourselves without interference.
there is no reliable evidence for it, but I'm not a nazi or anti-semite anyway. Jews do commonly teach their children that jews are intellectually superior to gentiles, its called priming and it actually works. For example there have been experiments/studies showing that if you get kids to imagine they are geniuses before they take a test there's a noticeable positive effect on their scores.
Notice how either end of the spectrum - Asians all have straight brown hair and brown eyes - Blacks all have "nappy" brown hair and brown eyes - both have inbred facial features.
I'm certain the lack of genetic diversity resulting from breeding strategies which only emphasize specific traits (blacks only bred with strong, Asians only bred with smart) has led to inbreeding.
Meanwhile whites have a tremendous genetic diversity with all different hair textures, colours and eye colours and even skin complexion.
Genetic diversity is unironically our strength.
this thread is as good as any other to put usa before the subhuman lead it
Those kikes also have higher genetic defects by coming from 350 ancestors. Don't be so proud, Schlomo.
can we stop this meme? anyone who lives around jews (NJ here) knows that they ARE NOT superior in any way. it's like saying that indians are superior because they succeed in the US.
real, well-bred, full-blooded europeans are, always were, and always will be superior to kikes. i mean, jews live INSIDE our civilization as parasites. they invent NOTHING for the society. the only "whites" who think this are basically retarded, uncultured amerimutts who worship the state. not all americans are ill-bred subhumans, though.
debate me.
care for this one
>Instead, Jews infiltrate empires that have already been built, and suckle at them like leeches.
Same leaf Shitposting again
Color me surprised niggers
>94 IQ
>25% Arabs 15% Russians
prove that that's not true, heeb.
>20% Hispanic
>15% Niggers
>98 IQ
Nice excuse jewboy!
>gets land from the british empire
>claims jews created israel from the start
just a heeb nothing more
There's literally no difference between a german and a kike.
That it's bullshit. See Hollywood for more clues. Read their Twitters. These are not the genii you're looking for.
>gets land that the British empire had promised to Arabs after the Arabs helped liberate it from the Turks in WW1
That's a key component.
I had a friend who claimed he was pure south German. He had a hook nose, dark skin, and black hair.
Muh Jew IQ
if at you have make usa better even if you sucessfully displaces european american but no ,you only have created chaos , a chaos that chinese would be the ones who benefit
Just so you know the Jew in your pic isn't ashkenazi
>Gets back the land which was ours historically for millennia
There now it's fixed cumfags
We won't have to say anything after we slaughter you all.
Pale german women got enriched by the big roman cock, which is probably why.
Let me guess, you’re comparing a single ethnicity (Ashkenazi) to the entire white race. Try comparing all jews to nordics alone and see what happens
look at the men and women dressed nicely
I'll happily accept that we aren't supreme.
In exchange, Jews can get the fuck out. No business will ever be conducted with Jews ever again and they will never usurp our lands from us.
>win land through subversion rather than their own blood and sweat
>wonder why you have a proclivity for being gassed
I'm white nigger
>I'm white nigger
Gibs khazar milk trucks
Your memes are shit kike
a better world is posible ,you only have to kill the parasites
The eternal Jew is cunning. Here's a tale we can all understand.
yes the paradise existed
You know we are causing trouble for everyone especially ourselves. Stop being a nigger and own up to the shit our people actually do. We are the niggers of the white race and have fucked ourselves up more than our enemies and rivals. Feminists have totally fucked Israel and made men that live their cucks to all women. We are fucking up royally by giving niggers anything they are a fucking plague that will destroy us we can't control and they always see us as evil whites. We are fucking white
Is this a Jew talking about mutts when they came from a handful of ancestors, and thus get horrible genetic defects? Enjoy your Tay Sachs and IBS.
>higher IQ
>entire foundation of their society based on destroy the goy
I could care less. The fact that the gap is so small shows they will never beat us into submission.
all the smart ones escaped the holocaust. hitler literally eugenicsed them into a master race lol
>what do you have to say about ashkenazi jews having a higher average IQ than ''aryans'' ?
They don't though?
Ashkenazis in Israel have average IQs, and the nation as a whole has a below average one from what I recall.
You only get the near-Asian results when you cherrypick NYC neighbourhoods for your studies.
Global jewish IQ is only 98, sephardics and mizrahi are even more jewish
Is mixing with blacks and arabs good then or should we stick to oursleves since we already are good?
Time to get in the oven shlomo