Leave it to me!
Dragon Ball Super
I like Super and hope it doesn't end soon. Would love to get into the Manga but it being on a monthly timer wouldn't help keep my interest.
yeah, just wait until its finished then marathon it
Only one person on that team is important.
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
I want to see more Kale/Cauli and or 17/18. Moreso 17/18 because the synergy in their movements are cool.
this is the quality dragon ball animation I remember
fuck super
What are your predictions for the tournament's future?
when Goku defeated Picollo Jr. he had all four limbs broken, a punctured lung, a cracked spine, broken ribs, and had lost most of his clothes.
This is what it means to take Goku seriously, and if you don't take Goku seriously then Goku doesn't take you seriously as a villain
To the 476lbs user we have here:
If Buu can do it so can you!
I can hear his "he he he" just by looking at this.
The worst part is that it still unironically looks better than super. I miss Z.
>this is good "Super" animation
looks like shit
some flashy shit will happen with goku and gohan.
Jiren and muten roshi will be last in the ring.
Roshi mufabas his shit out and they win.
Where did all the Toeishills go? It's like 90% of them suddenly disappeared.
Not that I mind. Toyotaro is /ourguy/
yeah, i miss Adult Gohan getting his shit kicked in
Stop calling out that fatso every single thread.
based sony are gonna save funimation
What did you just dare say?
why is there 2 tiens?
I think this is fine, I'm pretty critical of Super but those two Frieza episodes looked really good for the most part.
Don't mind me, just posting best villain.
the workload is simply too much. don't they have to make a episode every week?
Rate my U7 team.
I'm reading Dragon Ball again for the first time in years. Just finished the first tournament arc and realized something for the first time. I feel like a huge idiot for not noticing before, but Roshi totally kills Toninjinka/Monster Carrot when he blows up the moon.
How did I never realize that before?
look closer. that's immortal turtle hermit
i just want super to go on even after the end of z because i really want to see my nigga in action
>How did I never realize that before?
you were likely a kid/teen.
Dragon Ball Online said Monster Carrot fell back down from the moon and survived when it blew up if I recall correctly. Attack of the Saiyans had Monster Carrot build himself a spaceship before it blew up, and one interview by Toriyama said him and his henchman are alive but drifting through space.
I doubt they would actually go there, but I would love if Goku had a plan behind all this playing dumb.
reminder Caulifla stinks
haha, Goku has zero chances for Smash now
Toei has dozens of shows, they're making tons of episodes a week. The thing is they also own the most successful franchises in anime and have the fucking budget to make them not look like shit (see: Tiger Mask W, Precure), they just don't.
Your God is deserving of all the praise and affection you can muster
>reminder Caulifla jobs
Fixed it for you
can you do one for Universe 11
with only JIren and Toppo on it
reminder picollo can use mafuba
why are people still hyped for Heroes garbage?
I doubt he has any concrete plan in motion yet beyond recruiting frieza, but like he said to Gohan, He'll figure out something
not true. animating those fight scenes and actually making them look good takes a long time. it can't be done it a week without it looking like shit
Is this image suggesting that Goku and the others have a plan to take out the angels/gods
Reminder that Heroes has been the best and craziest piece of DB for the past 7 years and counting.
considering he'd just be a Ryu clone that's no big loss
>these are the only U10 fighters left
Zamasu could have prevented this.
God I hate EoZ Goku's looks. You can already tell Toriyama was losing interest in drawing the manga by the middle of Buu saga.
Beerus doesn't like pets
How else do I praise and show affection?
>not liking EoZ Goku
thats what im saying toriyama is senile at this point and not having editors around to contain him from doing stupid things will only make things worse onwards
Don't worry the androgynous looking not-Zarbon will do his part and survive further into the tournament so that U10 isn't the second universe to be erased. Maybe they can survive further than their counterpart U3.
Also Tenshinhan and Goku... Universe 7 has four warriors that can use the Mafuba, the most useful technique in this tournament!!
Gowasu will win and revive universe 7 as thanks for saving him from Zamasu.
This is old as shit. And it's not even "god Cell". It's Cell-X recycled from DB online
He's jobbing to Piccolo next episode.
>spent countless years in his own personal hell without repenting
>once he returned to hell he image trained constantly to improve despite his chances of escaping the cocoon being zero
>had his nemesis beg him to join the universe's team
>so powerful, gods from other universe plotted to assassinate him
>survived and manipulated hakai energy despite having no experience with god ki
>currently plotting to overthrow the hyper incompetent gods
>most likely the best candidate for a new god of destruction
Based Frieza
Good thing they don't actually do it in a fucking week you idiot, they do it over six weeks to two months, you think they start making the next episode immediately after the next one airs?
Big Green had perished.
That would be cool.
If that happens then rip in peaces I guess.
18 jobbed to this guy
We still have a long way.
I say at least 100 hundred episodes more
Did Trunks teach Mai how to fly after they moved? Gohan gave his waifu wings before they were even digging each other.
Left or Right?
As long as the money keeps flowing in, Super will never die.
Me on the left
Freeza may be an evil tyrant but at least he'd still let people in the universe exist just so they can suffer under his rule even if in the afterlife.
Nice headcanon, he can only reverse it back against whoever uses it (Kami, in that panel) on him first.
Got it
>not knowing it was clickbait
...you're cute
i never thought about that. no need to call me an idiot though
DBS may have its downs but it sure is a great time to be a Freezafag.
He used it in Super, tho.
Just to explain, it appears that the flower guy is hypnotizing Piccolo in the trailer. If they were to fight, it's very likely that Piccolo would win.
Not that Piccolo isn't a jobber but everyone is getting at least one kill. It's still possible that they screw Piccolo over and give him zero kills, but I find that unlikely.
Both are shit
You motherfucking idiot, do you not know who Cell-X is!?
Reminder that if Frieza's empire was still around, U7's mortal level would be much higher.
Yeah, I'm becoming more interested in seeing how all this will be resolved, I really hope that quote about the gods isn't just hype.
why must U9 job so hard
They made the mistake of going after Goku right off the bat.
And more money will come considering the next week DBS will finally air in LA.
Is surreal how much people love DB
jesus christ this design was such a fucking mistake
the whole point of his transformations was that with each iteration he got better looking and looked handsome as fuck with his final form because he was finally "perfect". Then they do this shit where they make him look ugly and retarded as fuck, and then turn him into a centaur looking thing to boot?
Toyoshills must be vegetacucks.
Each of the trio de dangers could go toe to toe with a base saiyan, that's better than the other jobberverses, more specifically U10 and 3.
The fault is mostly on their GoD and Kaioshin for targeting U7 so hard. Mostly because of the jew mouse GoD's lies about them targeting their own U9, too.
I bet Mojito figured it out all along but was too busy laughing at their foolishness behind their backs to tell them anything.
This is nice thread.
They've joined the Cuckzenshuu
So U9 was the worst universe because it was the furry universe, right?
I bet he didn't because he wants to carry her in his arms.
Cell-X was supposed to be an incomplete re-make of Cell in Online that was actually weaker than Perfect Cell and spawned other Imperfect Cells, and needed Goku's DNA or some shit to complete him. Then Heroes re-used the design to pull this shit with the dark dragonball evolution, which was honestly a mistake.
Some of their fighter had nothing to do with fur though (ice guy, iron skin guy, and the spiderman wannabe)
In DBO, Cell-X happened because he didn't have any Saiyan cells.
In Heroes, Demon Goddess Putine shot dark magic into his dark dragonball.
By that logic, Toeishills must be infested by Toransukufags