Friendly reminder neo Sup Forums would never be allowed on old Sup Forums
Friendly reminder neo Sup Forums would never be allowed on old Sup Forums
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Is lolicore a thing on Sup Forums now. That hasn't even been a thing for like half a decade on /jp/
Harems were definitely around pre-2014 ffs.
In the later 00s (early 10s?) MAL was popular on Sup Forums, remember that? Like people would post their MAL pages?
Word, hardly anyone listens to lolicore anymore.
It's a newfag and normalfag thing for years now. They obnoxiously spam it to fit in and when you call them pedo, they enter some mode of autistic rage. It's pretty fun to poke at them.
Yep definitely late 00s. Peak Sup Forums imho.
>this whole
How ironic.
only tripfags and namefags did that shit.
Exactly, comic LO is garbage, old Sup Forums patricians only read Towako and ExE.
real patricians read otokonoko heaven
So liking KyoAni shows makes you a newfag/ironic weeb?
>Otokonoko heaven
>Not Otokonoko-llection
Plebeian spotted.
Nah I think it was everyone. Like there would be whole threads like "post your MAL" and while I think namefags were slightly more common than they are nowadays they weren't that common.
Also remember moe vs. GAR? Like that was a serious real point of discussion.
Also the mods dgaf so there would be so much off topic threads and like nightly threads just to bash on women. And if the mods actually did ban you they gave a personalized ban message like "kill yourself whore" instead of copy/pasting the rule you broke.
No catalog and the bump limit was a lot lower (200-300?). The board was constantly moving, the front page never looked the same twice and threads would fall off fast. You had to use noko to have any hope of keeping track of a thread.
On that note, Geass Sunday.
That what I remember from late 00s Sup Forums.
I always saw the same few namefags and tripfags spam their mal. They would first create a subtle MAL thread and then spam links to it. Old Sup Forums was definitely comfier because obnoxious and retarded weebs didn't exist back then. Now we've got normalfag posing as weebs.
This might come as a bit of a shock but the person who made OP's image probably started browsing here in 2013 at the earliest.
I'd say around 2008. It's the elitism that affirms it.
Gaiz im like such a weeb holy shit who here is /ironicweeb/?
There was loli porn everywhere too and the mods didn't give a fuck, that one asshole kept dumping that one yuri loli doujin every couple of days and it stayed up until it reached the bump limit every time.
We've gone from what was essentially a social hangout for a small group of people who posted constantly to an organized BBS with stringent thread-topic relation. We've fulfilled moot's dream of being an exclusively on-topic site dedicated to orderly discussion of anime, it's a horrible nightmare. You can't even call out idiots and newfags for posting really anymore since everyone is just shouting into the void and all discussion or identity has long since died to make way for generals and anything interesting or novel gets lost in the flood or shouted down.
You want to talk about a specific manga, artist, anime? It better be popular and you better make it formulaic and easy to repost over and over again. You want to talk about a certain genre or type of content? Fuck you it will either be deleted or be shitposted in or become another terrible general.
That image hurts me.
Any time I see something like "dank meme" or "meme war" written out, I want to die and take this entire site with me.
If it was before 2012 it would say something about things being better when accelspammer was here, before 2011 would deride "greenposting" and "ishiggydiggy", 2010 would talk about the IRC cabal, 2009 would probably call them puddi-refugees, he must be more recent.
People are just being ironic there right?
Ravioli ravioli haha
Haha woah that's just like the Youtube comment I just upvoted! No but really fake pedophiles piss me off.
Is the OP saying that the picture is neo Sup Forums or old Sup Forums.
Neo-Sup Forums is all anime only generals now. Even the Mako image would be reported. Why did they remove Sadpanda which helped to add some interesting stuff
Neo-Sup Forums and ironic weebs are just a boogeyman, the faster you realize more than half of them are falseflagging for attention the faster you can move on.
The meme's been pretty much dead on Sup Forums for that long too.
>He's doing it again
Not related to anime ironic oldfag.
Ironic normalfags weebs are real.
It was never a thing on Sup Forums, or even much of one on /jp/, it was mostly a textboard thing and even there it's pretty much dead except for a track or two each time one of the two releases an album.
The state of Sup Forums is depressing.
I'd like to believe that, I really would. Anime as become just another way to shitpost for a lot of faggots out there
They aren't an issue on this board. According to OP so called "ironic weebs" don't participate in anime discussion and probably have their own in-group. Hide so called ironic weeb posts and don't reply to them. All this cancerous meta thread does is attract more Sup Forums-tier shitposters to the subject.
>drawn child porn isn't child porn
>meta thread
oh yeah, really rustled my brain's synapses.
Sup Forums is shit for like 10 years.
It is adapting to the new wave of cancer for the 6th or 7th time at this point.
And it's getting worse after each adaptation.
"Current Sup Forums" is actually a "neo-proto-Sup Forums".
All in all, i will tell you that Sup Forums doesnt have its elitism anymore. Nowadays Sup Forums's quality is roughly on the same level as Sup Forums and all because of people practice the "if you ignore it then it will go away" mindset now. It has been this way for a few years now ever since the nurutu enforcement
The posts in that picture aren't even good bait. This is the kind of garbage that you just self-moderate and move on without even dignifying with a reply.
Friendly reminder old Sup Forums would never be allowed on neo Sup Forums
Proto implies that any of this even remotely resembles prior shit. It's all new garbage.
It was so much fun back then. I remember when we had OC that was Spurdo-level retarded-yet-charming.
You forgot, horriblesubs, melonpan/anime reviewer and trigger
Some shows still get some fun, like PriPri this season, but it feels like it used to be way more common, just remember all the stuff that came out of Code Geass.
I can't believe normalfags won and are taking over anime.
>like PriPri this season
I would hardly call any of that OC endearing.
Thank god
Sup Forums and the internet will never be this fun ever again.
Like I give a fuck, every year some dumb new shit happens and people say the same dumb shit about Sup Forums being deader than dead. This attitude it was made things worse, the so called elitism just enabled more shut posting.
Reminder that people who bitch about having to adapt to new cancer every few years want their image board to look like pic releted, and actual 'oldfags' retreated to it or something similar a decade ago. Sup Forums is pretty much the same shit as its always been.
How can you be ironic about it? You either watch anime/read manga or you don't
K-On is the epitome of ironic weeb anime
remember when naruto was prohibited on Sup Forums for being SHIT
newfags trying to fit in.
t. newfag who also tries to fit in.
Sataniaposters are worse than frogposters
>Sup Forums is pretty much the same shit as its always been.
Try getting out of your generals once in a while and you'd realize that's not the case. "New cancer" doesn't imply that everything that came before was cancer.
ADTRW is very similar to Sup Forums in how they discuss anime. And SA has the whole "better than Sup Forums" mentality anyways. SA and Sup Forums were pretty much the same userbase so our cultures evolved similarly.
Accelspammer was a necessary evil
It should still be, board quality went waaaaaaaaaaaaay down ever since naruto was allowed / forced on Sup Forums
As a true oldfag™ my only enjoyment is watching newfriends suffer because the site is being overrun by even newer newfriends who piss them off as much as they used to piss me off. These kids complaining about "Ironic Weeaboos" probably started posting in 2010 or something. Polite sage.
I'm quite comfortable with the current state of Sup Forums. It seem like there was much more obnoxious fuckers and IRCfags in like 2012/3-ish
Every ''meme'' characters poster are cancer.
All trash posters.
>"New cancer" doesn't imply that everything that came before was cancer.
It was, though. It's a constant rotation of teen shitposters.
>And SA has the whole "better than Sup Forums" mentality anyways. SA and Sup Forums were pretty much the same userbase so our cultures evolved similarly.
Just like Sup Forums has the whole "better than reddit" attitude, although the rivalry between Sup Forums and SA is unexistent nowadays because most Sup Forums posters don't even know what SA is. Also, most boards on SA are populated by neckbears in their mid 30's, and it's fairly sensible when it comes to political correctness. Using the world fag there could get you banned, so it's a completely different userbase now.
All these would not happen if there is no catalog or long 500 post limits fyi
Holy shit this.
I just don't get why Nep got so entry-level
As it should be. It's fucking awful and its fanbase is even worse. Oh, and DB should be banned too, or at least make it clear they need to keep it in one thread.
Also, reset your router loliposter-kun, we need you again!
Aren't weebs and ironic weebs pretty much the same thing
Newfags outraged at newer newfags.
Culture evolves and degrades, and it gets out to the masses and isn't our culture anymore. If you started spamming DESU or WRYYYY again people would look at you like you just came form facebook. If things always stayed the same and no new people came in we'd just be one of a million shitty phpBB forums out there where the ranks are well defined and the discussions stagnate. There is at least still a baseline of users in Sup Forums who are willing to attack idiots who don't even try to adapt to the posting style and learn to use the tools to get things on their own, and that is good there needs to be some basics that people conform to to have a culture and it's good that the janators and mods are so obviously helping out banning sauce requests and streaming dumfuckery, but the war against the march of a changing culture is futile we can't keep new events and newer shittier memes from taking root.
The only way for anonymous community to not be a complete shit, is strict self-moderation with slow gain of new users.
It isn't quite as bad as Sup Forums. I haven't been on Sup Forums in many years, but at least we aren't at a level of 100% spoonfeeding yet. we are at 95%
Sad but true.
Tripfags and that culture died out a long time ago. If you look at the number of new namefags and tripfags since 2015, there's probably a quarter or less used compared to the previous years. The archive doesn't even list shit past 2015 until 2011 but from what's available, it's pretty obvious that mentality has long since disappeared.
Welp, I started posting around 09 or so, so the impression that I have is that it's always been this way. I was 18 around that time so you can't even fault me for being new. That being said, I have the impression that the site has been going through the cancerous newfag rotation since '06, so it's been like this for most of the website's existence.
Something to do with pcfags and steam being full of entry level normalfags weebs.
When Neptunia was on console only the fanbase was fine.
Because it's completely mindless bullshit. The only selling point it has is "dude anime girls. We're painfully stereotypical, but also self-aware". It's not hard to understand why something so bad is part of the quintessential retard collection.
You're pretty much spot on except I'd say the site started hurting for real in 2007. 2009 was probably the worst year for the main boards because everyone and their mother had a spambot running rampant and chasing tripfags.
Old Sup Forums was better because cancerous shit and retarded weebs were all super compressed into one thread at only a certain time of day, like the night time Sup Forums for example and people were high with self moderating
Nowadays you get ass retarded normalfag posters with their entitled opinion everywhere, all because Sup Forums abandoned its elitism and embrace entry level shit like nurutu now. Nobody encourages lurking anymore, nobody encourages non-spoon feeding anymore, hell i even saw niggers using emoticons and noone gave a shit
You guys have fallen
Why is Kancolle there? Kancolle requires a pretty high weeb level to get into.
>"one meta thread allowed" spammer disappears
>this is being spammed now
Really makes me wonder.
It started hurting for real in 2006 in the time between avery's outing and the re/b/oot.
The promise to uphold content and culture over being a chatroom died quickly and it's all gone to shit because of that. If they had upheld that and even imposed it on the other boards it would have been nice. The other thing just signaled the end of having mods who watch and care about anime instead of normalfags from the other SA boards.
I don't even get what Sup Forums complains about. It's all about nostalgia, I bet it was shit anyways.
>inb4 newfriend
Yeah, whatever. Even though many anons have been here for much longer, I've been here since 2012 and only a few things have changed. It's not like the board is beyond recognition. The only differences back then were:
>No generals
>You could only write opening posts in certain styles because of board culture autism.
Sup Forums's "elitism" was pure cancer. It only meant that nothing could be discussed, because you had to follow the prevailing opinions or only write a certain way. At least now anons don't even bother with this shit anymore.
Old Sup Forums was better simply because the internet was smaller not hard to understand.
Social media weren't this big and meme weren't this powerful.
Sup Forums just got too popular and killed the whole site actually.
Endless hordes of phone-posters are not helping too.
Good. Almost all tripfags are completely irredeemable vexatious scum. You're really scraping the bottom of this website when you're talking about most tripfags and the other persistent sociopaths.
The funniest part about K-ON is due to the whole "Only immature children can't stand moe shows" meme,there were a lot of underage (at the time) posters who'd watch it and force themselves to like it so they could say they were mature for their age.
Haha no
I saw a Kancolle poster in the background of some porn I was watching. kanColle is literally for chads.
It's very likely that persistent tripfags/namefags have actual mental conditions.
We're not allowed to have fun anymore.
Fucking newfag mods who think it's their job to enforce "board culture"
Any sign of creativity is stamped out before it can become Dangerous.
>cancer complaining that people don't just roll assnaked in nuclear waste
Someone proposed doing something similar to exhentai where you need to be signed in and apply an app in order to gain access to the "darknet" version of this site. Sounds good on paper but I don't think it will be as effective as we hope.
Also, semi-related and only for the sake of nostalgia but i will say that Jojo getting an anime really brought the fanbase down several notes. Like holy shit, before the anime i am pretty sure like 80% of Sup Forums didnt even know what the fuck Jojo was and threads were roughly 5 anons talking with each other
When the anime came out and we got a sticky everyone was so fucking hype. The anime was great, the animation was good, the art was faithful, some fags started picking up the poorly scanlated and translated manga, but boy oh boy, soon came the tumblr posting and the anime only fags. It got to the point that i couldnt bring myself to read any of the thread due to the obnoxiousness in it
Why is it that everytime a series got an anime, the fanbase immediately turn into pure unfiltered shit? It is because of the anime only fags right?
>This whole post
lurk more faggot
Sometimes i wonder, who will die first, Sup Forums or SakuraFish.
You have to be autistic enough to play a game that's purely in japanese and requires exploits to sign up and access as a gaijin. The community is pretty elitist and won't hold your hand to teach you how to play.
i hope hes ironically being the bad at being ironic
>implying they play the game
Next you gonna tell me Touhou isn't loved by normalfags either right?
How? The "ironic weeb" posterchild is clearly JoJo or KonoSuba.