Ever been locked up? How’d it go?
Ever been locked up? How’d it go?
Spent 3 months in county jail. Food sucked. Just laid around all day watching tv.
spent 14 months for selling pot
while I was in there my state decided that it was going to sell pot
wasn't too bad
just real boring
how fun jail is depends on if your married life is good.
I was for a weekend for a dui and then another weekend for gambling fraud. Lots of manlets, are short dudes predisposed to crime or what?
14 months? How many times you get caught?
Seems excessive. You had priors didn’t you?
an idiot customer went full narc and bought on two occasions while literally wired because he got caught with a gun and was a bitch
then they raided my house
>2 controlled buys for an ounce a piece
>possession of 346 grams of flower marijuana
>possession of 126 pieces paraphernalia(they counted my scrapers and Altoids tins and all kind of crap)
>had some molly
3 felonies 4 misdemeanors 12k in fines all in one go
What the fuck? Your lawyer must have sucked ass. I’m sorry to hear that man.
Reread this. You had Molly, don’t go claiming you got locked up for weed. Yeah 14 months sounds about right, don’t do that shit
Was in a pod like the picture above after spending 2 weeks in the holding cell with 50 people! The cell had no beds and 1 toilet. It was plexiglassed and there was no air. The max number of people was too much at 25 and we had 50! At night I slept next to each other packed like sardines. There was a black guy who refused to take a shower. Someone brought some tobacco in and a lighter. Some idiot flushed the lighter cause he thought a guard was coming.
The pod was soooo nice after spending 2 weeks in that cell. We did have a big Indian guy who shit in the shower. Also had a creeper that watched people on the shitter.
I was in a jail where there were no pods just 4 bunks on the side of the wall, a shower and a toilet in the open. Some guy was chased by the cops on a 4 wheeler and jumped into a pond. The cops just waited until he got tired. They didn't check his boxers and had a half ounce of soaked bud. The cells had a crack at the bottom of the door where we could send kites on string to the cell across. They had a lighter. That was a great month! The TV was through bars in a hallway on the side of the cell. Cops would walk through. We changed the TV by making a telescopic toilet paper roll handle to spin the knob. The comensary was good and could get little Debbie cakes/coffeee /koolaid chips candy bars etc.
The holding cell from the first paragraph is where I learned to play spades. I loved that game. The pod had cells that after 530pm opened and it as time to be locked up with another person. It reopened at 6am and closed at 7am with you or without you.
he was a public defender
they took all my money in the raid
the molly was personal and the police had no reason to know i had it
also that was misdemeanor the 2 pot sales and the huge bag they found under the bed is the felonies
The gaurds called me master, I think they thought I was Jewish because I was speaking Hebrew,
Im not sure about prison life but I would love to see footage of the womens prison showers.
For strictly academic purposes and science ofc.
>trip gshhoy
>brags about his degenerate drug use
>believes he didn't deserve at the very least 14 months
You do realize this Sup Forums, you degenerate fucking loser? Drujgs are for scum.
Women shank each other in the vagina, jail and prison is full of subhumans, prison being worse, the cops are subhumans too, they don't treat you like human beings, nothing about it is human.
so is your mother but I fuck around her too
Mexicans are short
Yeah, I spent 36 months in jail for money laundering and tax invasion. How did it go? Have you ever been raped 3 times in one day by a total of 10 different men?
Drunk Tank(don't combine alcohol and benzos) for a night and then holding cells for ~8hrs and looked like a spoiled 17yo white kid(accurate at that time) and as I walked in one of the larger black guys I saw announced loudly "I am gonna rape that kid" and I just made eye contact for about ~3-5 seconds and then stood with my back to a wall the rest of the time. Still having xanax in my system undoubtedly help me not start crying and screaming "why me?" over and over lol... Luckily the guy was likely just trying to entertain himself by attempting(succeeding to some degree again the xanax) to scare the young white kid.
Have made a MAJOR point to never be in a position to go back since as when my Dad finally came to collect me it was made clear he would never be doing so again.
how did you manage to get raped?
Not bad. I can take a Ford 250 up my ass now.
howve you been Nick? small world man
Went to court and after was escorted by this evil deputy which hand this weird single handcuff with a crank. The crank handle looked like the oval handle that turns the water on and off under a toilet. When he turned the handle it tightened the cuff. That guy was a sadistic fucker and I was there for a possession of an 1/8th ounce of marijuana . he cranked that fucking handle like I was trying to escape while walking down the hall. It was a short walk but memorable. I said "I'm not going anywhere , please let up". He smiled and cranked it even more!
That's my Tuesday night m8
Fuck off 14 year old leaf cunt
Wasn't locked up but was a correctional officer at a federal detention center in New Mexico.
For what?
not him m8
jesus I clicked that without looking at the thumbnail
>name disappears
The first time was in the shower. 3 skinheads. The second time was around noon. They would open up all cell doors for an hour and give everyone a recess. 4 niggers just walked into my cell while I was reading. Then apparently news got out I was raped twice, and they must’ve thought it was pretty funny, so 3 more guys came into my cell again at 8 during the last recess and raped me. It was horrible. I was only raped two other times though in the 3 years. My fifth day was when this happened
I was in a naval brig for fighting on a train headed towards base, MPs have no sense of humor, don't even try to make them laugh.
I was in twice, each a week a piece. First time for B&E, second time for DUI. Overall, pretty chill place, some wacky characters, mostly heroin-related (my convictions were in Ohio, the opioid state). People mostly played cards, watched shitty TV, ate shitty food or walked around in a circle around the pod.
Worst part about jail isn't being inside, it's what happens when you get out. I can't get a job flipping burgers with one felony conviction, and most places do background checks up to 7 years in your history, and if you make >$75,000 they can check your whole life. If I didn't have my parents to support me I'd become just another career criminal, all because of a couple stupid mistakes.
are you a skinny wimp? why did they single you out?
I went to Army jail once for crashing the commanding officers car into the back of an ambulance drunk and when in hospital for some reason i must have said i was the commanding offcer so they called his family thinking he was dying and came to visit me, they were not happy when they realised it wasnt him, he was even more angry.
I’m not skinny or bulk. I’m just a handsome guy I suppose
Jesus christ, welcome to the you ess of fucking ay. Your country is going down the shitter btw.
I spent 2 months in prison because I punched someone that made me feel in danger.
My sentence was short enough to apply for foot brace, but they told me I couldn't have one because I was a violent offender lol.
You're telling me pal. Can't wait for a civil war or something to break out so that I can make my bones that way.
Cops just let teenagers with one or two grams while they're smoking it go because its barely worth the paper work you had enough weed for a semi lazy weekend with snoop dogg holy fugg. Also you had molly you were screwed after that.
This all happened in one day? I call bullshit
>all because of a couple stupid mistakes
I hate it when people say this.
Leaving the oven on is a mistake. Forgetting your keys is a mistake. A typo is a mistake.
You CHOSE to do B&E and drive drunk. Wonder why I'm not in your position? Because I chose NOT to do those things.
Did you get tested for aids when you got out?
I did the B&E because I was homeless and broke into an abandoned home so that I wouldn't freeze to death in the middle of the Ohio winter, get fucked cunt. As for the DUI I have no excuse, but I did my time, learned my lesson, shouldn't mean it fucks my whole life up.
I've always heard random rapes like that were rare. sorry to hear about it. have you told anyone? are you married?
Lol no I'm Hindu
If anyone ever raped me I would straight up kill.
What is prison in Norway like?
Nah, I'm a prison officer though at a Cat A prison here in the UK
degenerate dealer
most inmates are muslims right? does the UK keep statistics on this?
This. There appears to be a direct correlation between how much criminal activity you do and how often you get arrested
muslims commit the most crimes, but whites get locked up the most
How common is it for a prisoner to be raped in the UK?
when I was 13 in the 80's I was in CAS (CPS but Canadian).
>I was drugged and raped by 2 gay group home staff
>this went on for a month or two
>the drugs stopped working as good because they kept using them
>my asshole was bleeding all the time
>i realized what was happening
>I called the police
>police said "all you CAS kids say that, you're lying"
>I got punished for telling, no phone privileges, now visits, no school, beaten almost hourly and raped daily
>when it came time to meet with my CAS worker from head office or my parents they would drug me with LSD a hour or two before the meeting
>made me look to her that I was crazy and mentally i'll
>I used every chance I could to escape
>every time I was caught by the police I told them why I was running
>police NEVER took me seriously
>eventually they charged me criminally with running away
>at least I was safe from the pedophiles
>they put me in Jail on the "jungle range"
>I'm white been on the run or grounded and been raped for 8 months or more
>long hair looked tile a white hippy
>I'm sure they put me in jungle range so that I would be killed
>was beaten by gangs of niggers almost hourly, (every time cells where opened)
>also starved because niggers spit in my food if the couldn't take it
>I get a lawyer assigned to be my the rapists
>get thrown under the buss,
>tried to tell the lawyer what was happening and he made like he cared
>he didn't he was one of them
>Getting thrown under bus by pedophile lawyer
>tire to tell the judge what happened why I ran
>judge says jail is safer for me
>get 1 year in jail for running away from CAS
>get out of jail 6 months before I turn 16
>CAS still in charge of me
>they put in file I am flaming faggot and fucked in the head
>they put me in group home with 18 troubled girls between 13 and 16 years old.
>I got herpes living there
>literally went from bed to bed in the dorm sleeping area.
>2 months before they figured out I wasn't gay at all
True this
I feel like that is something a lot of people think until the get in that situation. This ain't a jet Lee movie. 3 on one aren't very good odds.
Sounds like you were a punk bitch
statistically thats bullshit, also the jails in England are chock full of pakis and niggers, Wales, Scotland, NI not so much.
Its instincts, if someone rapes you all your rapists enemies must rape you too to maintain their place on the food chain.
You’re actual human trash
I'd say the same for you, we're just got rolled different dice buddy
Fucking hell.
Get revenge leaf.......
Just start biting chunks out of rapists people like to take down tough guys for social points but what they dont like is taking on a feral animal.
Be me
>13yrs of age
>make little explosives for fun
>go around capital of province, light them up for the lelz
>few days in jail, 3 yrs probation
Be me
>17 yrs of age
>steal 12 Guage pump
>Pull it on someone threatening my friends
> few days of jail, 3 yrs probation
>probation contract only 3 yrs but the courts and PO fuck up rendering that 3yrs null apparently
>move away to work unknowing of^^^^
Be me
>22yrs of age
>police officer pulls me over one day
>"oh shit user, you have 8 warrants"
>Go to jail for one week
>MFW people go to jail for weed for 2 yrs but I've spent no more than 2 weeks in jail total for my actions
jesus fucking christ, really puts things into perspective, I'm really sorry.
You already know.
>tell them I was raped
>they don't believe me
how the fuck does this happen?
>mommy that man hurt me
>no he didn't
what is the psychology behind that? I understand with older women because there's a lot more crying wolf, but if a little kid says it why wouldn't you believe them? that's not exactly something a 13 year old would say for laughs.
get there.
get ur number.
get ur stuff.
get ur cell.
guard leaves u.
spead asscheeks time.
Overnight for public intox. Got the love of my life arrested with me too even though she did nothing.
She left me afterwards. Worst mistake of my life
nice pasta
It was like camp school really. It was overall pretty fun for such a short time, but it sucks to lose two months of work.
the big escape from CAS was when one of the gay group home worker rapists tried to "take care of me"
>He told me he was taking me to see my dad
>had me sign the sign out sheet saying I would take the bus strait to my dads
>then he offered to drive me
>he got me McDonald's on the way
>I was unconscious shortly after eating
>woke up on a couch in a pink apartment, with pink TV, Pink furniture and a guy with a graspy voice in a open pink bath robe and a hard on coming at me.
>I ran out the door as fast as I could
>ran down a unknown number of flights of stairs and jumped in the first taxi I could find and fell unconscious again
>woke up in hospital room and police standing over me
>I couldn't talk from being unconscious
>that is when the police called the group home
>group home said I was supposed to be visiting dad
>I was awal
>they didn't want me back
>so I was charged and taken to jail
>my dad was not told I was going to visit him
I hate niggers and I hate faggots more
I was arrested at 18 with 3 of my girlfriends for pot. I was terrified, it's the only time I've ever been arrested. My car was towed, we got frisked, cuffed, and put into a van. We got to the station they took our mugshots, prints, medical info, and lead us to a room that was like a mix of an office & gym. A policewoman in her late 20's early 30's came in, put 4 boxes in front of us and with a smile, said "Strip, bra & panties too!" The looker room at our old school had private stalls, my doctor was the only person who'd ever seen me naked and I thought that was humiliating. We got undressed as slowly as possible, my hands trembled as I took my bra off. We stood there nude, trying to cover up to preserve what little dignity we still had. "Hands behind your head!" smiling as she said it, I don't know if it was sexual or a power thing but she loved her job. "Wow, you'er going to be popular girls in here tonight. Now stand on the red line, facing the chair." She put on gloves making sure to loudly snap them, then ripped off a piece of that paper they use on doctor's tables and put it on the chair. If you want a visual of what what happened, look up "ACLU prison strip search is abusive" they show a training video, censoring the girl's face and nothing else. She told us 1 by 1 to do that, plus said to do jumping jacks and "Lift your tits by the nipple." even my friend with A cups had to do it. She'd make rude comments about our bodies and look at our faces. If she saw we looked away she'd yell "Eyes forward!" she made sure we saw every inch of each other's skin. "I still think you girls are hiding something." and 1 by 1 we had to do it again. We showered next, she'd say things like "Scrub those pussies, girls like fish to be fresh." We got on uniforms and she walked us to our cell, during the walk said we'd have 3 lesbian cellmates. I was trying not to cry, she put us all in a 4 person cell, laughed "told ya!"
Not as common as some may think , in the prison I work the prisoners have en suite showers in their cells so theirs none of that stereotypical 'don't drop your soap' because your safely in your cell the rest of the time when cells are unlocked they are in the wing on the main landing playing pool, or watching TV or minding there own business in their cells. There honestly isn't really the opportunity for it to happen we always have officers patrolling the whole wing passing the cells all the time. If anything bad is gonna happen to you it's gonna be a heating and that's usually because a guard has let it happen usually because they are a child molester or some shit.
I spent a day in county jail. I was placed in the skinhead block because I am an Aryan, It was pretty uneventful. We spent all day watching TV. However, I'm pretty sure I heard some guy beating off when I was trying to sleep.
>love of my life
>ooooo i wanna put my weiner in this girl
>wait who was I thinking about earlier?
>be me
>age 34
>justifiably furious at the traitorous Weimar Republic and the November Criminals
>storm a beer hall in Munich and try and take over Bavaria
>lock traitor in cupboard
>traitor calls police
>become leader of germany
If I'm hiring someone I'd like to know if they were once so degenerate and useless they had to break into a place to sleep, and later drive so drunk they got arrested.
I would never hire you, you've shown extremely poor judgement in the past.
>Leaving the oven on is a mistake. Forgetting your keys is a mistake. A typo is a mistake.
>You CHOSE to do B&E and drive drunk. Wonder why I'm not in your position? Because I chose NOT to do those things.
The leaf is right for once.
Btw the Soviet Union did a better job of providing for ex-criminals than the US does.
But if the guy did his time, is that not punishment enough? That's what I thought prison is for: punishment.
fucking hell, i hope for your sake that this is just good pasta.
>they put me in group home with 18 troubled girls between 13 and 16 years old.
>I got herpes living there
>literally went from bed to bed in the dorm sleeping area.
>2 months before they figured out I wasn't gay at all
At least you got that, user. Shame about the rest of the bullshit.
Tell me more
I'm planning, it will happen.
after the police and workers said I was lying parents didn't believe me
not past and please don't make it one. It is 100% true.
The result is I have a hatred for CAS and gays and pedophiles like no one can ever comprehend.
After I turned 16 and got out I went on welfare for a year and just drifted.
Then life going nowhere so I joined the army.
3 years in Communications, learned all about weapons and combat operations.
When the time comes.
All my children are doing well and in their 20's now.
Wife died of Cancer
I was gang raped for three days by 6 Laotians in Des Moines county jail back in 2000
Probably because they were desperate for workers and didnt want an anti commie revolution.
That was his punishment from the state. Doesn't mean I have to hire him
I am pretty sure that's a black culture thing. British prisons used to be alright, literally because they were mostly white, until muslims started filling them up and trying to make people convert and shit. We all used to joke "at least we're not in America and getting ass raped".
Most parents are shit at parenting and have no trust between their kids and have their kids lying to them constantly because that's the only way they get attention/don't get punished/ect. Most people are also pathetic cowards who'd let their kids get raped rather than "cause a fuss" because of their own shit parents that conditioned them not to tell awkward truths. This is what happens when you hit your kids basically, an entire culture of cucks who put up with children being abused.
They knew that having millions of unemployed, homeless, alienated people and refusing to believe that government could do anything about that isn't good for stability.
We saw literally everything.
Got arrested once, it never went anywhere but the police interview was hilarious.
The police had no evidence I'd committed any crime and didn't know what the fuck they were talking about, but most of what they asked me was basically some way of trying to get me to admit to committing a crime.
When that didn't work they instead tried to make me feel guilty so I'd admit my wrong doings.
When that didn't work they straight up tried to accuse me of committing thought crimes. Honest to goodness the police started asking me about what I was thinking and tried to make it sound like thinking things was illegal.
I live in the UK by the way. They arrested me for shit posting.
So were they chinese or Japanese?
You planning on doing a Boston on a gaypride parade? Or its useless since they are blowing each other either way
>They arrested me for shit posting.
Elaborate twat.
Dont be vague.
Cool story bro