o my spoilers when
gonna be pissed if next chapter is back to 100% pika and no chrollo follow-up
o my spoilers when
gonna be pissed if next chapter is back to 100% pika and no chrollo follow-up
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What's the next fight you wanna see? One thing I like about this manga is that he can generally make interesting fights if he doesn't wanna just have someone stomp the other.
>if next chapter is back to 100% pika and no chrollo follow-up
fuck you OP we don't need chrollo eating the remaining chapters till hiatus with his emo "muh spiders" shit.
pika needs to find a bug to get rid of ET problem
Bill vs Benjamin's guard.
I hope this hobo survives
but if chrollo decides to snap out of his depressive state and starts fucking shit up and causing pandemonium that then helps to make the succession war progress quicker, im for that too
No chapter this week
probably won't happen with all these people around.
honestly I'll take anything other than more succession war, or even if the chapter is 15 pages of succession war and 3-4 pages of something else then I'll be happy
give me a couple pages of leoreo and cheadle or something
u fuckin w me right now?
I hope more spiders were killed offscreen before they even got to the boat with Hisoka now stowed away somewhere who has been stalking them.
is this just bait because of the new dragon quest game or what?
We're getting a chapter this week, if we weren't it would have said so on the last page. There's going to be a break next week though since it's a double-issue.
what are the chances we're getting more than ten chapters this time around?
Togashi seems to be doing better but I don't know if that even counts for anything.
>since it's a double-issue
What's a double-issue?
This week's chapter? Will it be twice as long to compensate next week having no release?
Why's that?
We'll get 20 chapters and then go back to Hiatus.
It's not confirmed, but it's the most likely scenario.
>20 chapters
>most likely scenario
I see you are quite the optimistic faggot.
It's basically just the issue on sale before the week of a holiday.
And no it's still 17 pages, just because.
Is there a schedule of holiday's (weeks without issues) I can check?
I hope this is the only one in 2017.
It's insanely exploitable though, especially if the limitations don't really impact the actual fight, just the stakes.
Do you think he knows?
He lost all his weight, is smoking the good stuff and wants to run marathons.
He's in this to finish it.
Pitou is the best and cutest girl
I don't think there's any reason to see Chrollo again soon. That page was perfect to demonstrate the kind of state he's currently in and dedicating more pages right away to giving details would just be a waste.
>He lost all his weight, is smoking the good stuff and wants to run marathons.
Really? Where did you read that?
Yeah, apparently it's the last one.
Select a year and there you can check which issues are double.
He knew the moment Kortopi died, the phone call Shalnark got was Chrollo trying to warn him. Chrollo literally hung up, immediately realized Kortopi is dead, tried to call Shalnark back, and probably felt him die too while waiting for him to answer.
last one of fiscal year*
We have more on december.
hisoka btfo chrollo hard
chrollo is fucked
Reminder she´s going to be the first victim.
Thanks, buddy.
I love both Sup Forums and Reddit, same for Chrollo and Hisoka.
whatcha gonna do ?
Nah, she's going to be the first to have a psychotic breakdown. Probably right after her life is narrowly saved by her nen beast.
Togashi made a certain amount of chapters, it's just the magazine that's not on sell for a week.
f you
When will Pitou have a O my Dr Blythe moment and come back to life?
Momoze is going to be first. Not only do we know what her beast does, she's already killed people.
He already had it when he took gon's arm. It was believable as well given what we knew about terpischora
I doubt there's anything left of Pitou.
Must be a stain on the charred ground by now.
"fuck you" or "for you" ? maybe both ?
>Chrollo looks so fucking depressed following those deaths when killing is a requirement to join the PT
Is he attached to this version of the PT, kek?
He isn't sad when someone kills a PT member. He is sad that it's his fault for not being thorough.
You think Dr Blythe could just casually create her brain from scratch without a source of aura?
our boy pariston secured the body and is in the process of genetically engineering some kittens with pitous dna
>I'll take anything other than more succession war
why? its fairly interesting and for the most part most if not all the build up has been made so the climax has to happen within the next chapter or so.
chrollo starting shit wouldn't be wise for him right now and I agree with we don't need more chrollo right now, the little sample given is more than enough.
>couple pages of leoreo and cheadle
doing what exactly? they're doctors fixing people. not sure how togashi could move the current plot to them right now. nothing has seriously exploded yet. since they're busy with the problems down in the lower floors anything happening in the floor 1 or 2 is out of their hands.
>and for the most part most if not all the build up has been made so the climax has to happen within the next chapter or so
well I hope you're right, I'm not saying the succession war is bad or anything, I'm just wanting a small break from it or for it to start paying off before it's hiatus time
I'll kidnap Alluka and tell Killua I'll only give him back if he wishes Pitou back to life even if my life has to be used to bring her back.
I'll kidnap Alluka and tell Killua I'll only give her back if he mans the fuck up and tells Gon hes gay af for him
but nanika can't bring back the dead. its like the only thing it can't do.
Nanika healed Gon who's covenant was worse than death
Gon was still alive though.
>drug issues are supposed to be handled by the military
Still, his covenant was worse than death and if she could heal him she should be able to revive someone
doesn't killua straight up say nanika can't bring back the dead.
It's not about equivalence.
He said Nanika is better at destroying than repairing.
no, i remember him saying something about the dead can't be revived.
When did he say this
I'll go up to Killua nicely and ask him to have Nanika bring Pitou back to life and make her immortal, but never actually fix her so she'd have to live in agony for all eternity.
Benjamin's military probably acts somewhat like a police force, especially when big drug trade is involved. Basically they're saying that Benjamin is to blame for continued drug addiction in the country. Up until now Benjamin, although he had a temper, seemed to be the best option for king. He wasn't a psycho like Tserr, had drive and ability, and didn't seem to have those other personality weaknesses his siblings showed but now we know he probably isn't all that great.
Next chapter is a flashback to half of the troupe being one panneled by Hisoka.
reminder hisoka will kill chrollo on the dark continent.
Benjamin vs anybody I want to see him in action and he's looking for a fight
So Pika's drama dealing with Emperor Time's negative side effects is purely a reaction to fan complaints, isn't it? It's basically Togashi going "see, he does have to deal with consequences! he's not a mary sue, you guys!"
wow drawings were pretty good there
What happened in that period to Togashi? Won the lottery? Finished DQ?
Didn't nanika revive a bird when it was introduced she could heal things by touching them?
How much longer do we have before the hiatus? like 5 chapters?
I would piss myself laughing if togashi actually did that shit.
That was Goku and it wasn't canon.
It kinda makes sense. Kurapika seemed slightly too versatile and strong, the ET restriction somewhat validates it.
4 chapters, if he's just putting out one more volume like last year.
it will only be fine if Pika has to shut off ET and suffer *present* consequences as a result. if the only consequences are him sweating and his lifespan 50 years down the road, its a fucking retarded plot device.
Why is Leorio the only good protagonist
It's not going to mean shit in the end. Togashi introduced pic related for a specific reason.
Because he hasn't had enough screen time to piss you off yet?
Because he doesn't appear much.
It'll probably be that Kurapika ends up in a coma or something and Leorio's goal on the DC is to find Nitro Rice for him while surviving everyone else's plots and bullshit.
Bets for next spiders who will go down?
Im voting for mummy guy, shizuku and franklin.
Definitely mummy guy.
I don't think any of that was implied, just that drug law enforcement is Benjamin's jurisdiction and therfore using the drug to rehab is out of his control. Luzuru blames his friend going overboard, not Benjamin for his friend's addiction.
Kalluto and Chrollo: Plot armor
Machi, Feitan, Phinks, Franklin and new member(?): Probably won't be the firsts to be killed.
Shizuku, Nobunaga, Bonolenov: One panneled by Hisoka next chapter.
Why is Luzuru trying to kill his blood sibling that most likely doesn't even want to kill him, just get rid of the top princes?
No, Togashi literally goes on year long hiatuses at will, he doesn't give a fuck about fan complaints.
Franklin and mummy will be done in a few panels or off paneled, they are not worth the time.
Shizuku will die a dark lonely death in a dark room.
hiatus announced, how would you react?
I'd be disappointed.
>Shizuku will be Bateman's new artistic masterpiece
>Not telling Killua your going to be his brother in law by marrying Alluka.
The ready to be pissed then, that was just a cocktease. I don't think we'll see much of Chrollo, Hisoka or anybody until the things with Pika are wrapped up.
It would piss me off because I'm really looking forward to the fights of Hisoka vs the different spiders, but the butthurt in the threads would be hilarous.
>one paneled
Nah he going to be redeemed before he jobs
>The ready to be pissed then, that was just a cocktease. I don't think we'll see much of Chrollo, Hisoka or anybody until the things with Pika are wrapped up.
I think we are done with Pika it this volume
I want to play with Pitou's ears