Naruto Shippuden 167

Was this episode really so poorly received that those involved never worked at Pierrot again?

the bugs bunny references were so shit tier

Why would that be? It's unironically one of the best animated fights in the entire series.

Just something I read during during the Toonami broadcast. I know the western Naruto fanbase is idiotic enough to hate the episode but I didn't know if the Japanese audience was smarter about it.

I played naruto ultimate ninja storm 2 and found the battle against pain so good that I actually watched the whole series from the beggining, waiting for this fight, and I saw that, my heart broke that day, I saw 200 chapters for that!??? Goddamn i've never dropped a series so hard in my life, I was expecting the greatest fight in the series and instead got the Tasmanian devil fighting an earth master from avatar, I will never not be mad

Animation is just a tool to convey a story. Animation for the sake of animation to the extent that it ruins the tone of the story can never be good animation, regardless of how fluid or intricate it is.

Atsushi Wakabayashi hasn't directed a Naruto episode since though he did do a solo ED sequence and helped out on storyboards for an episode or two. Shingo Yamashita did go on to direct OP 13 and he directed Sousei no Onmyouji OP 2 years later so he likely still has links to Pierrot.

I doubt it. Talent recognizes talent, so i doubt anything in the actual industry was affected. It might have gone differently if it was produced in the west since we care much more about marketing, but the Japanese tend to take their animation fairly seriously when they're up to it. Especially for a shonen. I'm sure most people realize how great this episode was by now anyways.

Do you happen to have a link to what you read?

But it conveyed its message so well? It's one of the very few times in the whole anime where ninjas actually felt superhuman in terms of speed and strength. I wish every episode could be like this. If anything, the style of animation was perfect for this type of fight between a "god" and a demon energy monster.

Because it's not supposed to be a funny scene?

Oh, hey, I was just remembering that running cut for no real reason before I came across this thread. Weird.

If you're so put off by 2 seconds of faces looking like they're actually going through super human speeds in between incredibly fluid fighting, then maybe you should grow up a bit?

You sound like the kind of guy that laughs when a sex ed teacher says penis.


It better not have. That fight was super memorable. The animation was so violent and exaggerated that you could tell it was a super personal fight for the characters.

>If you're so put off by 2 seconds of faces looking like they're actually going through super human speeds in between incredibly fluid fighting, then maybe you should grow up a bit?

This so much.

Also not everything must be on model or something to retain a dramatic tone, you just watch too much shitty anime/hollywood shit.

We are talking about Naruto fans desu.

Have a webm

Have another.



Fuck everyone I loved the style. Saying you hate this is like saying you hate Ping Pong The Animation's animation.

I hate it though.

Considering Japanese users include it in sakuga montages chances are they don't hate it.

I mean, let's be honest. The western anime fandom is so cucked it honestly believes Gundam IBO has good animation.

What the fuck were they thinking

You do but most "experienced" anime fans love it but hate on Naruto.

I just noticed the animated tears, who the hell looked at this and said "Yep this is it"

>It's ok when OPM does it

Fuck off.

It was litterally just some animation major jacking off on screen.
It was off putting and completely ruined the tone of the scene.

I hope everyone who thought that this deserved to be put on the air was sat in a corner office and ignored.

That doesnt make sense. First, anyone can like or dislike the animation style, its up to each one tastes, assuming its someone who actually likes anime and its not going through his teenager days. And second, Naruto is great, at least the first half, post timeskip it went to shit. Its mostly the Sup Forums do-i-fit-in-yet faggots that hate on Naruto nonstop.


The whole episode was basically Birdy Decode 2's finale turned up to 11.

>If anything, the style of animation was perfect for this type of fight between a "god" and a demon energy monster.

See, my issue I had even back in the day when I still gave a shit about Naruto, wasn't necessarily the sloppy looking animation.
This line and action completely destroyed the persona of Pain he had built up until that point. What was a usually calm, stoic and nigh apathetic monster of a ninja is suddenly shouting and kung fu posing against six-tailed Naruto. In the manga the most reaction he has is when Naruto reaches 8-tails he says "unbelievable." This shit shatters what was an otherwise unnerving character and makes him look just as drooling retarded as Naruto did before this arc.

where the fuck is the detail

Detail is for brainlets.

It's called being dynamic. He was pushed farther in this scene than he had been in the whole series. It's supposed to be a dramatic apex to the pain arc that shows just how far each character is willing to go. He was down to his last body and was fighting the 6 tails. He doesn't have the luxury of standing still and being stoic.

That face... Boruto confirmed Pain 2.0?

> He doesn't have the luxury of standing still and being stoic.

Yet he does in the manga.

It's the most appropriate way of portraying a fight between two invulnerable individuals.

Putting aside the ill-fitting animation style, the choreography was fucking trash. Did people just forget the whack a mole scene? People who actually liked this garbage were dropped as a baby.

>This shit shatters what was an otherwise unnerving character
>shitty Kishi Ow the edge character

fuck you guys i liked it!
