Real talk though
Jim Metokur is Dr. Murdoch
Real talk though
Jim Metokur is Dr. Murdoch
nice evidence you have there
Fuck you Jim, just admit it
We know its you
>being this schizophrenic
Oh, and MM and MC are bf/gf, making MC an irl hapa
Where did you hear they were dating?
In the show, it's obvious
>muttdoch muttdoch
no wtf they're 100% bavarian phenotype
That isn't canon though because MC dies in that episode.
then who was dr.pavel?
Think about the early episodes of MM, before DM came in as a voice actor - it's usually bf/gf, with MM and MC doing the voice actors. Where exactly would MM have found a random girl to record Sup Forums cartoons with him?
They tried to hide it by making the MM and MC characters hate each other for a while, but in Galaxy MM88 they hinted at it pretty directly
If MC is dating MM, I'd find it weird if he wrote in a hapa waifu for his character if his gf was on the show....unless his gf was in fact a hapa waifu
Never saw her dead body and she was in the next episode, plus the hints at them together for multiple episodes, good enough for me
Delet this
She lives ;_;
Murdoch Chan is not a happa you whore, she has red hair.
If she looks like this then I am totally fine with it
Everyone knows Lauren Rose is Murdoch Chan irl
>MM set up DM with his Lauren in the show
The plot thickens
Murdoch-Chan is getting AUSTRALOPITECD.
Not on my watch
Gib new episode plz
Then why does she have brown eyes?
>Happa with a pseudo southern accent
Id hit it.
Their voices are very alike and Jim has shilled for MM a couple of times.
I even think their political stance is the same, kind of civic nationalists who are aware of the JQ and race.
They are the same person
hats off to whoever made that
You are a brainlet
>mm is civic nationalism
>jim has a political stance
Nice b8 discord kun
This show is extremely fucking cringey. I don't see how you guys don't see that.
>mm is civic nationalism
Dr. Murdoch is civic nationalism. Not MM as a whole, idiot.
>jim has a political stance
Of course he does, he just doesn't want to share it. He said he probably wouldn't be an ethno-nationalist even if his GF wasn't Asian.
>MM is dating a girl that isn't a hapa despite having a past with a hapa chick
>therefore MC is now a hapa
What kind of logic is that?
Is Mister Metokur that InternetAristocrat guy that started GamerGate???
How fucked would they be if their identeties are revealed?
Is this something that people don't know? Just listen to the voices.
They might lose their jobs but they would rebound with internet support. Look how much JP brings in. Could be the best thing for them. I imagine MM works in production somewhere.
Jim literally works the same job as Spoony. Lying on his patreon and scamming the patrons out of their money.
>shills gonna shill
fuck off nigger, murdoch murdoch is quality entertainment. a hell of a lot better than your ((((mainstream media))))
Civic nationalism is the evil. Dr Murdoch is a white nationalist.
murdoch is actually a based gay
It's honestly the best thing that has come out the land of the Mutts since the 19th century. Almost redeems that disgraceful shithole. Almost.
Q predicted this.
No wonder he sounds like a faggot
Have you ever watched murdochmurdoch?
no murdoch chan has to remain single he’s the MC. It’s just how anime works. When their ratings start dropping they’ll add a trap and have sexual tension between them but it will never go anywhere. Trust me I know these things I’m jewish.
>Dr. Murdoch is civic nationalism
lol no.
Yes hes internetaristocrat. I dont know if he started gamergate because im not a faggot
no he’s that superman villain
Nah mate Jim is a Jew or lives around them, you can hear it come through his voice sometimes if you listen carefully.
Dr Murdoch is pure American.
You vile creature
Away with you!
Get out of our board
MM and DM? No they aren't, listen to the Shoah episode they went on together
Jews ARE this board.
So let me get this straight
You make a cartoon with your gf, casting yourselves in it.
You then give your character a Chinese girlfriend. Your irl girlfriend is not Chinese.
How does your irl girlfriend react to this?
Conversely, lets say your irl gf gave her character a black boyfriend in said cartoon. How would you feel about that? Think you'd be cool doing the cartoon now?
some dude on deviantart
They've been very tight with opsec so never gonna happen
I hope, at least. I made this thread to shitpost, but I fucking love MM.
If they ever did they doxxed, I reckon they could actually make some cash out of MM, but they've been insistent on not doing so so far, just the occasional tshirt and poster sale, which are more because we keep hounding them to do it than anything else
hahaha yes
>I dont know if he started gamergate because im not a faggot
He got the ball rolling with the best analysis of the ZQ. What truly imortalized gg was gamejournalpros and kikemods here oyveyshuttingitdown.
Jim, Milo and Moot are the 3 pillars holding up the spoilt kikes who produced the true shitstorm.
I think he sounds like horus the avenger maybes thats just me
Murdoch murdoch and sam hyde are all I live for
They'd be mostly fucked until the civil war.
Derp. As soon as I heard the other I chuckled.
Actually murdoch murdoch is bill hicks.
Civic nationalism is still the evil.
Not confirmed. MC is missing in action in that universe.
metokur is a rice burning faggot.
not in reality, was confirmed in one of their amas she's not a ginger
When did she die? She was alive at the end of the last episode.
jim needs to fuck off already
he had his moment
Metokur is a cuck. He's at best a social moderate. I don't think he could be Murdoch Murdoch.
In the episode Galaxy MM88.
Although I suspect Murdoch Murdoch got up to some naughty doings.
Mental gymnastics
And poo eyes
But hes a weeb hes
>Tfw no gf
>Pure American
Into the oven, kike.
Stop trying to dox Murdoch Murdoch you filthy kikes
This thread is severely autismal.
Can you idiots at muttdoch muttdoch keep your nat soc larper shit away from the identarian logo and movement. ""they dont want your stupid cartoon not only because its full of dumb nazi shit but because you guys produce such garbage as pic related
If Identity Europa pulls it punches because it's afraid that it will annoy the media; it won't amount to anything.
>leaf is a cuck
colour me surprised
One mistake right-wing movements make is the desire for to seek the approbation of an hostile media.
Could Murdoch-chan have a bun in the oven?
That's a huge vagina.
When we getting a new episode?
Hopefully soon.
Check out to see their archive.