What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
the 14th amendment
it's basically your fault
We set up a country on your borders.
Donald Trump was "elected" ""president""
If you don't know by now, you never will. Quit asking obvious questions.
Companies (things) became people and people became companies (things)
Check your flag Paco, your people is what went wrong.
Pick anywhere between the Civil War and WW1.
Voting rights were given to people who didn't own a stake in the country.
This, basically Jews though
We outsourced all the production jobs. Now we have a shit ton of unemployed and imprisoned people.
We let the Chinese buy up too much real estate.
We let our corporations and banks get too big to fail.
We also have way too many fucking lawyers.
Central banking system
>Mexican commits mass shooting
>What went wrong
Rogue glow in the dark agency
Once they got away with killing an American president...they went off the rails
Oh, yea. And our politicians bend over backwards for the interests of Europe.
we let you in
Last panel should be
>OMG nOooOOo!
>Don't yu si? I am gringo! Yes, mucho gringo!
When the stupid wetbacks are in your country, they feel as if they are the embodiment of Mexico, but once they cross the border to visit friends and families, they think they come from the US and berate everything Mexican. Believe me, I've seen it many, many times.
Isn't america the longest running stable Government? there are countries that are older no doubt but their governments were reformatted before they got to where they are today. Japan for example when the Empire fell and they swapped their emperor for a Prime Minister and they reformatted to what they are today. Germany i think did the same after WWII on top of splitting apart before re-merging.
Culture of individualism.
This is also what made America filthy rich.
>People disparaging mexican manpower
USA is powerful thanks to inmigrants, don't be delusional.
Guess there's nothing to complain about then.
woah a sensible american post. Based ameribro
Zionism. Israeli lobbying groups.
British culture left, jews and niggers arrived
The US is obsessed with violence and revenge. It permeates everything in our society, the wars, the drone strikes, the ground is invasions, the history, the movies, the prisons, the courts, the laws. It's all about revenge and violence.
>we wont have anymore avocados without the wetbacks
I can live without some fruit juan
>USA is powerful thanks to inmigrants
European immigrants, yes.
All the wetbacks do is leech off the system and increase crime rates no matter where they are.
Let's be honest, how much do you think the US could survive if all the hispanic population vanished?
I give it 1 month.
>European immigrants
Asian too.
Hopefully we can find out
The vast majority of mexicans inmigrants work harder than the average murican tho.
>The vast majority of mexicans inmigrants work harder than the average murican tho.
Factually incorrect and easily disproved.
It's been known since the times of ancient Greece that stable, democratic societies are brought about and are support by homogeneity, and that a loss of that homogeneity will cripple its democracy.
Aristotle and more have written lengths about it. It's not surprising either, every heterogeneous society on earth right now is a total fucking shitshow.
>Muh welfare
Considering most richness in USA is because of stolen resources from third world countries, I don't why you get so mad.
I've proven you're full of shit and all you could do is make a pathetic attempt at moving the goal posts?
Where's your proof that Mexicans work harder then Americans?
Allowing pity to cave our base morality.
Niggers and suffrage.
You're a massive retard that never learns from history.
>stolen resources from third world countries
lol, sure. It's not 1850 anymore and the US isn't Britain.
So what you're saying is, you're not sending your best?
When did it go right?
>spic asking another country what went wrong...
>all men are created equal
>SJW cucks from the get-go shilled the idea that it meant muh equality
>tfw it actually meant nothing more than equal under god as a refutation of the divine right of kings
>tfw painfully obvious when reading the declaration
>tfw there's even a listed grievance complaining about the brits freeing nigger slaves and getting injun help
>tfw bluepilled tards to this very day only know about one a certain one sentence and take it way out of context
people that do this shit are americans with mexican parents so fucking stupid being a latino myself it sucks ass
The identity crisis of the brown man is mainly because the Mexicans (and other brownies) can't even decide what the fuck a hispanic or a latino is. They get so uppity if you call them either or. They have no identity beyond the realm of "hard work" when really all they do is very low-skill manual labor for the most part. Or janitorial work. Or hedge trimming. Or lawn cutting. Or putting a house together using shoddy materials. Do you really think the grapefruit pickers in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas knows a damn thing about soil conservation, crop rotation, and seed-to-sale? Of course not. They just take the easy route and have no intentions of moving up in the social ladder. How long has it been this way?
Fucking generations M8. They just send the money back to Mexico and claim
>hurr durr if it weren't for us uneducated, low-skill, cheap pay out of a labor force u wouldn't have a country.
wake up, faggots. The American Dream is becoming educated and abandoning your culture. Ethos is what holds many back.
Now go pick grapefruits for my Shiner Ruby Red Bird.