Do you feel that white privilege exists? Are you honest about it? Or do you feel that there is no basis for this euphemism? Consider the following video:
As a white male heterosexual, I can honestly say that I've never faced an actual day of social prejudice in my life. I do work hard, and grew-up in a family where both my parents had to work just to make ends meet. I'm not the smartest guy in the world, and had to struggle my way through school, but I eventually earned my Masters degree, and was one of just a few kids in my family's generation to finish college. I work a decent job and live in a modest home here in the Midwestern United States.
Whenever I'm stopped by police, they are polite to me. I can always expect good customer service at nicer restaurants. I've never been called a racial epithet except for people just being drunk and dumb, when everybody knew it was just a joke.
Meanwhile, I have a few black friends who are basically your average, every-day, hard-working Americans. They don't fit the same stereotypes that you guys seem to perpetuate here on Sup Forums. They come from two-parent households where both parents work like mine did. Except I always feel uncomfortable (not ashamed or guilty) when they talk about all the racial prejudices they and their families have had to face throughout the years. And yes, you might consider my experiences anecdotal cherry picking. But all I can go by is what I know.
What are your thoughts on this?
An Open Discussion on White Privilege
Other urls found in this thread:
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
Go to your local ghetto after 6pm see how tolerant they are of you.
I'll let /ourjew/ lil' Benny explain.
I've lurked here long enough to know when I see a copypasta. But interesting, nonetheless.
I have. My black friends have invited me to their homes many times in what is considered the "rough" part of town. Or at least rough enough that my friends think I'm crazy for driving there and my parents worry for my life whenever they know I'm visiting said friends. And to be honest, user: While I do hear police sirens often on that side of the proverbial tracks, I've never felt reason to fear for my life. I've even walked the streets at night with those same friends to grab snacks and beer.
I've found that once black people know you aren't there to do them harm, they practically consider you family. You're kind of "in" with them, for lack of a better way to explain it. So other shady-looking blacks don't come up to me and bother me, even if they see me by myself.
I think trust is universal, and if you show it to others, you can expect to receive it from others. Maybe I'm oversimplifying the matter, but that's just my personal experience with it.
I am not talking about your friends, just go chill in the hood.
Once again, "privilege" is entirely dependent on geographic location. The majority will always trump the minority. Go attempt your white privilege crusade in Africa.
>Do you feel that white privilege exists?
>Are you honest about it?
>Or do you feel that there is no basis for this euphemism?
There was back in the 1950's. But everyone legally has the same rights as everyone else. So fuck off.
But I'd argue whites are actually at disadvantage if anything.
>I can honestly say that I've never faced an actual day of social prejudice in my life
i always translate this to
>ive lived around white people my entire life
Again, I have. Even without my black friends. Never had any trouble, ever. You can't blame a person for their own life experiences: It's how we learn.
Here is why I get frustrated trying to have an open dialogue. Instead of staying on topic, you get this shitstorm of reasons why NIGGERS === BAD. But never any shred of accountability of whites. Did "niggers" transport slaves to America to work the cotton fields? No. But they're here now, and we've got to deal with it. Stop making excuses.
It was a simple question: Do you believe "white privilege" a *thing* or not?
Guess I never considered that. But then again, I'm only talking about America, here.
Racism legitimately exists still.
I've received it as a Native up here in Leafland. The whites are sensitive as fuck when you say anything about them. White fragility is most definitely a thing.
I can respect your reply, but I don't agree with you. My family was more poor than your average family where I'm from, including most black families. Yet we were able to come out with my generation doing well for ourselves, but black people I've known since childhood still unable to find good-paying jobs, even after graduating from college like I did.
The playing field isn't level. Sometimes it doesn't work for us whites, but it's almost always tilted in favor of us.
I grew-up in a mixed neighborhood and live only a few miles from what you would call a "ghetto": i.e.; high crime and poverty rate, dilapidated neighborhoods, etc. And I get along with "those people" just fine. Never had an issue, ever. Not once. And I'm always told that I am THE whitest guy that they've ever known. So be more careful with your assumptions, user.
No, niggers sold niggers to Jewish slave merchants who in turn sold them to whites in the states. And that problem will have to be dealt with the longer it's put off the social strife will just get worse and worse. Never has there been a multicultural place that succeeded in the long term. Not one example in the entire human history.
>My friends don't randomly attack me so all blacks must be good
So clearly you are unfamiliar with the story of a black who was adopted by a white family, but still proceeded to murder the son and young female cousin just so he could steal their ps4
If a country such as Japan (which is extremely homogeneous) became 60% Japanese and 40% Arab within a couple decades, the concept of Asian privilege would arise from there. A country/culture should privilege those that are in the majority and FOUNDED said culture. Accepting those that don't have similar values will cause societal collapse, and its going to happen this century.
On your OP, stereotypes ring true for a reason. If a group was known to cause disproportionate crime rates, would you be more suspicious of said group?
I have a lot of black friends who are mostly very decent people who are constantly sharing stories of discrimination with police/teachers etc. Any time ive actaully wtinessed these events ive seen their total bullshit and they are always at blame for escalating the situation
>Is "white privilege" a thing?
No, it's not. If it is, then every other race also has privilege.
Tell me, can you separate "white" privilege from, say, geographic privilege, or language privilege, or income privilege, or gender privilege? If you take an average middle class white woman and drop her in the middle of a Port Au Prince ghetto, does she still have privilege?
White privilege exists. That's undeniable. But it's an inheritance that we've earned by working hard over several generations.
Example: Let's say my father starts a business and works hard at it his whole life; works his hands to the bone and puts in his heart and soul. Then he dies and passes that onto me via inheritance. He used ethical and honest business practices so growth is slow and he passed it onto me without seeing much monetary wealth in his life, but has established a brand, reputation, and foundation for me. I also work hard and maintain the same ethics and morals (Christian values for example) in my day-to-day dealings with other people. This continues on for several generations until the business is a multi-million dollar affair and has helped an extended family be successful either through opportunities relating to the business or opportunities afforded by the network and reputation maintained by good ethics.
Now compound that over 1000 years, across multiple countries and countless families. There you have Europe. Mistakes were made, but generally white privilege is EARNED through the compound interest of values. It is EARNED through the hard work, honest dealings, justice etc (essentially all Christian values) over many generations of maintaining these principles, values, and work ethics. It is passed down/inherited by the next generation who can choose to squander it (some do) or continue that legacy. Fortunately for "white people", we have had our share of bad apples and bad times, but the net result has been a continuation of that legacy of principles that allow our society to thrive.
Now take Africa for example. Where tribalism, laziness, chopping off hands "eye-for-eye" justice, and other negative principles are considered the norm. Compound that over multiple countries, countless families, and 1000 years. And you now have modern day Africa, which is, in a nod to recent events, a "shithole".
I was only talking abut white privilege, and here you're going off about geo-social politics. Hopefully I get a few honest answers out of this thread.
>you are unfamiliar with the story of a black who was adopted by a white family, but still proceeded to murder the son and young female cousin just so he could steal their ps4
>stereotypes ring true for a reason. If a group was known to cause disproportionate crime rates, would you be more suspicious of said group?
>Any time ive actaully wtinessed these events ive seen their total bullshit and they are always at blame for escalating the situation
>can you separate "white" privilege from, say, geographic privilege, or language privilege, or income privilege, or gender privilege?
Guys, I have seen more actual crimes committed by whites than blacks. And that's exactly what I mean by "white" privilege, because in almost all of those cases, very few of them resulted in a conviction. Mostly because they weren't investigated as crimes. I'm talking hardcore drug use, domestic violence, assault, vandalism/arson, and theft. Yet among my black friends, each of them know someone who either has been in jail, or is currently incarcerated.
Meanwhile, back in the day, several my dumb friends from high school got high/drunk and set fire to a local farmhouse. Two people were seriously injured, and this poor family lost all of their livestock and property in the aftermath. Not one of those assholes got any real jail time, even after having been caught with possession of drugs and alcohol, one of them having stole his father's gun that he used to threaten the others if they confessed. They were given a proverbial slap on the wrist and put on probation. On the other hand, my black friend got pulled over for a blown-out tail light and had to serve 90 days in jail because she couln't show adequate proof of insurance. Yeah, wrong is wrong, but still.
So yes, white privilege does exist. So does black privilege. But with privilege comes responsibility, which in this case is the responsibility to carry on with the values and principles that were established by your ancestors. So with the existence of white privilege you have also the existence of white responsibility. And with the existence of black privilege you have the existence of black responsibility. The two concepts are locked together in an eternal philosophical dance; one cannot exist without the other.
An inheritance can be spent on hookers and blow, or it can be invested to make it even larger than before. Society is inherited like wealth. So are principles of justice, the idea of "human rights", and ideals such as the American constitution. Either piss it away or take up the torch from your fore-fathers like a man.
"Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in."
>tfw you naturally know the right things to say in all social interactions because of competent upbringing and it benefits you day-in-day-out
>Do you feel that white privilege exists?
I do feel it exists. It's very obvious that, for example, French employers will have a much harder time trusting a new hire if he's arab.
But I do feel it's a privilege that was earned, and that there's no reason to do away with it.
Yeah it sucks for that one hard-working and serious arab who can't find a job because of his name, but for one like him there's a hundred of unreliable, lying shitheads.
"Privilege" is simply the only response left to a society faced with massive unwanted immigration. Nobody would have any problem with arabs here if the only ones in France were those morrocans engineers who studied in a French high school.
Growing up in Canada as a white guy I can say I never felt any racial prejudice during my childhood. In recent years, as Canada's diversity has shot through the roof, fuck yes I have felt like I'm receiving a continual kicking just for having been born male and white.
Prior to that, the only time I felt my race up for discussion was when I was traveling in non-white countries in South East Asia, Africa and the USA.
Blacks would not find themselves victims of racism in black countries just as whites generally haven't in predominantly white countries.
Our societies, our species, etc. has survived and thrived by working in closely knit communities and being very skeptical or totally adversarial towards other communities or those that didn't resemble their community.
Globalism and "diversity" has been an experiment, totally contrary to our nature, and will ultimately fail and likely in an extraordinarily violent way.
We need groups, we need communities, we need to support one another but truth be told those groups have to be pretty homogeneous for it to survive and thrive. There is a space for all of us on this earth, but we do not need to occupy the same space together, as we're currently being ushered to do so.
sorry, you lost me at "Do you FEEL white privelege exists".
I FEEL that American privilege exists and that D&C faggots like you would rather divide than unite. You are not an ally
Define priveledge. What does it mean to you?
I'm biracial as someone who never really thought about race very much growing up I just started to realize how oppressed I am, and how much people hate me because of my skin color, where are our 40 acres and a mule dammit
>does white privilege exist
Yeah, just as japanese privilege exists in outside of the cities. Black privilege exists in southern africa. Its real both socially and systematically. First i'll talk about systematically since that's what black people talk about the most. First off, i recall when we got the statics to rates of races being hired the gap between white and black people was about 3-5%. That's 3-5% difference. Is it impossible to chalk that up to social unawareness by black ppl? This isn't even talking about AA and the giant advantage blacks have in getting into schools and jobs. AA assumes all asian ppl are smart and all blacks are dumb. Never hear them complain about systematic racism like that. They don't care. Blacks have a HUGE privilege over asians both systematically and socially because its socially accepted to hate asian ppl wheres with blacks its not. Now social privilege. Its been seen in memes like "LUL DIS DA FAC WYPIPo MAKE WEN DEY SEE U IN STREET XD", but its true. But do we really believe that the majority of white ppl hate blacks so much they wont look them in the eye? I've been in a situation where just because i looked a black guy in the eyes and said hello he wanted to fight me. I'm not some corny nerd either. I'm a able bodied young man. I got up in his face and he backed down like the bitch the black race is. Most whites just wanna get to where they're going and older whites cant handle the fight. I know that's just one example but you need to understand there's a cause and effect here. Please tell me what you think
Als0 the leaf is right here. These terrible racial relati0ns are a very new thing. I w0uldnt be here if they hadn't bec0me s0 bad.
I love being Chinese because I'm smart but I don't have to give a fuck.
White people gets bullied by EVERYONE.
>I just started to realize how oppressed I am, and how much people hate me because of my skin color
Both earned, nigger
>Do you feel that white privilege exists?
I feel that I have privileges
I feel these privileges have been bought and paid for by the blood and sweat of my ancestors
I feel like if you want my privileges, you have to take them from me, with blood
That's fair, isn't it?
Lets say im a bird that is trying to protect its bird eggs being stolen. Lets say out of a 100 times, a bluebird might try and steal my eggs. Lets say every 20 times a robin tries to steal my eggs. Im going to watch robins more closely and scare them off. Now robins are offended by this. Now the bluebirds have heard the robins are offended and now theyre offended too.
>Or at least rough enough that my friends think I'm crazy for driving there
How American 'Sister' Died in a Township -
Aug 27, 1993 - It was daylight still when Amy Elizabeth Biehl steered her old orange Mazda with the peace sticker on the bumper into the black township of Guguletu. She knew the place and its people well, or thought she did.
Whether or not white privilege exists doesn't change anything, what does is examining environments. I found that poorer, blue collar towns are less racist than rich, liberal towns
It's a debunked pasta. What u doing?
You assume I'm black but I'm not I'm Hindu, we are the original Master races
I know how you feel as a Hindu myself I feel bad for some white people but others I love trolling them as hard as I can with my brown privilege
what the fuck is this poorly acted shit, do people seriously think this stuff is real?
Oh wait, wrong webm, I meant to post the one where the white kid was being beaten by the black kid instead of the one where little jungle monkeys are just be wildin in the streets.
From associating with blacks and other races/cultures, I learned that *their* definition of white privilege means two things: First, that whites always expect to be treated fairly, even if they're in the wrong, like the girl in that video in my OP. Second, that whites do not get punished as harshly as blacks for committing the same crimes. Let me add that no one is arguing the RATE of crimes committed. But just the severity of punishment. Whites tend to get a proverbial slap on the wrist compared with blacks for equal crimes committed. Just look at that kid Brock Turner who got probation after being caught raping a passed-out girl.
>pic related
>forgive the source
Blacks get harsher sentences because of higher rates of recidivism, the more you offend you harsher punishments ensue.
>Give me stuff, granddaddy: the post.
I googled up the Brian Banks thing, and this black man was accused of rape by Wanetta Gibson, a BLACK WOMAN!
Banks wasn't a case of discrimination against blacks, it was a case of black women being ahead of black men in the Oppression Olympics.
t. fag who runs from fights
>I can honestly say that I've never faced an actual day of social prejudice in my life.
I can fix that for you, pic related you Mongrel freak
Same, plus she was 15 a much more serious crime in the eyes of the law.
Racism exists because minorities stick very close to their stereotypes. Or the stereotype is close to reality. Either way whites wouldn't be so adverse to getting moralized by a Native if Natives ever worked, weren't always drunk, didn't live on handouts, stopped abusing their kids, had crime rates in line with the rest of us, etc etc.
And maybe you as an individual, but people don't know you as an individual before they know you as a member of your group.
Okay, jerk. Here are just a few things I've seen white people get a way with
>children locked in basements or dog cages, child endangerment, child neglect
>friends of mine in school sexually abused by family members but never telling authorities
>overdosing on heroin: free pass from the cops with NARCAN shots
>"safe drug use" spaces: suspiciously none of those in the ghetto near where I live
>spousal abuse: no one here reports that shit, but when some guys gf or wife shows-up limping with a black eye, you know it wasn't because of "an unfortunate accident"
And I can't tell you how many times gangs of stupid white kids gathered around to video two kids fighting. I probably not exaggerating when I say that 90% of the Vines of two dumb white skanks fighting come from my neighborhood.
So what exactly are you trying to prove again?
>that whites do not get punished as harshly as blacks for committing the same crimes
That never takes repeat offenders into account.
>Just look at that kid Brock Turner who got probation after being caught raping a passed-out girl.
He was caught fingering her. If you wanna give an example to match two cases then giving an example of someone grabbing a woman down and ramming his dick inside her to someone fingering a women is just dumb.
this is also important. By the logic of black ppl it doesnt make any sense that brock got off light since he fingered a white woman
Also check this out
Really biting analysis. Maybe if whits weren't so inclined to get hooked on crack here, or the higher class ones joining up with those filthy Child-Slinging Shriners.
I believe Natives have every right to act out, if you want to make a racial egregore here, because those fucking Jesuits loved the supply of untraceable children to suck the blood out of. The Fur Trade is a complex hoax. Residential schools were literal breeding grounds.
>I know how you feel as a Hindu myself I feel bad for some white people but others I love trolling them as hard as I can with my brown privilege
Sometimes you have to troll them to teach them. Why you assume my feels more sensitive because I'm not white? Why you assume I need any set aside when the average asian woman earns more money than the average white woman?
>The fiend-like skill we display in the invention of all manner of death-dealing engines, the vindictiveness with which we carry on our wars, and the misery and desolation that follow in their train, are enough of themselves to distinguish the white civilized man as the most ferocious animal on the face of the earth.
Hmmm, now why would Herman Melville, arguably one of the greatest writes to ever live, a certifiable genius, say such a thing?
I think you guys are splitting hairs just to be contrary. Rape is rape. If Brock had done that to someone that YOU loved dearly, you wouldn't be making excuses for him.
As with all crimes there are different degrees that warrant different punishments. Whether I'd be angry is a different matter entirely.
'but i'm a woman!'
lmao, hows that equality workin for ya now, entitled bitch
That's what a soceity of laws is about, so we don't let our feelings get the better of us, or have you never heard of holmgaang and why we stopped practicing it.
My mother is the victim of sexual assault. He grabbed her boob and made a bunch of comments. Its not rape. Hes threaten to kill my mother before and the police are aware but nothing else has happened. If a woman came up to me in the street and grabbed my dick it isn't rape. Its sexually assault. There is a difference. You're missing the point anyway because i was just trying to tell you you're coming from a person pov not a judge. Judges look at the facts and go forward.
Now debunk this post here
Holy shit. So you're really going to take-up for the guy? That's the reason why I think my black friends see white privilege: Even ITT, you guys are willing to take-up for some beta chode who couldn't get laid and took it out on some passed-out chick. Besides, I already gave examples of actual crimes that I've witnessed that never had the same punishment for whites as they did for blacks.
>Rape is rape
There is a huge difference between marital rape b Rhett Butler and gang rape by the group that killed Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
>"Sexual assualt is rape and if u cant see that den ur rayciss"
No one is sticking up for him were just saying that the cases are different. Sexual assault and rape aren't on the same level.
The whole white privilege thing is pretty meaningless. In general white people want to do their job, buy a house and raise a family. They also want to avoid being victims of crime and generally be left alone. The accusation of white privilege is just a way to make law abiding, tax paying white people feel responsibile for the crime rates of black people. It helps nobody
>Natives have every right to act out.
No, they don't. Having bad shit happen to you isn't a license to do even dumber shit. A bad situation doesn't get better from self destructive behavior.
The Jesuits fucked with everyone the world over, yet not everyone now spends their lives drunk in a shack, beating their scab-covered kids waiting for a handout from the band chief if by some stroke of luck a little bit of the federal money remains after he's done giving most of it out to his buddies and buying himself his 5th snowmobile of the season.
I live next to a reservation. I do deliveries in there. I've seen the reality of your people. The ones that CHOOSE to live this way. Because some don't. Some choose to be actual people.
white people arent associated with pieces of shit, because white people arent generally pieces of shit
unlike niggers
/thread shut the fuck up now all of you
Being attractive gives you a hell of a lot more 'privilege'
This 'black privilege' and 'white privilege' shit is nothing compared to ugly and attractive people
never see anyone protest about that
Compeletely missed the point if you thought I was defending him, regardless, I don't care what happens to black people, they aren't my people and their problems aren't my problems, I despise them and wish they would fuck off to somewhere else.
nah you can be a supermodel and local cops will still kick the shit out of you and lock you up to cool down before 'interrogations' here. I'm grateful for it, but caught the short end of the stick because of weed once
White privilege is real. Male privilege is real. So are female privilege and black privilege. There are all kinds of little privileges, and depending on circumstances, some may add up to a lot more than others, but that doesn't mean the others don't exist. This is where the left has gone way off the rails in their insistence, for example, that people of color can't be racist. It's the reason why I stopped thinking of myself as a feminist and stopped feeling sorry for black people in America.
open bob
>It doesnt matter if you rape 8yo, ITS JUST RAPE!
yeah fuck you pedo.
not the user you replied to in But you aren't showing every variable. Grades, cultures, and their fields of study are important, you don't just get a liberal arts degree to work for nasa after all.
well of course... reserves are fucking shit holes.
still doesn't change the fact you whites are responsible for every well-tuned organization that is subverting humanity at this moment, spreading that pesudo-Ophite 60s French Philosophy that every sicko uses to justify their actions.
Sick larp.
Yes I would. They were both ridiculously drunk. She consented then passed out. He was also so wasted he didn’t even notice. Fuck that attention seeking bitch.
Blacks have their stereotypes and bad viewings for a reason. It didnt just come out of thin air. Just because some outliers exist doesnt mean you shouldnt still be cautious. All I'm saying. NEVER RELAX
The history of America since the end of the Civil War is a history of Blacks getting more and more brazenly criminal.
>You whites
You mean da joos. Also de Sade and de Beauvoir were Jews.
The only privilege in the industrialized world is rich privilege, which is nothing to feel guilty about. But blacks have a 72% single morher rate that has shown to be one of the determining factor of poverty. Poverty is the determining factor for crime and degredation of community, which blacks suffer from. Obviously it’s a culture problem, whch could be because blacks are dumb or dumb enough to not be fathers
The only privilege that exists is financial. Pinning a race to it is racist.
Poor white guy who grew up in the ghetto can confirm that niggers and spics treat poor whites like absolute shit.
Quit making it about race and realize the "1%" distracted your anger on to whites. You have been jewed. Go ahead and keep pushing white people though. We are famously thick skinned... until we are not.
why is op so retarded
They suffer because they are not meant to live with us. Our lives, cities and societies are shaped in such a way that a foreigner does not ever truly belong. It is not their natural biosphere. They should return to Africa and build their own place shaped for them. Trying to force themselves a niche here in our white lands is testing our patience, which only exacerbates the problem.
This is true as well. You can be a white who flagellates himself all day or not we just want to live comfortably and to give this up willingly to an out-group is asinine. We've been trying for many years to get blacks to some kind of civilized level but it fails every time. You can argue as well that these attempts can be seen as cruel and trying to take advantage but overall it would of been to their best benefit. Often even their very own do their best to fuck their own kind over. Just look at the blatant corruption in chicago as a recent example. We can give gibs all day but self reliance is the only thing that will prevail. Whether the blacks have it in them is another argument.
>Also de Sade and de Beauvoir were Jews.
Oh that explains so much.
>I can respect your reply, but I don't agree with you. My family was more poor than your average family where I'm from, including most black families. Yet we were able to come out with my generation doing well for ourselves, but black people I've known since childhood still unable to find good-paying jobs, even after graduating from college like I did.
That's because blacks are stupid
This is white privilege caught in action
Shit arguments my dude
>things I've seen
>list a bunch of crimes that he didn't report to smear white people but instead makes himself look like a beta faggot who let these things happen and did nothing to get into contact with authorities.
Maybe whites aren't bad, maybe your just a closet nigger?
Sista gots to walk 10 times harder to get half as far.
>White people did this.
>satan accusing me of complicity to crime
>not like there were other people witnessing the same crimes
>already explained that the authorities gave whites once caught given a slap on the wrist
"Old Scratch" just wanted an excuse to come at me all ad hominid.