Sup Forums will say no to this

>Sup Forums will say no to this

No, I need more breeders in my stable.

it's 2018, shitlord
everyone on Sup Forums is free from the problematic cis gendered unhealthy western ideals beauty

muh thicc, bro woman

If I wanted to fuck a cow I'd go to my uncle's farm.

I would tear it up, man. Anyone else who says otherwise needs to get their t levels checked.

What ethnicity is she?
She THICCCC tho.


I'm willing to believe Sup Forums is gay.

Mooooove over attractive white women La'Besstisha is da barn!



Actual faggots

damn straight tell her to lose the leg jello in 20 years that will look disgusting

the only true MAN ITT
true to himself, instead of falling to the trappings of the patriarchal norms set by corporations trying to push an impossible standard of health and beauty

>disliking vulgar brown ham beasts makes you gay
alright beeflord

What’s her name?

You can fuck niggers all you want, you're probably getting rejected by al the white girls so you lowered your criteria.

Race traitors deserve death.

>Sup Forums will say no to this



No I just find black women unatractive

La creatura...

Would smash but would not date.

If it was some foreign Latin whore id 100% nut inside.


How can you be race traitor if you`re only 56% white?

You aren't alone. Even blacks do.

We have enough obese cows here.

Brown girls are breeding sows

i wouldn't say no. I'd like to own about 20 of them (fixed)

>hear loud engine noise
>honey our son is running away with my 2stroke dirtbike
>no darling I just farted

too thicc

La atrocidad Americana

Implying any girl will seek attention from you beta fags LMAO

I'd leave her so disappointed she might buy me breakfast out of pity

Yeah, I would. I'm not ruled by my dick unlike you weak faggot. Get a grip on yourself, don't throw your convictions away for some cottage cheese assed sheboon.

Anyone denying thicc women is an actual cuck and not in the being cucked sense, but in the sense that you think you aren’t primary attracted to thicc women, in order to impress other men. You are too cucked to be a dominant man and tell them you would plough her. You’re cucked by those men. You also possibly have Testosterone deficiency


I'm all for curvy women with large breasts
But you lost me when it's a black women.
QT chubby slavs are my fetish

Christ almighty she is hideous. Caked in makeup and fat.
I’ll stick to huwhite slim, healthy women.

you've got no right to say that unless you post a pic of yourself

My girlfriend's mixed and traditional. I wouldn't say no and here come KKK trash to call me a "race traitor" and so what if I am? White women are awful, annoying, vapid and overall cunty in nature. Y'all "white purists" need some Daryl Davis

Seriously how do we stop Amuricans? Those subhuman abominations have no shame

Even when they a thicc, white women are better.

Yes, I bet you get all the bitches in the world, I bet not even that fat nigger cow would want you.


Don't worry. We wouldn't want you to breed with a white woman anyway, el goblino.

>dicklet virgins throw tantrum

>ywn be thicc as her

Fucking shit Hans
What would your oma say?

>h-hehe you're beta virgins
>*ignores request to post his pic*

>no face fat

How does this happen?

>dicklet virgin tries to act tough

i'm sorry man
i think my oma will forgive me atleast i hope

Why do you want more white women? It will just encourage their behavior and have you watching your wife at Mandingo parties your whole life. Plus, you're polish and are there even any hot girls there? No, you wish your women looked Scandinavian instead

You say no. I say yes

>Mandingo parties
What's up with americans and their obsession with black dicks?

reminder that iranians are white and this is totally acceptable

Krauts and their fetishes.
It's a fucking disgrace

It's a prevalent problem and you'll witness it if yoyr country's nationalist push as of late fails. Once the lefties win, Poland will be another Africa

leave me alone, mutt

Pathetic, I'm not wasting anymore time on you, have fun fapping to black cows.


I don't like obese women



Kys you LARPing like faggot.

Thick women are fucking ugly as fuck and on pad with fatties.

If the bitch don't have a pussy gap, then I ain't interested.

Oh and big tits are a must.

Fucking selfish cunts, who can't even give us her name (to do research).

Yeah, I'll say no because I don't want a relationship with someone whose at a higher risk of dying at the age of 40. I don't get whats hard to understand about this concept.


If she didn't have such a disgusting fat body, I'd pump and dump.

yet you like subhumans with broken eyes and pan faces

uma delicia

pic related is uma delícia

I wouldn't

>tfw you enjoy both fit and thicc girls

i dont know why you should choose one body type

Are those hips caused by deformity or just plain fat?

Because it is important what the cool kids on Sup Forums think about your taste in women.

Anything between anorexyc and fat is good for me, but fit is the best

Black eyes, black hair, dark skin.

Deport! Deport! Deport!

muscle and fat you retard

>using sodomite language while being the actual sodomite
Hell is for ever!

tell us, Mongol?

Of course there are attractive women of all races, and if given the chance to fuck them I would find it hard to say no.

However in terms of breeding, forming a family with and allowing to live in our countries? Fuck no. Non-whites can make their own way and we will make ours. I'm perfectly fine with being friendly with non-whites, they just don't belong in our countries.

Kill yourself you shit eating faggot

that suit if fucking mesmerizing on her.

Hips that are too wide are fucking disgusting and degenerate.

How can women of any other races even compete?


what god given law makes this prohibited? this is a christian country and jesus never had anything against interracial relationships.


low test

From what I gather, you don't like humans either.

I'm not making an argument from theological grounds. But in any case, why should Christians be against ethnonationalism? We just want a white country for white people to thrive in. It's not about mass executing non-whites, we can just incentivise them to leave and then use force (the same amount required for standard deportation of illegals) to remove the ones who don't go.

Consider suicide you fat enabling nigger

Damn I bet she can fuckin grip my dig from the inside

Now that is fucking TASTY

While overall perfection, that beautiful nose
Nignogs are gross blech