How do White Nationalists explain the fact that rich White people could stop the Jews if they wanted, but choose not to? These Jews would not succeed without cooperation.
Are all those high IQ White billionaires traitors? Wouldn't that be a fatal flaw in the White race?
>inb4 durr they're all secretly jews
How do White Nationalists explain the fact that rich White people could stop the Jews if they wanted, but choose not to...
do the retards on Sup Forums, who serve elites like Bezos, actually think he gives a shit about them
to say whites never tried to stop jews is kinda stretch.
Remember mush 6 millions, right?
You don't make it in the upper echelons of society without playing ball with the Jews in some form.
You don't shit where you eat.
Nigger Bezos guarantees my packages will arrive next day, or he refunds the entire shipping price.
>Bill Gates is the one who controll all the jews.
>Bill Gates is the final boss.
They're traitors, they get the rope.
Bezos is Jewish, retard.
He's Cuban or something, definitely not White. Foreigners like this should not be richer than White men.
jeff bezos had a demonic entity funneled into his body
no its not is scandinavian and spanish descent
and yes i agree the lack of tribalism is what is destroying us while billionaires like sheldon aldenson give billion to israel bill gates give them to africa there is something wrong with the europeans
Because poltards don't understand that Jews are useful to the economy and to these white billionaires companies. Kikes are part of the reason the west hasn't been smashed by 105 IQ East Asia. Pol complains about cultured leftist Jews who are pushing the anti white male patriarchy meme, along with many whites. They're a minority within the kike community. Most Jews are normal brainy people. If Jews all left the west for Israel,the west would go back to bring a second tier civilisation, and we'd be all speaking Chinese within a generation.
bezos is not jewish. he is of swedish descent
you realize you can just look it up.
he's genetically swedish and scottish, his surname comes from his step-father who is from cuba
no you are not needed all the nordic countries live better than japan go with them we dont want you or need you parasite
america and europe ryse to the top without you and we are declining because you , gtfo of the west
He doesn't look Northern European, maybe he is Jewish.
I'm not Jewish. I just have enough sense to know to not to bite the hand that feeds me. The west isn't Scandinavia and let's not forget that a major reason why Europe accrued all that wealth was because East Asia was killing itself for nearly 700 years. Europe had no real competition. Now that east Asia is stable, the Chinks are slowly dominating regions which were once under the influence of the west, Europe is beginning to lose influence.
Why does Bezos have an MK Ultra eye?
Dumbshit socialists dont realise they will always be fighting against the slighty better off, you will never touch the billionaire class.
They control the media you shove up your ass like a daily suppository... Bezos owns WAPO, Time Warner owns CNN, Comcast owns MSNBC.
the west have achieve the glory for their own skill or you think that the history coul repite so many times, first the indoeeuropean or aryan conquering near all civilization , then greeks and roman becoming the most powerful empires and nest northen european conquering the world is NOT by chance that we are at the top
What's your point? Israel being 95? Not only is Israel full of non-Ashkenazi but even if it weren't, it wouldn't necessarily be a good comparison.
Look at Pajeets. Pajeets are dumb as fuck in India but among the elite in the US (IIRC they're the only immigrant group to break 6 figures on average).
Two similar populations can have dramatically different levels of success. This is because of selection pressure. And no, it won't necessarily "regress to the mean".
Read the Bell Curve.
Bullshit Germany has 50k jews (the same as ukraine) and Germany runs europe, owns everything and has a world-class industry
It's all about the quality of the goy, Europeans are fine without hook-nosed sandniggers
China has more people with an IQ over 115 than the whole population of Germany and Britain combined. Do you really think in knowledge economy, catered to the Chink mind, whites who are currently undergoing dysgenics as a result of educated roasties not breeding will defeat the might of Asia, which has historically been more innovative and powerful than European civilisation?
And Germany and the rest of Europe is slowly descending into irrelevance, as the Asian tigers grows.
we call asian tigers "new markets".
Even Ashkenazim's in Israel have IQs below that of east Asians. Jews in Israel are pretty much the village idiots of the Jewish world. Successful jews always migrate to the west to have a better chance of success, leaving mediocre Jews behind.
Go ask them on storm front faggot. Saged
Look, right now we need an Aryan -Ashkenazim alliance to defeat the Chinks. We will need to eventually deal with the subversive leftist jews, who do nothing but sow the seeds of division, but useful apolitical kikes who have done nothing wrong except but make the west richer and provide jobs to whites should be left alone.
In fact if Jews left Germans alone they would probably have the 2nd or 3rd strongest military in the world
just join the winning team stupid idiots
goddamn you're all retarded
no with a serious eugenesic program in europe we could aument 5 iq point by generation only giving enought incentives , we are fine by ourself we dont need help of anibody
The next step in eugenics is IVF, that can raise a lot more than 5 points.
Also China is protectionist as hell. It's why they have a trade surplus with most countries whilst everyone else has a trade deficit.
Jews are the ones importing people from asia you fucking disgusting leftist piece of trash
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Literally spitting in the face of reality, as if we're all blind
Get the fuck out of here
Capitalists are, and not all Jews are capitalists. White billionaires love immigration for the same reason as Jewish, or Asian American billionaires. This is a capitalist problem.
>Are all those high IQ White billionaires traitors?
Yep, got it in one. These people might have white blood, but they act like Jews. In a NatSoc ethnostate they would be hanged and their assets seized.
Thats why i say fuck society. Any place that has a government is pretty much guarenteed to have jews in control of the government. Government is an open wound. It lets diseases and infections in.
It puts the peoples head in a guillotine. Tell them to sell their own souls.
you forgot to say capitalism
Until we have a proven Eugenics program, we are joined by the hip the bone to the kikes
They've been brainwashed through mass media.
Because in real life no one cares if you're Jewish
Rich people are in general less likely to care about the welfare of their countrymen than other people for a number of reasons (distracted by material comforts, knowing that they can live anywhere, etc.)
But in addition rich people in america and other white countries have been conditioned by the media they consume to have their instinct for in-group preference , which manifests as nationalism and love for your group e.g. ethnic group, nationality, religious group, has been weakened tremendously.
>Let's stop the Jews!
'Jews stopped in country x'
>Now we just have to find a country with a non-Jewish backed bank with which to trade.
>Surely at least one more country would have rebelled against their lords and masters and not pussied out JUST because all the western countries sold anything they could back a new currency with...?
>Country starves to death and/or invaded
It's a banking problem that noone would subject their country to.
White traitors are just as bad as the jews. They have to be dealt with at the day of the rope.
>Capitalists are, and not all Jews are capitalists.
>not all jews
Dude the most avid pushers of immigration are jews get the fuck out you disgsting lying kike chink shill faggot cuck
And jews make up like 2% of the population so you'd think it would be extremely fucking unlikely theyd be the ones both with the most power and selling us out the most
>Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos are playing ball with the Jew
>Keep believing it's the Jew's fault, goy, Jeff dindu
Bezos (Podesta's boss) is a serial cannibal. Thinks it gives him powers, or some shit. Crazy fuck.
Well I agree that Jews are disproportionately involved in open borders campaign, but so are white rich and upper middlrs class people.
Is OP serious or is this just lazy shitposting like it appears to be?
How are self-interested traitors indicative of a "fatal flaw" in the race? Does Josephus being a traitor to Jews prove a fatal flaw in Jews?
Shabbos goys are the enemy too, we live in post-idealogical liberalism, these people are self-absorbed and delusional.
It's really simple: they care more about money than everything else and as this aussie said you can't afford to not make business with some people because of your opinions.
Also just like like boomer marxists in the 60s are now middle upper-class pro business democrats/centrists you tend to be much more materialistic and less idealist as you accumulate wealth.
Final point is that those people tend to be social darwinists, they despise the poors no matter their races or religions.
t. actual richfag
When you realize it was tried and failed because of your people being used against each other.
Most of the talent of any race ends up in the so called Master Class of society. That's true of whites, Khazar Jews, Arabs, Blacks, etc. Nationalist movements tend to be working class and start out being poorly educated but faithful workers in the great machine. Something goes wrong in the machine and their jobs get replaced by foreign workers who work cheaper and Ethnic Identity movements start to form. It's simpler than it sounds and your teachers are either too scared or to ignorant to tell you about it.