Did boomers destroy america with their degeneracy?
>Pic related
Did boomers destroy america with their degeneracy?
>Pic related
jews manipulate goyim.
you are a goy for differentiating other goyim by age
They also had tonnes of well paid jobs, cheap homes and free healthcare
They also put their parents into nursing homes (where they were promptly abused by the niggers and other subhumans working there) then sold their houses for a quick profit. So fuck boomers.
Boomers are the goodest of goys. The poster children of goyim.
Boomers are the saddest of tales
my dads a boomer
tis sad
>tell kids to rebel
>kids begin to rebel
>feminist professor scolding the youth for moral panics
hmmm I wonder were they learned it from you stupid grant farming cunt?
'Boomers have no idea how vicious non-whites are and how being forced round them so frequently really puts a damper on things and creates a very conservative (though these non-whites are loyal to their own ethnicities, so aren't conservative to, say, American positions) environment. I'm quite sure if I was in a place where it was mostly white, homogenous, I'd have more fun.
>My friends and I had no concept of jobs.
>why is this jew telling me to be a degenerate
>is it because she's old
I think you're missing something here.
gee thanks for no fault divorce and dudeweed culture mom
she's right, turbovirgin
housewives, idiot
I love it when boomers believe "high interest rates" is a bad thing. They have learned nothing.
muh boomers.
DER EWIGE BOOMER. Worse than Jews desu
boo hoo someone had it better than me it is not fair!
I claim to be on the right but have envy with regards to what others have like some leftist faggot.
>Did boomers destroy america with their degeneracy?
No, they destroyed it with their ignorance.
>reddit bookmark
>my generation would not have done the same thing as boomers we are superior bad asses.
>t. sons of cuckfederate veterans boomer
You couldn't even conserve our Southern culture. Fuck off and get rid of that flag nigger. You dishonor it
Boomers are sickly out of touch. Age war when?
CLEtus please
>I am a burger who thinks libertarian republics are the most right-wing thing ever.
They were extremely degenerate, and implanted a strong consumerist culture into America. Take their social security away and I'll call it even.
Based Stuart Robertson putting that cunt in her place
>its another lunatic kike tweeting episode
I am not a boomer you fucking faggot.
I fly the confederate flag because what is the point of flying the USA flag it is not even a nation at this point.
I love how much shit boomers get while everyone ignores how fucking awful Gen Xers are.
Boomers have some redeeming qualities, hell even millennials do, but gen xers?
Jobs were handed to them so they don’t understand the objective concept in itself
Stuart Robertson for prez
>outlaw/prevent/ruin lives for any behavior that isn't a sjw grievance circle.
>surprised when all you see are sjw grievance circles.
Oh your little boomer hate session is not enough for you?
That doesn't seem to make sense in the context on what she was replying to. makes more sense.
go drink your metamucil you haggard boomer flaggot. theres no excuse for what you sacks of shit did to our country. you let the greatest generation down.
>Every generation is bad except for mine even though by all metrics we suck ass.
boomers are like native americans
sold the US to foreigners for a few trinkets
>If you don't agree with my childish bullshit then you are old
Exactly this.
I don't really care bout the other stuff, the main thing is boomers inherited 95%+ white us and took it below 50%. If you defend boomers you're literally a nigger. Boomers are niggers.
Because Gen X is a tiny group who are also the lowest reproducing generation in all of US history.
They're basically irrelevant
Gen x were once called the Latchkey generation because most came home to empty homes after school, either because both parents were working or their parents were divorced. they were perceived as a burden from the moment they were born.
But but but they are old so that means they are automatically bad and I am automatically great!
Just know this is what you Boomers get to look forward to when the Day Of The Depends comes and you're dumped off in a home, decrepit and senile.
>Not really.
Oh interesting, that is a new one.
Maybe you can take your day of the rope and shove it up your ass then?
Talk all you want. You'll be old and feeble, unable to defend yourself from any consequences. All you'll be able to do is shit yourself.
I've heard piss burns are painful. Luckily yall flooded the country with all those niggers and spics who love whitey
What's funny about that is he is such a 'personal responsibility' kind of boomer-worshipper that he'll have to blame him shitting himself on his own failures.
Kek, laquisha will put afrosheen in their bed sores for Worldstar.
>We did drugs
Wonders why kids are fucked up.
It's easy to be wise after the event.
Kremlin turning the stupidest Americans against each other again.
yeah it is working.
I won't day of the rope with a bunch of faggots that want to attack people due to age.
They are losing a soldier here...
See ya then faggot.
Good luck getting anything done with like 5 people.
>They are losing a soldier here...
don't let the door hit you on your ass.
Apparently you clowns don't get the way war works.
You’re actually defending boomers?
Yes we do. Traitors die first. Bye bitch.
>i'm not a boomer my fellow millennial
And the US was never a nation. The 13 colonies were, but the US has always had regional identities based on European ethnicity
Your hate session is retarded on its face, there is no need to defend.
>Acting surprised the youth detest you for throwing them under the bus three generations ago
Gonna enjoy watching you hang desu
((( Christina Hoff Sommers )))
It is the most perverse kind of irony that modern ""confederates"" view America as a federal union first.
Not buying into some petty nigger tier age obsessed hate session makes me a traitor?
It was the "greatest generation" that ushered in the 1965 immigration act that destroyed us.
>Do drugs and be massive degenerates as youths
>Grow up into neocons
>Helicopter around kids and stop them from playing out, doing sports and molly coddling them with participation medals
>have jobs
Still acting confused and not realizing that one does not have to be a boomer to .... fuck it...
Siding with the people who ruined the most powerful white ethnostate the wordl has ever seen - yes, you are a traitor
It was nigger boomers in their teens and 20s who made blacks a fucking fetish and moved industry to china, then moved mexicans to the US, all in the name of the jewish dollar
Whatever you do friend, don't start wondering why everybody hates your guts here. It must be the retardation of the board, don't worry.
They rebelled against order. Now we rebel against chaos.
You might not be old but you are a stupid fucking faggot. It was one single generation that absolutely wrecked this Goddamn country, there were always little loses here and there, but boomers just took everything and fucking burned it to the ground becuase the flames were pretty for 10 seconds.
Boomers got their degeneracy from this nigga
All boomers need to burn in hell.
>moving the goal posts
The same generation that killed Hitler killed the US. All I'm seeing out of you is blaming everyone BUT the jews. That makes you a kike.
>Time to rebel
When we said rebels we meant take drugs and have sex and be degenerate pieces of shit not rebel against us and our culture of shit! God I hate boomers. Nothing makes me want to fix my life more then to out do them and they see this. My Boomer parents are constantly injecting themselves into my life. Don't ever listen to them. Move as far away as you can and dont even visit.
neither do you apparently since anyone with a brain can tell that you're utterly worthless. if you understood the situation, if you could comprehend what was coming -- you wouldn't care at all about the younger generation saying (rightly deserved) mean things about the people who placed them in this mess. none of us ever asked to be born! we've been placed into a hellish nightmare world hostile to our very existence. open calls for literally killing white people are not far off i imagine. what the preceding generations have done is given us the biggest catastrophe since the fall of rome and you're being a whiny little bitch. never needed you to begin with. fuck off.
Not only america
>all in the name of the jewish dollar
So what does the rabbi pay you? You know once the economy bottoms out commissar Tyrone and Pedro will be knocking on your door with a fire axe? Wonder if your shitty whiny millennial kids will be there to help? Here's hoping you can manage to die before then though!
Back in their day it was just rocks and dinosaurs they'd have us believe. Day of the pillow soon.
I cut my dad out of my life a decade ago. He could be dead, IDGAF. I take care of my REAL family.
>time to rebel kids!
yeah, go ahead and rebel john boy, in the mean time i'll head over to the clinic to treat this untreatable aids i have contracted in my younger years because im a degenerate at heart
> "We had double digit interest rates for a few years, on a $20k mortgage" :'-(
Get fucked. That isn't even a deposit on a house now.
Contempt for boomers seems to be the only, possibly only thing that both the Left and Right agrees on these days. The Right hates their youthful days of normalizing degeneracy, the Left hates their neocon politics they adopted in their later years.
You couldn't even conserve the little girls bathroom Dad. You're a liberal from the 90s. You have ground in every issue until there's nothing left to give them. Muh boomers allow little kids to be permanently destroyed and turned into abominations by their mentally ill gay "parents" who decide their kid was gay at birth. You let this happen and now you'll burn in hell.
In the future it'll be the forced trans kids who will be our most ardent executioner's. Your stole their genetic future and took their ability to have kids away from them. I hope they find a way to break your soul.
>boomers made the nation non white
>gets shown that the law was passed when the oldest boomers were 20
>deflects and moves goalposts
Sure rebbe. Your time is about up. It doesn't really matter how much you flail it'll just piss more people off. Your complete lack of intellectual honesty is what always exposes you.
They were the generation the Jews beat, beat out-fucking-right. No contest, a one sided rape.
Every other generation had groups fighting back in some way, LARGE groups less than 100 years ago.
Relative of mine got a mortgage for $300,000, their neighbors bought their home for $30,000. Both houses built at the same time. No fucking shit. Boomers are beyond saving with their hypocrisy now.
So the government should put a cap on housing costs?
You fly the Confederate flag because you're a meme flag shill. I've never seen a dixie poster say anything smart. I'm convinced there's no way you're actually southerners. You're the liberal caricature of a southerner. Nice try.
So a majority of boomers were of voting age when the world went to shit and not only did they vote but they continued to degrade the nation but they're not to blame because uhhhhhhhh
It doesn't matter how many crocodile tears you shed. White enclaves are coming back and boomer love is in the extreme minority, you'll be killed on the spot for loving those worthless fucks, nobody has ever been infected with so much semitism as the boomer. Except maybe the sad, mentally circumcised fucks who defend them.
Well, they were born in those post-war years when "The Holocaust" was still a fresh new idea.
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
Boomers don't deserve the hate they get. In the UK we respect them for rescuing the country from the disaster that was the 70s and rebuilding our economy in the 80s and 90s. Millenials are now undoing all that progress by being lazy entitled brats.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you, remember boomers pay the highest share of tax and you will be relying on them for inheritance money in future.
We already know you faggot oath cuckers are on the side of the brownies. We're going to get you first. Shouldn't have fucked with memes Gramps.
Uhh oh, you will be labeled a boomer for not aligning with the group think.
>So a majority of boomers were of voting age when the world went to shit and not only did they vote but they continued to degrade the nation but they're not to blame because uhhhhhhhh
So are you going to claim that 20 year olds are running the country right now? You just went full retard.
>you'll be killed on the spot for loving those worthless fucks
Sure rebbe, old people will be killed on the spot, not jews like you. This sort of shit may have worked on Russian peasants a hundred years ago but it won't work on us.