ITT: Anime characters with literal autism
ITT: Anime characters with literal autism
The children of these two
who has the image of like 4 threads up at the same time when this first aired of this same image and everyone was fucking pissed
None of these are clinically autistic. Stop using the term as synonymous for "retarded" or "acts weird".
Pic related for a character with actual autistic tendencies.
Subaru doesn't appear to have autism in the medical sense. His problem is more that he's immature and lacks self-awareness.
this so much fucking darts
say no more senpai
female bizon
Actually if you watch episode 13 then Subaru acts like a literal sperg.
Reina and Tsuchinoko are the only autists posted so far.
Canon diagnosed, is there even one?
Being a retard does not mean you have autism, despite what Sup Forums might have you believe.
Idiot =/= autist
The real autists are the ones in this thread pointing out the difference between autism and retardation.
t. actual autist
Every single one from 2012 to 2017.
He act's like a literal sperg through the goddamn shitfest of a show.
Found the real sperg.
First generation actually should be rather fine
Stop watching Elysium.