Serious question, why don't black people commit mass shootings very often, not saying it doesn't happen. But you would think it would happen more often than not.
Serious question, why don't black people commit mass shootings very often, not saying it doesn't happen...
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black kids don’t get bullied and they would rather shoot their own kind
black shootings aren't reported because it would make people racist.
They don’t shoot up schools because they don’t go. They shoot each other all the time though.
A "mass" shooting, specifically, as opposed to chimping out with your Glock, requires foresight and planning.
We don't suffer from beta rage like white kids do
it happens all the fucking time, it just doesn't get reported much
They shoot each other all the time. The msm just doesn't cover the stories.
Black people lack the critical thinking and planning ability of your average white
>Why don't black people commit mass shootings
Because they can't aim well enough to hit more than 1-2 people before the cops take them out.
Chicago has had a 2 year long team deathmatch game going but they can't even seem to get more than 2 at a time.
Yeah, showing up to your school and shooting your gun at unarmed children must require months, no at the very least YEARS of meticulous preparation and an IQ that approaches that of the average Hillary city voter.
Niggers do comment more mass shooting you fucking idiot, they just have bad aim and don't hit many people, why do you think 50 cent can get shot 9 times and live? Shit nigger aim.
Think before you post. Ask yourself....
>is this thread retarded?
>is this threads purpose to get replies?
>is OP a faggot?
Then add spice to your post accordingly.
Naw, you just kill toddlers with stray rounds. We keep niggers in "tha hood" for a reason.
The jungle is that way --->
Because they don't go to fucking school.
Jesus Christ you fucking people are disgusting. It requires a plan, which niggers don't make
they're all cowards at heart who
1) Don't attack unless they're in a pack (removing the lone gunman scenario immediately)
2) if they do attack without backup, they attack and run away (eliminating mass casualty situations)
If even a 10th of the shootings they performed, they didn't run away from, there would be mass genocide, most likely in the ghettos, and they would end up killing all of their 2nd and 3rd cousins, some they knew, some they didn't, and there would be mass chaos in the black community, which, say what you want, when it really comes down to brass tacks, they are very loyal to their own kind, because no one tribes as well as them
When black people are depressed or upset they get drunk and smoke weed.
Technically, they're responsible for most of them. The FBI defines a mass shooting as 4 or more people shot in a single incident. Nogs do that every day.
But if we're just looking at the big, headline-grabbing school or workplace shootings, those require planning and preparation. When your average nog has an 85 IQ and can barely plan their day out, it's not likely that they will be able to develop a plan to attack a school.
Plus, nogs don't like school or work, so shooting up their school or workplace is unlikely since they'd actually have to go.
according with crime statistics, blacks are doing a mass shooting per hour, more or less. 24/7.
because they represent just 13% of the population
imagine when it will be 50%...
because they sort each other out in the ghetto
>he thinks they dont
Let me guess, you think only the shit that CNN reports is whats real right
Because high points jam after a few shots
Because niggers kill people on average 5x as many people as whites do, that means the nigger shool-shooter must kill 5x more people than a white shool-shooter to be labeled as such.
Hooray for affirmative action!
There is, I believe, a mass shooting everyday in the US. A mass shooting is any shooting involving 4 or more people. A lot of these are gang and crime related. So black people do it...just not on large noteworthy targets. Usually just houses and cars full of people.
peanut butter jelly time
Holy fuck they do, have you looked at black on black crime statistics?
Drive bys? Gang shootings?
They just have so many mass shootings under their belt it's harder to keep up with.
wow OP is stupid
Don't niggers get killed over sneakers and petty things like that?
And "dysreeeespek."
Because it takes to be a white cuck to fire that glock
I think it's because they don't face the same problems as white people. White people get isolated more often than black people, feel insecure or suicidal. I don't think I need to look up statistics to tell you that white people suicide more often than black people. In general they value their lives less. The reason is probably genetical, idk.
This is close.
It's about centers of power around social structure.
Blacks social structure is not centered in school, but in their local community, which turns into gangs and shootings in their community.
Whites, Asians and Latinos have higher school attendance, and I think what we are missing here is where did the 1993 culture shift happen where kids started becoming so rejected from social life (in tribe) that they decide to attack the institution?
Maybe young adult hood was not pillared on school social life? Maybe school social life was determined more by students than by administration? Something shifted in the late 80's, and blaming it directly on guns which were more plentiful or kids which were always in school seems to be going about things wrong. School has always been a soft target, but why is the school such a manifested threat in these people's minds?
Don’t drive-bys exist anymore?
Due to the fact that Black people came from warm weather climates, they never learned how to plan for survival. Instead they live in the moment. It takes planning and patience to commit a mass murder. This guy knew the school inside and out, figured out how to kill the most people by pulling the fire alarm and driving the people into the hallways and out the exits. Descendants of sub Saharan Africans do not have years of planning to survive in their gene pool and thusly kill impulsively.
On OP's dumb question, as defined by the mass shooting tracker for an incident with 4 or more gun shot wounded or killed victims, blacks make up the overwhelming majority.
Reporting on it in the media would be: "Dog bites man".
White crime is very much: "Man bites Dog"
Maybe because black people by Nature more jovial and white people are usually uptight and angry
Shooting at random people from the window of a moving car doesn't qualify as a mass shooting to the Jewish media.
blacks dont have the capacity to think more than 24 hours ahead. if a black was actually mad enough to shoot up a school, hed just forget about it the next day. all black shootings come from 'nigga moments'
Stupid answers: all of the above
Real answer: niggers can do whatever the fuck they want and blame it on something or someone else. Whites have been blamed for over 30 years for every sort of atrocity in the past and in the present, most of which they never did. Some white every now and then goes "if I have to get shat on for shit I didn't do, might as well go down actually doing it".
Because a black guy in America can lose his virginity to a tight white jail bait by 13 but most whites have to resort to aids infested hookers so they get pent up virgin angst
I think you are confusing the concept of mass shootings, their whole life is a mass shooting.
Because as with everything, whites are more organized and capable of committing actions than a nigger that acts on impulse and manages to only injure a few.
first of all it happens way more than whites, its just reported as gang shootings not mass shootings
because the ones prone to violence end up in gangs and express their anger through routine gang violence because they have an entire fucking culture and race obsessed with it in the first place
>critical thinking
hurrr durr im gonna shoot up daz childrenzzz brraaaaaaapp
There are smaller multiple shootings every day, but niggers kill for petty animalistic motives.
Mass shootings are a philosophical gesture, done for revenge and to make a point. There have been mass shootings for as long as the modern school system has existed. Look up historical examples and extrapolate the population density then compared to now
do stormfags read what they post?
>why don't black people commit mass shootings very often
They do
A mass shooting is a shooting in which 3 or more people COULD have been harmed
All mass killings(by gun) are mass shootings but most mass shootings aren't mass killings (Jewish word play for $100 Alex)
They just can’t get the kill streak high enough to get the drone strike.
blacks also don’t cultivate grudges. they don’t have much object permanency and their emotions are volatile but fleeting
>why don't they
They literally do. It's not something the media is interested in revealing.
Black people don't have the capacity to feel those deep and dark emotions, they're smaller souled
If you would only listen to kike media you would think niggers are all saints
It's crazy how they painted a completely false picture and how many believe it
they let out their aggression in short bursts so it doesn't build up
whereas it's the cucked introverts that usually have a lot of bent-up aggression inside.
when we'll finally get the big european race war you're going to see some barbaric slaughter and rape. all the years of built-up frustration.
This is a very astute analysis
They get counted into the statistics but never get reported
They get shot before they can pull the trigger
We've been 10% black since the 1600s, they aren't equipped to grow their share of the population
rate my joke Sup Forums
>why don't blacks commit school shootings?
>because blacks don't go to school
blacks also have horrible aim and visuospatial skills. there was a live-fire component in the firearms training course I held and it was hilarious to see their inability to hit anything. you might think that blacks have quick reflexes, but their reaction times are horrible. their processing speeds are sluggish and they only dimly register changes in their surroundings
That picture really encapsulates the the lack of autonomy we have over sexual pursuits.
We like to think that we are in control in such a scenario, but in reality, we aren't. It is a biologically predetermined state of arousal. The more you allow it to take control, the more you're shooting yourself in the foot.
Why do people think recreational sex and masturbation are such harmless acts?
They grow in number but the amount of hispanics coming in is about to make their percentage even smaller.
Because they can't aim. in chicago there is a new innocent taken out by stray bullet every week. most of the time they are just walking down the street or just in their living rooms and get popped
Cause black kids mommy’s and daddy’s aren’t getting them ADD medication
There's in 29 mass Shootings in 2018 so far.
You can name two that have been on the news.
Where are the 27 missing mass Shootings happening? Possibly in places where shootings in general DONT get covered because much black on black crime?
Keep in mind 4 children were shot in Los Angeles, when the shooter turned out to be an Illegal Immigrant Female suddenly a headshot, a body shot, and two limb shots became an "accidental discharge of a firearm".
Non whites are doing the majority of shootings in the country. You don't see it because of a complicit media that actively hides it.
Im still more likely to be killed by a black than a white.
Want to know how I can tell you've never been to Chicago's south side, faggot?
this, niggers are too stupid to feel real hatred.
They do, Just look at black gang violence. They make up the highest proportion od serial killers for this reason.
1 post by this ID, this nigger doesn't care that he's wrong
their IQs aren't high enough to have the neurotic mental disorders required to commit a mass shooting
its like a reverse of the mashmallow test. a white person has the capicty to delay there gratifcation. they have the ability to remove themselves from there immediate emotions and take consideration of both the future and the past. The black is incapable of this and will not be able to resist the first mashmallow, or the first opportunity to strike back and is simply incapable of in that moment being aware of furtue consequences . A beta white however can be a very dangerous thing. The first time he is slighted the anger will rise but he will not act for fear of further provocation or punishment. The anger dissipates but it is not forgotten. Over time this anger is added to until the beta is nothing but pent up anger rage and willingness for destruction. he still knows the consequences but no longer has any reason to fear them. The white man chimps out in the way only he is capable
1 post by this ID nigger is just 'spam'
Mass shooting comes from contained angers. Niggers just let out their anger whenever they want (so all the time) while white people keep it inside. No wonder some guys end up by bursting in rage like this.
>black youths
you didnt have to make this thread to figure this out
No, mass shootings and serial killers are a uniquely white male thing.
It is probably the flip side of our warrior aspect. In the olden days, if a man fell into desperation because his family was killed by another tribe, he would go berserk and go n a killing rampage. This impulse helped whites become the herrenrasse.
Feminism has broken this natural defense mechanism and transmuted it into a self harming criminal act. If a truly depressed man has no woman nor family to protect and avenge, the energy comes out in unpredictable ways. Sometimes as drug overdose, sometimes as suicide and occasionally as homicide.
Pic related is an example of this energy being directed in a positive direction.
Mass shootings with other criminal activity involved are excluded from the statistics. Niggas can't find other niggas in a situation that would make it count as a mass shooting.
This is a fucking kike talking. The WHOLE STATEMENT is almost a revised copy/paste from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
> a guide
Sorry kike, your 'reverse psychology' trying to inflate heads doesn't work here hook-nose. See I see through your bullshit!
10 shot, 1 dead, nigger shooter
it would require planning
>why don't black people commit mass shootings very often.
Because they're more sensible than Whiites and Muslims.
4/10. Originally it would have been a decent joke, but this one has been used over and over again. I believe a couple other faggots in this thread already said the same thing.
Deferred gratification is stronger in whites. More impulse control.
2 feral negroes killed a little girl and her 21 year old uncle.
They let them in the house to use the bathroom because THE WHITE FAMILY HAD TAKEN IN THE BLACK MAN WHEN HE WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL. The whites had fed him and given him a place to stay, when he needed it. So the nigger brings in another nigger who kills them to rob them. The white family was targeted because they had been charitable to a black teen.
Brutally murder the 21 year old AND the little girl by killing them execution style by making them lay on the floor and shooting them in the back of their heads.
>Jeremy Crane, 21, and his niece Kyleigh Crane were shot as they lay on the ground during a robbery turned violent, according to the formal filing of murder charges, the Indianapolis Star reports.
>Prosecutors say that Michael Bell Jr, 22, offered to give tattoo artist Jeremy Priel, 25, a Playstation 3 in exchange for tattoo work. Bell told police that he and Priel went to the home of Crane, a former co-worker, and asked to use the bathroom. As planned, Priel pulled a gun on Crane and his niece ordering them and Bell to the ground, according to his statement.
>Bell told police that Priel then shot Crane twice, first wounding him and then killing him with a shot to the head. Bell said he then stepped over the bodies to grab a PlayStation 3 and an Xbox. He said he ran out of the house with the consoles before the girl was shot.
>mass shootings and serial killers are a uniquely white male thing.
Mass shooting requires patience and planning. Blacks just walk outside and shoot the closest person they are mad at. Its called gang warfare.
Are you a fucking moron?
Murder stats contradict what you just said
This is a good one. Nigger ex crawls in through a window of his ex. Zip ties her, her husband, and their 6 kids...and executes them. All with a bullet to the back of the head. Oh yeah, here's the REAL kicker. It was the very same weekend of "The Charleston Shooting". Funny how this gets buried...isn't it?