>guns are a "basic right"
>but not healthcare
>or food
>or shelter
Shithole country
Guns are a "basic right"
Other urls found in this thread:
>Communist calling other countries shit for lacking healthcare, food and shelter.
Sweet irony.
USA a fucking joke honestly. Democracy died when campaign donations and contributions were made legal some 40 years ago.
the shooting happened in a gun free zone
shooters dont follow laws
You're replying to AI you retarded faggots
at least sage this shit
>Give me free shit for being alive!
Get a job you faggot hippie
Great country but too many shithole people.
>having a right to use ones own resources to aquire firearms is the same as wanting free gibs
Positive and negative rights, you Commiekike.
You have the right to buy guns
You have the right to buy healthcare.
You have the right to buy food.
You have the right to buy shelter
I see no inconsistency. You are a faggot.
I agree. At least Finnish constitution guarantees right to welfare.
Go get your gibs elsewhere faggot.
>retarded commie
Guns are not a basic right. Ownership of guns is a right. And nobody is denying you healthcare, food or shelter.
Where are there laws banning healthcare, food, and shelter?
Human rights are a joke in any country, so what?
What "basic rights" are you supposed to get just for being born? Food and shelter and fast internet on top of it? Come on, that's ridiculous.
>Guns aren't supplied by the fucking government
>Healthcare is not a 'right'
>Food is not a 'right'
>Shelter is not a 'right'
Why not? If we expand the positive rights of people we can secure more stable and better life for them.
>America is a third world country, and people don't recognise it... and I think that that's pretty god damn sad, that they don't recognise their own country as a third world, third rate, third class slum
>right to own guns
You also have the right to buy healthcare and education.
This is a luxury we can embrace in smallish EU countries, my friend. On the other hand I completely understand China's policy of treating their billions of "people" like maggots, because they are.
Positive rights are theft of resources from someone else. You have no right to force me to pay for your fat ass, you fucking thieves.
my ass is a gun free zone but some guy bought a gun in walmart and shot me
rather have guns than food
>Right TO a gun
>Right TO other peoples work and services (healthcare)
>Right to other peoples property (food and shelter)
See the difference? The first is an absent right. The right to not be blocked in acquire something
Amazing country flooded by shithole apes and traitor politicians who allowed it to happen. The same is happening in Europe. Watch us burn down and do something about it in your homes before it's too late.
Taxes are not theft, mutt.
Even the Chinese have begun expanding their public healthcare insurances cover trough. Same goes with India.
Guns arent free faggot
But you have the right to healthcare, food and shelter. You literally cannot be denied the right to these things. There are no laws in any western country where you are banned from obtaining these things.
The thing is, having the right to something does not mean you get it for free. You have to buy guys, just like you also have to buy healthcare, food and shelter. None of these are given to you for free by the government. But you still have the right to access/own any of them.
If we started giving everyone free healthcare, food and shelter we'd also have to start giving everyone free guns.
Just because guns are a right doesn't mean they're provided for free.
Are you implying they should?
Will the US government give me a gun, by right? No? Then why are you looking for them to give out other shit for free?
There's no inconsistency here you fucking retard.
All taxation is theft. If we made taxation optional watch how quick no one pays.
giving tax money to non americans aka illegal spics and niggers is theft we'd be outperforming every country in Europe combined if we didn't have spic and niggers
what about K12 schools
>guns are a "basic right"
More like the right to defend yourself. I could see how food deprivation would make discerning between the two a problem, you commie faggot.
Sure you would be, that is why 50% of your scientists are born in EU countries right?
Make paying taxes optional, but also make it so anyone who doesn't pay taxes cannot benefit from the taxes other people have paid.
Within 5 minutes everyone would be paying taxes again, and willingly.
The right to defend yourself from tyranny like communism.
yeah taxes are voluntary
just keep paying
fucking fins
>that is why 50% of your scientists are born in EU countries right?
strange they decided not to stay in those EU countries
but yes
>Hispanic mutts that pour into the US are American
>European the immigrate to America are not real Americans
No mutt, not paying taxes is theft form the state.
Hides country haha meme flag are for fags
You can stop paying at any time and go to prison for your crimes against the state.
go live on an island with no government, it would be your anarchist dream.
I could buy the the things I need by choice better than the choices wasteful, corrupt governments make.
>Sure you would be, that is why 50% of your scientists
not an argument we are meant to be a pan european country, you can't deny how successful this country would be right now if we were still 90%+ white
You have the right to own a gun but you don't have the right to hold said gun to my head and demand money from me to pay for your healthcare
If you're gonna say that guns are a "basic right", then food and healthcare are too. You're free to purchase all of these things with your own money
Healthcare is the logical thing to offer for your citizens. Unhealthy citizens are a drag on the system no matter what. Well, unless you don't give a single fuck and just let them die, but that doesn't exactly serve your economy. It's hilarious how the USA has built a contrary system and pretends to be proud of it. So much for healthcare.
Next topic would be education. You wanna have dumb citizens? Well, again, the USA seems to do so. And their fucking presidents tries to make it look like a good idea to bring coal mines back n stuff. Ok, as a german I shouldn't bash coal mining too hard because right now we are doing exactly the same after that nonsensical exit from nuclear power after fukushima.
Either way, things like healthcare and education and shelter and power and water and food are GOOD to keep a country alive and thriving. But are they basic rights? Fuck nope.
Do you even realise how much you benefit from tax payers by simply existing? It doesn't sound like it to me.
>healthcare, food and shelter aren't basic rights
>they are still available to every American anyway
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
How are natural rights and duties derived?
I guess we'll never know...
No one has the right to another's labor.
Diversity = low social trust = people resent having to pay taxes to subsidize the birth of anchor babies and later paying for their education. You'll know what I mean within your lifetime, Hans.
You have a right to purchase all of these things.
You don't have to right to force someone to purchase them for you.
My god, it's like you're stupid on purpose.
your healthcare included, also cheaper than current healthcare, everyone, not just you benefit (neighbor, aunt, friend) while still paying less.
seems like a win-win-win to me
>tfw no government mandated gun
So should the government buyout Remington and give everyone an R700 or an 870?
I know exactly what you mean, John. My taxes support shitskins who will never even learn to properly speak our language. And I don't like it. However, on the other hand, if I ever have to go through a rough patch myself, I know that everything will be fine. "free" healthcare, "free" welfare, and so on. This semi-socialist system we built over here werks quite well.
availability =/= obtainable
Oh educate me
>what are homeless shelters
Then they don't deserve to have it. Because guns are a right does that mean they should be provided?
Daily reminder the Soviet Constitution was 30+ pages long detailing rights that individuals had. One of them was food, and another was healthcare.
Neither were upheld.
>1 post
>meme flag
>inflammatory post
How much student debt do you have?
Finally, someone with an ounce of sense
White Americans are not stupid. White Americans don’t have a gun problem. Blacks/Latinos inflate our gun statistics and drag down test scores with their low IQ. Europe constantly talks shit about us based on statistics when we are basically just like Europeans with a shit ton more blacks. You have to separate us in you understanding of the US. Providing free shit to these people is expensive. Healthcare costs $14,000 per year for a family of 4. We can’t afford the handouts, it is bankrupting is. You had generous welfare, good schools, and low crime in your all white German country. You will see what happens as you become more like us. White america is atleast 1/3 German btw.
Lol health care, food, and shelter are human rights as well. But also like guns you have to buy them yourself.... baka liberal logic
Don't seem to remember the last time the government foced a gun into my hands. Maybe because guns (like everything else you listed) arena RIGHT and not a privilege.
This isn't a troll post. This is legit the extent of intelligence that commies have. All they want, in the end, is free shit disguised behind a facade of equality. Fuck you OP.
god i love that gif
Who do you think pays the police and the entire legal system to stop criminals from just straight up murdering your ass?
Who do you think pays the military to protect that piece of land you live on from invading forces?
Who do you think paid for that ground you walk on to be built and developed and who do you think pays to maintain it?
You going to stop paying taxes so you can pay for your own police force, military and build your own pavements and roads?
I didn't think so, but every single day these are things you passively benefit from.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
That explains a lot
Imagine being born into this country unaware of all of that and not ever having to learn it because your life was either too bad or too good
half the country are democrats
Have some chicken jungle bunny
Healthcare, food, and shelter are rights, though?
Rights don't mean grants, fool.
people that are calling for communism are the same amount of people who want to abolish the government and establish an anarchist utopia
You have the right to buy food
You have the right to buy health care
You have the right to work and earn money to buy guns too
You have the right to buy a ticket to London and live in fear
Yeah but your can't drive by with a bolt action and niggers are too stupid to know the difference between shell types
>the right to own something is not a basic right
>but being spoonfed things from the government for no compensation is
Really nogs my jog
Worthless fucks and I can protect myself with my carry gun
Been fighting for Israel since 1917
>Muh roads
I pay for my own paving
You have the right to own guns, not force others to give you guns. I hope this clarification helps. BTW communism kills.
>you have the right to buy all your corporate overlords shit
ftfy, bootlicking coward
are you implying that half the country is black?
oh look, it's another "communist doesn't know what rights are" episode
All americans have the rigt.. no srry, the duty to be shot.
imagine highways having tolls every 10 miles, that would be heaven. right?
Yeah, I know. The tides are changing. Been to my old high school to check it out because my brother's kids are getting out of elementary this year and I was utterly shocked. Culture shock, literally. Back in our days there were some immigrant kids, turks, greeks, yugos etc, but they made like 20% of the classes at most and got weeded out eventually because they failed the exams. Now when I went there last year more than half of the female pupils wore scarfs and there were actual niggers everywhere, wtf?
you could always go off the grid and live a self-sustainable lifestyle away from society, nobody is stopping you
>I think it's worthless so I obviously don't benefit from it!
If you really don't want to be taxed, go live in Somalia. That is what a country looks like when no one pays taxes.
It's funny how different it is from the US. But you'll be fine right? You don't need all those benefits that are brought about by taxes.
>1 post by this id
Nope buddy, the government of America does not provide free guns to people.
You have a right to buy and own a gun, not be given one on the taxpayers dime.
Jesus, you filthy commies sure are dumb as fuck
>when commies are too stupid to realize you have the same right to healthcare food and shelter that you do to guns in America.
>communists judging anyone on food.
Go starve another 40 million people across two decades.
Almost but you are clearly are too autistic to understand a joke
You’d know about being a mutt wouldn’t you Chang