What does pol think about Curtis Yarvin?
Mencius Moldbug
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Anti-Protestant scum.
>What does pol think about XXXXXXX?
Why do shills make such shitty threads?
Not shilling. I legit want to know. There are so many fucking shills on this site that it's legit hard for
le wasp meme
Seems like a real bad goy
Very high intelligence combined with autism level over 9,000. Redpilled and well-read as they come even though his writing style is verbose and convoluted (on purpose to filter out normies). But, he's a Jew so always be skeptical of his ideas. That said, the community that has formed largely around his ideas (neoreaction/NRx/dark enlightenment) makes the most erudite of the alt-right seem like a bunch of stormfag boomer halfwits.
Did you read his work and if so what? Do you have any questions or opinions of your own? Help us help you. Also a tip for a newfag: don't make "what does Sup Forums think about X?" threads.
based af
A cool programmer.
Identifies some real problems pretty well, but his jewish autism makes his answers to them mostly a joke.
I read his Intro to Unqualified Reservations. It blew my mind in many ways, and nothing specifically stands out that I disagree with. I just want to make sure that he isn't just a psyop before I proceed too far down his rabbit hole.
His 9 part intro*.
Well I think the only part of UR that can be safely called reasonable is his systemic diagnosis of the modern world, although what causes it and its history is already rather contested. His capitalist solution and utter disregard for anything like religion or human nature make the whole rather unconvincing, although he does admit he's mostly engineering. It seems to be written for atheistic liberals like himself, and I'd say his view is the most modern form of libertarianism. It's important to note how much he disagrees with his idol Carlyle and where.
O.k. Where can I find some critiques of his work, other than anons? No offense lol but to me he doesn't seem to jive with any sort of liberalism, at all.
The critiques live in the blogosphere and the problems he addresses have many people considering them leading to various interpretations and solutions. No offense lol but if you don't know the first thing about our modern world then you're hardly in a position to evaluate either his work or its critiques.
He's a recovering liberal, and his view on humanity/ideology and the problem of government is still libertarian, like his inspirations. But he thinks libertarians rely on a fundamental misconception as to the relation between sovereignty, force and law. Basically he more or less agrees with libertarians' description of good government but not in the least with how such a thing can be established or maintained. Anyway I don't know what you think of when you hear "liberalism" so it's hard for me to make comparisons. He talks of the Austrian school, have you read them?
If you name literally sets off a google campus silent alarm, youre doing something right
Now read his Open Letter to Open Minded Progressives.
He's not a psyop or honeypot or informant, which is a lot more than I can say about other anti-shitlib e-intellectuals.
Virgin alt right vs chad nrx
He is a kike , He calls ruling elite as cathedral not synagogue. He is controlled opposition
Majority of nu-pol has never even heard of Moldbug nor read a damned thing he has written.
I think NRx is extremely important.
Moldbug is a great writer. I like his proposed political system (Thousands of privatised city states) and his critique of leftism a lot. Sadly he‘s not 1488 (although if you‘d have to be either blind or very stupid not to notice the blatant dog whistles in his works).
Stormfags however fail to realise this and will thus immediately call him a cuck.
The alt-right isn't a coherent political worldview, it is a social-political trend heavily steeped in populism. There are NRx themes in alt-right, but NRx is like the intellectual cousin of the alt-right hillbilly ready to get dirty.
Both overlap and are useful.
the first true voice, addition to nick land, of post-Whig ‘neo’reaction.
no moldbug no altright.
no altright no trvmp.
no trvmp no wall.
He is not only not 1488, he is extremely and explicitly against any form of 1488. It is also unfair to judge the 1488'ers by the stormfaggots, since everyone tries to not just NRxers by their reddit morons.
More like Mendacious Moldbug amirite?
He describes our situation very well and his solutions triggered a broader conversation about fixing our situation that moves past the repeated mainstream fixes.
He is excellent.
Start with "A letter to open-minded liberals"
The idea that he‘s „extremely and explicitly against any kind of 1488“ isn‘t true. He says that while he may not be a white nationalist, he‘s „not exactly allergic to the stuff“.
Even if you think that him not being Hitler tier is a bad thing you have to admit that a) his system will allow you to have your ethnostate (you own the place, you get to decide who you let in and can exclude whoever you want, including nonhuwhites) and b) that his critiques of progressivism are top tier.
No he's completely against it and considers it the kind of low-level 'ideology' that plebs would concern themselves with. What he meant when he wrote that is that he has learned to be able to read conservative and nationalist thought as an acquired taste. He still considers it so stupid on the surface that he doesn't even find it worthy to argue against.
>his system will allow you to have your ethnostate
What are you smoking? His criterium of leadership and sovereignty is making money and crypto-violence. He does NOT believe there will be 'infinite exit' for all the libertarians to build their own state, even when he concedes that patchwork might have many city states. His criticism of progressives is top-tier but only as far as their dominance of government goes. He makes only a very shallow attempt to understand their mindset, and his theory on its history is based on his atheistic interpretation of "superstition" conflicts. I'm not trying to disparage the man (I've read all he wrote) but there's a lot obviously wrong in his theories, or at least lacking.
Does he acknowledge metaphysics, or no?
He acknowledges it insofar as that people use metaphysics to make judgments about the real world, and only the latter are interesting to him. So he recognizes the practice but is uninterested in any of its content. This is understandable for an engineering-oriented atheistic libertarian but gets into muddied water when he tries to explain his (Carlyle's) theory of power and truth.
Jew that libels protestants that founded this country, for his coethnics hegemony in leftism and media.
Repackages some old ideas for a new audience. His original ideas are all retarded (neocameralism, red-blue state, etc.).
Who is better than Moldbug and could you agree with?
>tfw too dumb to use Urbit
Honestly I don't know, since my main grip with mencius isn't so much that he's wrong as the way he carried his blog. From the start he was on a mission to mix himself in the blogosphere debate, and his theories about the origins of Progressivism aren't so much wrong as they are incomplete. I think he's honest and would encourage everyone to read him, but his analysis and prose comes from the perspective and motivation of a recovering liberal addressing (or describing?) himself and his process through libertarianism. I'd say the blog is more of a course than a book or doctrine, and I think he was sufficiently humble about his solutions for us not to judge him too harshly on those. Certainly there are many writers who have covered topics he discusses (ww2, communism, joo-joos, bureaucracy and mind control, universalism, etc) better, but like I said I think we should judge him by what he tried, which is address a certain crowd. I like him for that and wouldn't pass up on it in favor of another, y'know?
Yes, but I asked you who reflects your own views better and possibly could look for a solution for.
In that case noone. You have such a person now?
Was wondering whether the ur in urbit is an oblique reference to unqualified reservations and if so whether he intends it to be the catalyst to kickstart his vision.
Not 100% at all. Politically I feel mostly homeless and I grew disillusioned with people I trusted. The Js play a role in that sadly. I do trust some politicians that they want what's good for the German people like Höcke and Gauland, but they don't reflect my views, because I want a united Europe by and for the Europeans with its own army and foreign policy, but zero non European immigration and strong advocacy for traditional gender roles and the family unit. And there's no one advocating for that, or who I could vote for to achieve it.
Well if anything I'd advise you to meditate on mencius since one thing he's great at is drumming in the idea that your personal opinion on how a country should be governed is not really all that important once democracy is discredited. That's not to say that we can't fantasize about what proper government would mean for our countries, but as for what you want there is no real way for that to happen right now. Democracy is might not give any solution to our problems if it is part of the problem itself. Voting and popular movements, especially public information and education, might still be worthwhile but I dunno if our current politicians are gonna really help change anything. Not to say voting is useless but perhaps it's smart not to look for any real cure against disillusionment in democracy and politicians.
Kek, I was wondering about the ur-bit just a few hours ago. As for his vision: it is unfolding as we speak, haven't you noticed?
Antiversity officer reporting.
Sounds like a poisoned black pill, that leads to defeatism, apathy and self-absorption. I can see where nrx came from now. But Woes wouldn't be where he is now, if he had remained in that intellectual self-isolation. It cuts you off from making a change that could be possible. And I don't see it as impossible either. In fact: I see it as the most likely outcome of things to happen, they just need a little push in the right direction by the right people. It's what will happen, if the nationalist parties force the conservative ones to reform.
I didn't intend it as a blackpill, quite the opposite in fact. It's more like the realization that there are things happening in the world more profound than what nominally happens in democracy. There might be many great changes coming from democratic platforms, and if you're in favor of them then even better. But you specifically mentioned some things you'd like for Europe that you don't see reflected in politicians, so I was actually trying to cheer you up in that respect by pointing out that deeper changes happen below the manifestation in democracy.
He loves word games so I wouldn't post it past him. In the open letter, he calls the antiversity which would kick off his "reset" as "Resartus" (named after the Carlyle novel), which some comments noticed turns easily into restartus => restart us => restart US. Perhaps not intentional, idk.
He's the guy that woke me the fuck up so I'm biased in his favor. I was a "neoreactionary" before I even knew Sup Forums existed. Unlike most people who come here from the centre or the left, I came here from a position already on the far right, debating white nationalism and the JQ from a monarchist perspective is pretty fun shit.
The thing about Moldbug most will grant is that his diagnosis of modern progressivism and how it works through the civil service, ngos, universities, and media is very good. He is not the first person to have made these connections, but in 2007 if you were a braindead progressive on the blogosphere he was probably the only person who was going to tell you about it. If you still need to be convinced that the universal franchise is a fucking atrocious idea in 2018 then reading Moldbug will probably accomplish at least that much.
His program of action is extremely out there. Its fun watching an obviously intelligent person try to construct a new system of government, but ultimately it's got way too many problems (working out those problems can be fun mental exercise).
He grew up a progressive elites and his message was tailored towards other progressive elites. As you're probably aware now, progressives have a fuckton of mental censors in their heads that go haywire if you take one step out of line. His work tries to carefully step around those censors.
I would LIKE to tell you that this is the reason he argues against the JQ, but unfortunately I think its just a genuine blind spot in his vision. He locates the root of progressivism in the Enlightenment, which is correct, and that white people are probably less ingroup focused than other races due to their long history with Christianity making them vulnerable to progressive ideas, which is also correct. But he resists the obvious truth of jewish influence and how its completely compatible with both of those perspectives. Jewish integration into the elite was a factor in progressivism getting more aggressive and destructive, and its unfortunate but Yarvin refuses to acknowledge that.
However, if you can let that slide, its well worth reading Unqualified Reservations extensively. He has read an absolutely stupid amount of primary sources. The absolute best thing about Unqualified Reservations is the alternate history he tries to (and I'd argue succeeds in, again notwithstanding the JQ) construst. Yes, Joe McCarthy was the good guy, yes, Nixon's impeachment was basically bullshit. To Sup Forums those might seem underdosed as redpills, but to a braindead progressive those are LSD. Yes, parts of his history are wonky, but given how thoroughly poisoned with lies mainstream history is you have to give him credit.
>mental censors
Yes. He points this out too, when mentioning "crimestop" per Orwell / 1984. So spot on.
The oiriginal Sup Forums before Sup Forums was even into anything serious. If you havent read Unqualified Reservations or atleast familiar with what it is you arent redpilled.
I’m an ex libertarian/ancap that ultimately became a nationalist/monarchist due to NRXers influencing me to come to Sup Forums, but it wasn’t until after I became a monarchist and nationalist that I discovered him. I like him, but I like the views I have discovered on my own more. He is still a good representative for our movement, but like the identitatiarians, he falls short in (((some ways))).
He isn't a psyop, don't worry about that. There was a funny theory I read somewhere that Moldbug realized the JQ was going to come out and so started blogging to try and redirect angry white people away from it. The problem with that is Moldbug didn't want as big an audience as he wound up gotting, he was trying to target what he thought of as "elites" (hence the 1000000 word long screeds). I think he seriously underestimated just how many disaffected young males were going to be willing to read a LOT of autistic madness.
The reason people associate him with a variant of Liberalism is because pro-Capitalism and anti-Nationalism. In his mind the problem with Liberalism proper is its anti-hierarchical tendencies. Basically he notices that all the methods of achieving Liberalism are total garbage ("We'll just put >>limited government
basically this. His ideas for solving the problems are laughably retarded.
Still pretty much the most entertaining blogger ever though.
nrx fags are supreme brainlets
NRx is a school of online autists while Alt-Right is a wave of angry autism everywhere
Nrx isn't a coherent worldview either. It's basically just Darwin applied to culture, with wildly differing results.
The only thing identifying Nick Land, Moldbug, and Spandrell as the being part of the same worldview is their rejection of Progressive dogma, which is hardly sufficient.
He's is not a goy he is one of the chosen
Jokes aside, the ur in urbit is (I'm pretty certain) derived from the German prefix ur-, meaning ancient, original, first of its kind, urbit being intended as the starting point for a new kind of internet.
given that his company name is Tlon I kind of thought Urbit was some other Jorge Luis Borges reference
>pro gay
>pro surveillance
>for multiculturalism
>for sillicon valley rule
>sounds great transman, where do i sign up!
"neoreaction" doesn't exist. "neoreaction" is just a stupid word for nondemocratic progressivism and it's what is coming very soon. It will probably last for a short time and then collapse in the face of impossible goals.
China has another form of "neoreactionary formalism" and it's basically a nightmare. Regardless of what many claim, I doubt china or asian states will rise much more as automation moves in and globalization slows.