is Sup Forums going to fall for the latest jewish trick?
>don't reproduce goyim!
is Sup Forums going to fall for the latest jewish trick?
>don't reproduce goyim!
Yea most likely.
If I can't afford to buy a house, how can I afford kids?
most people can't afford to fully pay for a house upfront. You just need to be able to put a down payment and pay for the house every month for like 20 years
well, you can use the dolls to collect sperm, just as we do with bulls. and then use the sperm to get women pregnant.
Oh ye of little faith!
Robots are our salvation from the cancer of feminism.
>Yes goy become our slave indirectly
I earn min wage, but the price of a UK home is on average £250k
totally inflated and the taxpayer pays for this in housing benefit to the cunt landlords, we have been doubly fucked,
sometimes I just want civil war and the landlords will be the firs tot get the rope
you can fuck a doll and still have kids
doesn't stop the niggers
>>I earn min wage
you have no excuses
University is cheap af in Europe, don't condemn yourself to a poor life.
>Breeding with the inferior half of humanity
>Not having a harem of sex robots.
>Not having an army of clones of yourself perfected through genetic engineering.
Such small minds here...
Buy a bunch and send it to immigrants lol
niggers don't think 10 years ahead. They are like women, thinking only at the moment.
they already have, hook line and sinker
>obvious CGI image
>those dead soulless eyes
impressive, just like a real gook
holy shit
We need to kill off the weak
Only beta males will buy this because no one wants to reproduce with them anyway
Chad doesnt need to buy fake pussy and Chad’s genes are stronger and useful
Die soyboys
>We need to kill off the weak
>posts on Sup Forums
artificial wombs will allow us to reproduce with them though
inb4 /r9k/ spergs cry roastie
> jewish trick?
You get what you paid for and we both know you'll pay.
Might even say 'thank you'.
That's hot.
pick one
Less women are prostitutes more they will try to better other qualities.
sure, and we'll be in our flying cars right?
>Paying to use a fleshlight that hundreds of other men have soiled before you
The absolute state of betas and omegas
>implying (((you))) arent affected by this
feminism literally started because you couldnt keep you women in check
Cheaper than getting a hooker every week and modern women aren't worth reproducing with to begin with.
What’s weird is 50 years of humanity using plastic for everything, maybe it changed us through artificial female hormones. Maybe we reached the point where we want to reproduce with it.
Already have 2 kids.
Once these things can clean the house and their vaginas I'm buying one.
Wife is as excited than I am to get it, which is to say mildly enthusiastic.
>jewish landlord detected
Yes, good goy. Just keep paying me your rent monthly and after 20 years you still won't own a thing.
I want a Anne Frank sex doll
No, I'm not going to fall for the latest jewish trick. The trick being that you try to make sex dolls unappealing for people who want them and instead go along with the downfall of western women. As soon as the technology is there and sex dolls become more appealing than modern women then maybe modern women will stop becoming whores and try to better themself instead of taking it granted that men treat them special no matter how degenerate they become.
Is it going to moan when I tongue fuck its android butthole?
Who am I kidding, I’ll be fucking one regardless.
>t. white man with three kids
This is sort of an interesting problem. We have yet to be able to reliably reproduce the human voice. Sure, we can record it in lossless quality, but it will never sound like someone standing in front of you as long as its coming from a speaker. You would always be able to spot the fake in a side-by-side comparison.
With that in mind, the moaning would be cringy as hell coming from a lifelike doll. Insta-flaccid.
Hear me out, Sup Forums as autistic as this sounds.
Problem: The general beauty standards for women are usually petite and feminine, but having children with them increases the odds your sons will be manlets and/or betas.
Back in ye olden days a man could establish a family with Helga, who is conventionally unattractive yet extremely capable as a mother and will raise you strong sons while you enjoy brothels to satisfy your carnal desires.
Now you can repeat this historic process except with a sex doll, right? A byproduct of all this is that women will revert to being selected for their utility outside of being emotional fucktoys.
We're still probably too far off for mass-production of artificial wombs, robo-waifus and the removal of social stigmas around designer babies, unfortunately.
>Yes goy become our slave indirectly
Of course goy dont have sex or reproduce thats (((our))) main goal
>maybe modern women will stop becoming whores
The target demographics for sex dolls are ugly and fat ultra beta males, they will die virgins or marry a Asian shit, so who cares...
Same with race-mixing btw, the inferior whites will breed with niggers, and only the purest genes will remain in the white race.
>needing a degree to not be poor
The state of Europe
So basically you should just side with the fucking elites and let them take everything away, your house, your land simply everything because "might makes right" and "we need to kill off the weak", maybe this is the elites plan after all, to lower white population in a certain way that only the strong can survive? Anyway, you are a piece of egoistic shit, caring only about yourself and your "muh dick muh strong I'm such an alphaaa (term that doesn't even make sense in the human world btw, so basically it's shit to say something like this)", life and especially humans don't work as simple as you think; without your "weak" "betas" you wouldn't have a white society at all, you'd have only a piece of human garbage that had under certain circumstances luck, you wouldn't be as tough as you are now infront of your pc, fagboi.
>inferior whites
>inferiority is how much a person can adapt under certain circumstances i.e. under heavy propaganda made by jews to promote race mixing and hedonism
Dude, this is fucking wrong, why do you even have a Nazi flag when you don't give a shit about your own kin?
>getting this angry
A bit insecure, are we?
>I earn min wage, but the price of a UK home is on average £250k
>totally inflated
>He thinks he owns his house or the land it's built on after it's paid off
My wife and I are going to get one
I'm not insecure, but I am angry, angry about people who think that most people choose the way they live and that they aren't just in their position by chance, while simultaneously saying their white brothers & sisters are bad and inferior. Such a materialistic and retarded world view.
It's not all the landlords fault really. A lot of landlords are people who had to move away to get work and let their house out while overseas. Mortgage needs to be changed to a buy-to-let deal and the banks and government slap a sizeable ((((interest rate)))) on it, much more so than a regular homeowner mortgage. Oh and of course, there's the home insurance rates as well. So it's a collective effort of Jews at all levels.
And let's not forget our good friends, the lettings agencies...
I do care about my kin, but you must have noticed how niggers only breed with the fat ugly white bitches. The rare 10/10 coal burners are just cherry picked by Sup Forums.
And yes, being an easily brainwashed goy kinda makes you inferior compared to redpill whites.
oh shit, my wallet just jumped at the screen.
Life being a game of chance (which isn't even fully accurate) doesn't make inferior people any less inferior.
If this came with iridochromatic eyes, would clean, cook, talk back, and react like a real being to touch I would buy one.
Probably not in my life time
>buy sex doll
>think life is going to be sweet
>reveal power level to robowifu
>sirens start
>hate speak and thought police break in and arrest me
>get extra sentences for each knife in my house
not worth it guys
*redpilled, ffs
and it tallies your unpaid tv tax.
>'s a Jewish trick you stupid virgi-err goys!
>You wouldn't replace superior females with a robot...right?
Shut the fuck up you roasty fuck,i see right through your lies
Picture is from Lara Croft by DeTomasso. It's not a sex doll, it just porn images
Just turn auto-learning option on.
If there is one thing we learned about AI by now, if left alone it will turn into a nazi in 10-14 hours
You didnt see the educational film on this topic??? THAT PLANET WAS EARTH, DONT DATE ROBOTS!
doesn't bother all day, snuggle at night. teaches languages. idk fellas. can i jump off the car with it?
> year 20xx
> robowomen became banned because united female voting bloc outweighted male split voting bloc
> anons on Sup Forums secretly trade their illegal rigs with all kinds of waifu code
> some anons go too far, snakefu or A10-fu rigs appear
> many of them run on potato code that doesnt even moan properly
> luckily there are these wierd mods on the darkweb like sister or mother
Not sure if i even want this technology to advance
maybe read audio books. download audio books. am FM radio. song list. what else could we put in it. no pun intended.
I'd rather have more poor white people straining the social systems them poor brown people.
fuck off 3dpg
you smell.
I can't wait till all teen boys have sex dolls and we start absolutely beating the fuck out of girls in school again due to not wasting 90% of time thinking about or chasing sex.
it does pretty much the same shit as my gf is doing
but can she cook? or sort my socks?
fuck off already /r9k/
It seems like everybody gets what they want. I wonder where do people who oppose this come from then?
I don't know but you should ask her to try once maybe
whos that babe
Sexdolls dont mean no reproduction.
But they mean no more sellout to women (the retarded gender), thus a raise in intelligence in politics and social issues.
Can your gf ? DOES your gf ?
Be honest,
larping roastie!
>They are like women, thinking only at the moment.
Explains all of the deep debt in the Black community and among damn near ever 6-figure salary woman I know. Women love debt.
well, she tries.
roasties are the jewish trick.
sex robots are the solution to that problem
>that literal monkey profile
Jesus the parents are retarded to letting her babysit their child
How would they know, other than that she is a pure nigger?
They learned a hard lesson. Hope that kid isn't brain damaged (or ribs broken, etc).
Yay only 20 years a slave!
Squatting is free and fun and totally legal, fuck landlords indeed, did you know once you have an agreement to live in a place, if you come to a disagreement, such as something not working properly or being broken, and the landlord does nothing about it, you can stop paying rent and claim possession of the property! And your legal rights are even sturdier than a Section 6! Look up squatters rights. A.S.S. has lots of good resources and legal advice. Fuck landlords.
This is very retarded
First: following beauty standards and not your own as if you have no identity of your own, second: petite and small implies weakness and if you find it attractive it's probably because youre insecure of your own masculinity and couldnt dominate a real woman, third: your offspring should be strong healthy and beautiful, male or female, and if you can't find an ideal mate don't be so impatient and dirty up the pool for the rest us of, just kys
This thread is poop
>only beta males will buy this
You have no idea how human psychology works
how much?
Elizabeth Turner
>threat of female independence?
What? If anything women now can go do whatever the fuck they want. Just fuck off so we can spend time with waifubot lol not like men even cared about them anyway.
Feminists should be happy about sex bots and artificial wombs. It means men won't be interested in them anymore, and they won't have to make babies. At last, women will be treated equally to men, as worker drones.
Sex bots are truly peak feminism.
Just have as many little cabbages as you can, cabbage-man, and see what happens. No one is going to let little cabbages starve in a first-world shithole like bongland.
if i could afford one? i hate to say it, probably. (pic related)
Lol like a degree means shit. Congratulations you start off on £25k as opposed to £20k and will be making £40k instead of £35k by age 30!
All these numbers are irrelevant when a house costs at least £250k as in Even with perfect credit, banks won't lend you more than 4x earnings so even on £40k you' can only borrow £160k which won't get you shit in the Southern (i.e. nice) parts of England
>taxpayer pays for this in housing benefit to the cunt landlords, we have been doubly fucked,
pisses me off like you wouldn't believe m8
>stop objectifying women, goyim