Lena apparently decided to sterilize herself
Lena apparently decided to sterilize herself
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Ha, good
Nobody wanted her to pass on her sociopathic genes anyways
I hope she gets an ectopic pregnancy that kills her, fucking rapist cunt
The great thing about leftists is they rarely have kids
Evolution has a great way of weeding out the weak and stupid
She's still considered a feminist icon for some fucked reason though
and it is all both Sup Forums's and Sup Forums's fault. you horrible shit lords. you trolls. you sick fucks. you made this beautiful young woman too insecure to bring her beautiful children into this world. world full of retarded fucks like you are. you made the world much worse place than it would be with her children around.
FUCK YOU. FUCK Sup Forums.
Thank God. This pig makes me sick, and I don't particularly like the thought of my descendants having to deal with her mutt offspring.
Chlamydia Causes Endometriosis in Women
She took too much dick.
Glad to see she's doing her part to make America great again. By the way, has she moved to Canada yet like she said she would?
Go back nigger you aren’t from here
HAHAHHAHAHHA thanks for the heads up
Evolution is again proven to be valid.
The Jew York Times shilled for her in every other article, how POWERFUL Girls was. (((Dunham))) and (((Amy Schumer))) would be nobodies were they not connected with the right people. Not funny nor talented at all.
Great so now she has nothing but time to fuck up other peoples kids. While having not one clue on how to raise them. God help the adopted kid she turns into a tranny.
The future is safe
Shes mentally ill.
Wasnt she "wishing she had had an abortion just last year".
She just couldnt feel like a modern women without murdering her own children.
At what point are we going to call this what it is?
Whoa. There IS a God.
>Mr. Socko
good choice. however she most likely just wanted the quick weight loss. It’s like 2.3 pounds of women parts.
I bet this bitch kills herself one day.
She took herself out of the gene pool. This is truly a day of celebration that this child molesting jew won't be able to ever procreate. Our only hope now is she spirals into drug addiction and kills herself.
she had too much unprotected sex with too many guys. Probably let a dirty nigger cum in her.
Porn stars suffer similar fates.
She has the herpes and HPV,probably.
How long until she adopts a black baby from Africa and totes it around like the ultimate virtue signal token?
Welp at least she won’t rape her daughter.
Endometriosis usually causes sterility anyway.
My guess is very soon. My only problem is that you assume it will be only one.
She will go full Jolie and buy a village and fuck up a good man by weaponizing them.
>TFW the Trump curse literally grabbed her by the pussy...
Now when people tell her no one would want to have kids with her she can say
>"hehe lolol XD I made it so they couldn't anyways aren't I so cute"
Best news today!!!
I would have prefered euthanasia but i suppose this is a quarter of the way there.
It's always delightful when the worst people sterilize them self.
I'm so worried about that cunt's cunt.
The best love is tough love. He is a father of and savior of the modern civilization incarnate.
Such a shame. She'd just dropped off the C-lister radar too, now she'll try again for that medirocre chat show she was clearly born to host.
Was it making here feel too feminine?
And that’s a good thing!
"I haven't had an abortion... I wanted to make it really clear to her that as much as I was going out and fighting for other women's options, I myself had never had an abortion. Even I, the woman who cares as much as anybody about a woman's right to choose, felt it was important that people know I was unblemished in this department. Now I can say that I still haven't had an abortion, but I wish I had."
This cunt actually said this. She needs to die in a fire. Slowly.
You burgers are fucking lucky to have trump. Here we are just a swamp of Jews...
Checked also in her Elle (?) article about her hysterectomy she goes on and onnnn about how she always wanted to be a mother and have a child inside of her for 9 months. My guess is within the next 5 years (Max) she will an hero
>defective reproduction system causing pain
>remedy the situation
Why is this news? Why should we care? Fuck off.
Sounds like a medical issue
This could very well happen to girls who are trad af
The shitposting is strong in you though. It surrounds you it binds you. I sense it from across the pacific. Their is hope yet still for you are the other Skywalker.
Endometriosis can be treated. I know because women in my family have it.
This is just some bs excuse.
Oh thank God for small favors.
God bless her, doing the world a favor. Hitler would be proud.
Now if only others would kindly follow in her steps the world will be a better place indeed.
See my first comment, senpai.
>nobody wants to have kids with me, so im just gonna sterilize myself to make it look like its my choice
thank god. but i think we need to take a steel pipe cleaner up her cunt just to make sure she isnt lying
liberals have mastered alternative means of reproduction. by which i mean teaching other peoples kids to be gay, for example
Thank god.
Her fucked up genes won't get passed on.
I hope her sister does the same.
Jesus Christ, thank god! First good news of the day. Maybe that is the solution? All the crazy, nutjob leftists and gigakikes will just die out without children? Man that would be awesome!
Fuck, and i wanted to confess my never ending love to her
>I hope she gets an ectopic pregnancy
how does jizz get from her vagina to her fallopian tubes (if they are still in there) if she has no cervix?
4 Chan, where kikes, sandniggers, commies and Europoors come together to celebrate the sterilization of Lena Dunham!
Us Aussies and You Burgers will eventually take over the world together.
I legit smiled radiantly when I read this.
Won't work in the long run.
the problem is that she didn't actually need to get her womb removed
(((Lena))) is going to result in white women getting their uterus removed because they think that they need to in order to treat Endometriosis
>Lena Dunham revealed in the March edition of Vogue that she recently had a total hysterectomy — surgery to remove her uterus and cervix — to treat her endometriosis. Like anyone living with a chronic illness, what Dunham does to treat her disease is her and her doctor’s decision. There’s just one problem. Hysterectomy isn’t a cure for endometriosis. It’s not even a worthwhile treatment.
>Let’s break it down.
>Endometriosis is a disease where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus — known as the endometrium — is found outside of the uterus. Unless endometriosis is found on the exterior of the uterus, the uterus has nothing to do with the disease.
>Dunham writes beautifully, noting “that a hysterectomy isn’t the right choice for everyone,” and “That it’s not a guarantee that this pain will disappear.” The problem is her essay is presented as a valid option for women with endometriosis. At the end of her essay, Vogue includes a link that reads, “click here to learn more about getting a hysterectomy due to endometriosis.”
>You shouldn’t be getting health advice from a fashion magazine
Not always. It depends on a number of factors. I've had hormone therapy (essentially IVF treatment) and laparoscopies and both helpehelped for a couple of years until the pain returns. Hysterectomy is the only "cure" for chronic a d severe cases.
Heh, this brings back memories
what the fuck I'm 2 years older than her? I saw her as old.
This. Endometriosis has treatment. Her having her uterus removed wasn't necessary.
Yes, but this a extreme. I never got to this point.
She got that face breh. You know she's been down for some of the nastiest slam pig olympic sex in human history. Real niggers know
Not like she was ever gunna have kids unless she raped again anyways
Can we meme this to get female Jews to sterilize themselves?