>Preaches Islamic values
>Hates Islam
Why do you hate Muslims? Is it simply because they're brown?
>Preaches Islamic values
>Hates Islam
Why do you hate Muslims? Is it simply because they're brown?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. And it destroyed all cultures it once infested, apart from the Arabian.
Islamic culture is brutish and primitive. As such it has healthier moral values in some regards, because closer to natural biological realities. This doesn't mean we should adopt the Islamic culture, but instead roll back some of the fake "progress" that was pushed on us by zionist and globalist lobbies after WW2.
>Is it simply because they're brown?
They deny space science and hate naturalistic art.
If you guys could limit your murders, rapes, and pillaging to just Jews, we would can be friends, okay
Islam is anti-west trash.
Yes. now get the fuck out of our Europe.
Islam is bad for society.
It has some useful systems because they're brutal, but living under Islam would suck.
White sharia soon.
Because you fuck goats and children
scourge of the earth, willing to take us back a thousand years in order to worship a desert pig/dog hating pedo, and make a shithole out of the place they landed into, after running from theirs
out of molenbeek you go
>White sharia
neck yourself
you're supposed to dissuade me from islam.
>Is it simply because they're brown?
Yes. Muslims are fine as long as they are outside of Europe
Muslims, the Islam and everything it stands for needs to be utterly destroyed. Most European men are itching to get rid of you. As soon as the option is available you will be holocausted to dust. Only thing protecting you is our weak governments.
>white sharia
neck yourself lad
That picture will make me puke.
Islam values are to use violence when you disagree with someone, here there is full freedom of speech which is a western value.
Sorry freeloading on kafirs is not part of my values...
There are actually Natsoc muslims. It's time to gas the jews. anyone who wouldn't accept help killing jews is a shill.
muslims are the biggests degenerets,they are on caligula level.
common sexual practices
>fuck animals
>fuck relatives
>have small boy as sex slave
>fuck infants
Of course
Hebephilia isn't the same as paedophilia. Islam preaches you can marry girls who hit puberty wether they're 13 or 18 because they're fertile. It doesn't preach you can fuck 8 year old little kids. It's even punishable by death in some Islamic countries if you do. Age of consent is just a (((Western))) tool to control birth rates.
Roastie whores deserve to get raped
>Burning people alive
It's the only way to make some people learn from their criminal behavior. Soft sentences is partly what is causing the collapse of Europe.
>Female genital mutilation
You're confusing Eastern African traditions (who happen to be Muslim for a big part) with Islamic traditions. Some Christians in Eastern Africa also practice female genital mutilation
>Hostage taking
Wouldn't you take your enemies hostage if they invade your country?
>Honour killings
If you don't have the decency to end your daughters life if she turned out to be a roastie whore, you should consider killing yourself.
I thougt most Sup Forumsacks wanted to bring back slavery?
>Oppression of women
Women need to be oppressed. It's a biological rule. Just look at what al this feminism did to Western countries.
It's just the Islamic version of the Alt-Right
Sup Forums is a pretty big hypocrite. They just have a knee jerk opposition to anyone who isn't "them".
Wow, it's like Sup Forums's wishlist
muslims are mouthbreathing inbreds
Not true Muslims lol
Ever since Israel's appearance and the engagement of the Soviet Union in Afganistan - the middle east has been going into a decline.
They thought to remedy this by killing christians and jews
i.e. the Syrian christians dying by Islamic Syrians
+ Those in Palestine
But all they did was destabilize and create a bigger jihadi culture than ever before in the past 100 years.
This is why I'm saying Islam is dying. Because the death rates of enthnic middle easteners is insane, and Islam has failed in being a stable idealogy.
I converted to islam at 17 for most of these reasons hahaha. Islam is the Natural order of the world.
To be honest I don't hate anybody I might shitpost from time to time but that's just fun and games
............. Muslims are 99% not Europeans. GTFO now!
>implying Israel, a 70 year old nation, is why the Middle East is a trashfire and has been for over a millennium.
islam as a religion will make you into a mad dog.
>muh beer
>muh doggos
>muh freedom
>muh foreskin
They don't allow free speech and no emphasis is placed on higher learning, so that your culture loses its intellectual momentum (if it has any to begin with). If you do not allow the intellectual diversity, debate and critique which are necessary to check your own ideologies and values for flaws and hypocrisy, your culture regressess into retardation as everything becomes nothing but an echo-chamber and circle jerk.
Case in point: Compare christian apologetics and muslim apologetics, muslim apologetics are absolutely retarded by comparison, at least christians make an effort to keep up with atheist/evolutionist memes and popular arguments...every now and then.
Also, there is a difference between being against degeneracy and lewd women and dressing them in trash-bags, chaperoning them around like children and banning everything that is fun to the point that Saudi Arabians are bored out of their skulls to the point that drifting on highways has become a pass-time because there is nothing else to do.
This is Now an Imam Husseini Appreciation Thread
You mudslims will get the rope too don't worry. Just because everyone here hates jews doesn't mean we like sub-humans.
wh*Tey trying to steal our religion for their own purposes, no thanks. You managed to turn christianity into the biggest cuck religion and trying to do the same with islam?
Get out of my country
Abd Please you are the boot of the islamic world while we will be its new head.
My half Moroccan ex gf could have benefitted from the female genital circumcision because she had a really meaty roast beef pussy. Her imam could have trimmed them down.
>jihad is the islamic version of the Alt-Right
how to spot a shill
>Sup Forumsacks want slavery
No, most pol users want africans to fuck right off to Africa and wish for every race to have their ethnostate.
>Wouldn't you take your enemies hostage if they invade your country?
as opposed to killing them or sending them back from where they came from??? Hostage taking is retarded and a burden on a state level.
Would you prefer Islamic sharia?
>you need a God to justify these actions
How about no
so you do not come here
>>Female genital mutilation
actually thats true but also makes you wonder why adopt local nigger tradition but to refuse with western one.
he did not support massmigration in the west, bye
I'm a Canadian Convert I was born here.
How do you get around it intellectually? I mean, Islam is clearly false.
How do you get around the social issues and the people? They're fucking annoying.
Maybe theyre the fake jews. Maybe we are the real muslims. Muslims put up a good faccad. In reality They rape and murder.
I just like social order and don't really mind the social issues. My father in law has two wives and I mostly hang around gulf arabs. The religion could be completely false but I would follow muhammads vision until the day I drop. The Muslim world has given me so much, I am taken care of by my father in law and his tribe I have a beautiful submissive arab wife even my first apartment was given to me by my brothers in islam.
Prime child-bearing age starts in early twenties. Teenage pregnancy risks a lot of unnecessary health complications, also most women are not mature enough mentally to be housewives at this point. Turning women into mentally deficient breeding factroies at a young age when women are the people who are primarily responsible to raising the next generation to be civilised and responsible during childhood is probably why the muslim world is full of such backwards, barbaric men who just go around raping everything.
>Corporal punishment
The middle-east must be a crime-free utopia and characterised by stable society if brutal punishments are more effective at deterring criminials. Oh wait...
Just because you don't literally sow up the vulva does not mean cutting off the clitoris is any less barbaric or linked to any less physical and mental problems among women
>Hostage taking
This is literally nothing but crime, crime is wrong
>Honor killings
Here's a joke: I rape your beautiful daughter and rather than me being punished you have to kill her because everyone blames her for giving me lustful thoughts rather than me for being a reprehensible piece of shit. Funny, right?
>Oppression of Women
The less rights women have the more of a backwards shithole your country tends to be. The facts are irrefutable
Alt-right is a defensive movement by people who are concerned about the white race being bred out of existance. Jihad is a way of imposing your ideas on others by force rather than convincing them of the superiority of your ideas through reason and debate like civilised humans. If you need violence and intimidation to impose your ideas, your ideas tend to be shit.
Be precise:
> preach a SUBSET of islamic values
> not being a post-post-ironic Hitler and chaos worshiping jihadi for keks
Why is Sup Forums so shit.
But you don't believe it?
I dunno, I don't think I could do that to myself. Getting free shit from rich Arabs would be great and all, but still.
>The religion could be completely false but I would follow muhammads vision until the day I drop.
Hell waiteth!
I'm a Cryptosufi that married into a strict Shia Family ( I'm sunni but do reverse Taqqiya my wife knows ) . I believe in Allah and Muhammad as a Prophet but I am Very... Flexible in how I believe I tend to follow the opportunities.
can't trust a fucking word you say! epic!
I hate muslims because I'm brown
>Teenage pregnancy risks a lot of unnecessary health complications, also most women are not mature enough mentally to be housewives at this point.
I bet your mother is a self entitled feminazi. My mom was a housewife at 14 and a very good one too. So will be my daughter if i ever have one.
>Countries like Saudi-Arabia who practice death penalties actually have very low crime statistics. Look it up if you don't believe me.
>Cutting off the clitoris
Like i said before. This tradition is not practiced by common Muslims. This tradition is Western-African. Islam only preaches for the men to be circumcised, not women.
>I rape your beautiful daughter and rather than me being punished you have to kill her because everyone blames her for giving me lustful thoughts rather than me for being a reprehensible piece of shit. Funny, right?
If you rape my daughter i will look you up and behead you. If my daughter chooses freely to be a whore, then i will decide to kill her.
>The less rights women have the more of a backwards shithole your country tends to be.
Good luck building a society with self entitled roastie whores. Western birth rates are already going down kek.
It means "struggle" in Arabic. Nothing more, nothing less...
I lived in england for 6 months and worked under the table for cash does that make you mad too britbong.
>Age of consent is just a (((Western))) tool to control birth rates
So you want teenage girls to start pumping out kids ? That's a great way to turn your country in a shithole full of retards
Shia is better than Sunni anyway.
And can you explain?
Clear concise and correct.
I mean like. I have really tried to taste every flavour of the islamic community and have really in the end realized that it is a very spiritual thing and that attempting to create a closer connection with god and I enjoy doing it. I enjoy the religion and the rules it keeps in place helps me be more focused in my life on things that I feel are important like making money and having a family. I guess I just wanted to end my childhood early and focus on Islamic Values. I studied Islam under sheikhs for awhile and My focus was actually on islamic manners.
I, personally, just dont like their explosive temperament
This is a problem with Muslims worldwide but here in the US they're fairly Americanized imo. Ofc most Muslims globally are radicalized in some way.
There's nothing wrong with you. The religion needs reform but I can't say anything about you personally.
I'm new to Sup Forums... Only pol is this toxic right?
>Sup Forums calls for a conservative and civilized society
>OP thinks Islamic societies are civilized
Boy do I have news for you!
How do you deal with the weird claims found throughout Islam? Sunni Islam in particular.
Nope, my mother's a based christian and had 4 kids in her late 20s, which is way better than being knocked up as a retarded 14 year old
FGM has become a thing in Europe specifically because we have imported a bunch of you mud-slimes. Telling me it has nothing to do with islam is about as irrelevant as telling me that terrorism technically has nothing to do with islam: it follows you fuckers around so I'd rather you'd all just stay the fuck away.
I'll just accuse your daughter of being a whore. Everyone will believe me, no one will want to many her because she's been "spoiled" and then you will be forced to kill her just to protect your people's retarded concept of honor
Low birthrates are simply an issue of misguided feminism, once our socialist systems run out of money then it will be socially acceptable again to teach girls that they will probably find the most happiness by becoming housewives and that people in general have to do their part for the country by having at least 2 children, we don't need a nigger-tier religion and treat women like chattle to ensure this.
>Jihad means "struggle"
Sure, you just keep telling yourself that liberal faggot reformist shit. Until the majority of muslims believe that, I don't fucking care.
very good post friend
>Why do you hate Muslims? Is it simply because they're brown?
Simply put: yes.
>I'm new to Sup Forums... Only pol is this toxic right?
Lurk more newfag. The truth is not offensive. Im half türk myself and its obvious what the migration does to germany. German and islam culture are just not compatible as it is with many different cultures the case. When 2 cultures inhabit the same area naturally one culture has to change a bit to enable another culture to be expressed properly which again has to make changes to make it right for the other and this goes on until nothing is left of either culture. Imagine germans moving to turkey and demanding pork to be sold in the supermarket or shit like that. Someone would probably hurt you badly and its their right to do so as it should be ours to defend our culture. You are also imretarded if you dont realize that islamic terrorism isnt an issue. Yes, the groups are funded by cia and mossad, and many attacks are from those too and i also know that us bombing the middle east creates both refugees and and terrorist which disguise themselves as refugees to come here. I accept the blame for that, but you should also know that bringing them here does jackshit, they are too many and just move problems here too
What has to be done is not to bring them here but to change stuff right there, stop funding the terrorists, the rebells and the meaningless war in the middle east, we need to do something about the cause and not the symptom.
Now since we edtablished you have no idea about anything shut the fuck up for a couple months and lurk intensively before posting again
Angry left wing fags, you know when Islam conquers Europe, they will kill all the liberals, degenerates, faggots,kikes, etc
If muslims could walk to america or travel across the atlantic in rubber boats I can guarantee you'd also have a problem with unamericanised ones.
Also, it's not like they aren't plotting behind the scenes like a bunch of fucking kikes
LOL BULLLSHIT! From the news, and what's happening in your homelands, that's the opposite. Euros love Islam, and will give their daughters and homelands to the Muslims. You are all cucked faggots and in 50 years, Muslims will run Europe.
No one likes islam, we are simply indoctrinated to believe that it is harmless at best and that we have to tolerate it at worst.
Once the veneer falls off, it becomes public that we have been systematically lying to ourselves this whole time about how peaceful muslims supposedly are, how the only "cultural enirchment" we have received is the kebab shop and nothing else and that multiculturalism is nothing but another word for white genocide and the erosion of western values, there will be blood in the streets.
>Why do you hate Muslims?
Muslims are no different than subordinate human beings who follow books and teachings without helping the overall survival of mankind. Muslims preach that they are different from human beings and are the purist of them all in the eyes of God.
What they don't understand that is the preaching of such nonsense is the downfall of civilization because it hinders growth and forces you to live in a small world constrained by teachings written in a book by a man who didn't know anything more than his smartest peers.