Social Mobility is Shit in America

Socialist countries literally have more social mobility than we do.

>be me
>grow up poorfag in America
>paid attention in school
>went to college
>graduated college
>went to dental school
>now make $350K/annually

Steps involved to become upper middle class in America from poorfag:
- Pay attention in school
- Select a good career

That's literally all. Fun fact -- there is not one other country on the planet where I'd make $350K being a dentist. Fuck off poorfag.

Lets all clap for the faggot and his anecdotal story because that certainly matters more than the actual facts. Seriously, how do you tie your shoes in the morning?

>- there is not one other country on the planet where I'd make $350K being a dentist.

there seems to be a massive amount of kike bullshit happening in the medical industry

for one why the fuck do you fucking niggers tell children to literally swallow fucking tablets of fluoride, literally what the fuck are you people doing, there is no benefit to ingesting fluoride its supposed to be used on your mouth not fucking swallowed

>actual facts
>retards choosing lib art degrees
>rack up 200k debt in tuition
>career that degree is made for will get you 30k entry level
>whine about being retarded

Literally nothing wrong. You have no business in college if you're not going for a high paying degree/field.

>wanting actual facts
>posts the young turks

He pays socialist cocksuckers like you to do it for him.

With a fat bank account, poor fag. Sorry you're either a brainlet, lack discipline, or otherwise made garbage choices in life

They're free to move from 0 to 0 much easier.

Most millionaires in the US are self-made, with approximately 1700 people per day becoming a millionaire. 62% of billionaires are self-made as well. You're a fucking nigger commie cunt and you should be murdered for being such a fucking whinging faggot.

Trump wants to get rid of the inheritance tax.

Our social mobility is only low when compared to other developed first world nations. Our social mobility is great compared to everywhere else, except for places that are in such turmoil that social mobility basically means random people can become succesful warlords if they're determined and brutal enough.


>actual facts
The fuck? So if I say I'm a rocket scientist on Sup Forums, that becomes a fact? Fuck off faggot.

>Been in america
>Under 15k earners better off that half my country.
You people have no idea how well off you are.

That's because the state forces Social Security on you. They take 5% of your paycheck for life and give you an allowance later that vanishes when you die.

>somebody has more money

>Most millionaires in the US are self-made, with approximately 1700 people per day becoming a millionaire. 62% of billionaires are self-made as well.
>Ignores the fact that you have to be part of a massive circle jerk and corruption to be a multi-millionaire or billionaire in the U.S.
Fucking disgrace to white supremacists.

>>Been in america
>>Under 15k earners better off that half my country.
If Uruguay controlled the oil trade, you people would be well off too.

And now your being h1b'd for a poo -wholl do it for 200k.
What now?

I'll take: "things that never happened" for $500, Alex



Nice jerry picking.

>just pay attention in school bro
>just choose an in deman career

Did both and have project management and geographic information systems post grad degrees. Everyone told me there will be tons of jobs , but now after I graduated there are cutbacks everywhere, especially in government.

Been unemployed for almost a year, and I'm running out of money. I think your dentist story is quite the shovel of bullshit

>the poors are racemixed
Top kek

>getting a degree in a the hope of a government job
leafs never learn do they

>I'm a failure but I'm gonna blame society

please clap for the larper.
>posting on Sup Forums on a weekday morning
>claims to be a dentist
smfh. larpers need to step up their game.

fucking kill yourself tardanon

>no more posts by this id

Theoretical Physicists, chemists, and mathematicians are not paid much, but they are of the highest technical skill and account for the bulk in societal advancement. How does your free market bullshit explain that?

its high noon in americas most populated area
dentists take lunch

>what are shifts?
>what are timezones?
>what are paid leaves/sick days?
mutt education

>Theoretical Physicists, chemists, and mathematicians are not paid much, but they are of the highest technical skill and account for the bulk in societal advancement.
PETROLEUM ENGINEERS are all of those things and make BANK

Shit food is cheap.
Dunno what it's like in BLM but in the UK you can buy an absolutely SHIT (for you) meal for like £2. Richer people can afford to spend that £2 on a single ingredient that is often organic and healthy.

Poor people don't know how to cook and are stuck with unhealthy ready meals.

Actually, America is incredibly socially mobile. While the economic classes themselves are stable, the people in them are in constant flux.

You trade freedoms for responsibilities, that's objectively what it boils down to.

The thing about this that sickens me isn't the fact that the OP's statement is objectively wrong.
Social mobility in North America is WONDERFUL. Only place in the world where any poor fuck though hard work and determination can get ahead.

Now onto your pic related. My real issue here:
This implies that no one should ever work hard to provide for their families.
Yes, your parents/grandparents were too shitty to work extra hard to make sure that things were better for you. Suck it up. You have the chance to change things. To make life for YOUR children better so they don't have to go through the same shit too.

It's all about equal opportunities, not equal starting points/outcomes.
Because you can ensure the former, but to force the latter is to cause all sorts of problems.

its the curse of theoretical sciences. everyone needs theory R&D yet they dont know how or if its gonna be useful so they made it government funded and universally available. applied maths and physics tho they pay hella cash

mayne fuck dat shit nigga dey keepin' us down!

>Wat is shiftwork

Supposin, just supposin' now... that dentists worked at practices with other dentists and figured out that they could work 12 hour days and that not every dentist at the practice needed to be there every day.

Imagine such a world where that was literally the normal arrangement.

There is a big difference between engineers and theoretical scientists. The latter being far more advanced yet paid much less despite contributing more to society. Lol free market is supposed to allocate resources to where they matter most. What a joke.

Statistically it is

Complete highschool
Don't get pregnant until married
Get married

Eh, not everyone will succeed obviously. As someone who’s family has jumped from poor to middle class I can say it was a hard, but significant change. My grandfather would definitely not have had the life he has now if he had stayed in his home country.

My dad was the child of a drunk and litteraly insane woman who still got custody.

Used to physically fight my uncle for food.

Put himself through collage started went from retail attendant to retail manager to be sales person so ops manager of a chain to EVP of a very large company

Until he started his own business and made me a spoiled trust fund style kinda guy. (Wasn't rich until late middle school.)

Its possible anons.

It's very possible

>be diligent
>be useful
>obtain skills desired by contemporary industry
Pretty much guaranteed at least modest success.

>Actually, America is incredibly socially mobile.
Checks out

>whining about economic mobility and inability to go to college and hold a job in the year 2018

Join the fucking
>paid to hang out
>guaranteed college FOH FREE NIGGUH
>can stay in as enlisted for up to 3 decades getting paid out the ass the whole time
>can start enlisted go to college for free (paid the whole time too) and come back in as a commissioner officer
>sit behind a desk for ~2 decades, retire as a literal millionaire
>get cushy "advisor" job through good ol boy network, continue making millions

>mfw fat pussies cry about muh asthma preventing them from an EZ mode career you can get in even if you're poor
>mfw I have no face


hahah do you faggots even know any dentists? if he does make 350k per year like his larp claimed, he doesn't work shifts, sit on Sup Forums during lunch, or take time off during a non holiday. To make that much he would have to have his own practice and work a solid 8am to 5pm MTF.
Please, defend your statements behind meme flags about how a dentist making 350k per year takes random thursdays off and works swing shift.

Lol, a supremacist that keeps whining about oppression.
Humans have faced far harsher circumstances in the past, and the superior races manage to create great achievements despite and during them.
You sound like a filthy nigger.

>There is a big difference between engineers and theoretical scientists. The latter being far more advanced yet paid much less despite contributing more to society.
I work in the academia. I assure you, most of us are shit. The reason is that we've lost touch with the frontlines of the economic battlefield - companies. Most of us mentally masturbate by formulating a problem that no one will ever face and deriving a solution that no one will ever use.

NSF receives lesser and lesser funding from the U.S. government because everyone's realized that 95% percent of the research projects in academia are high risk and low returns.

If academics, theoretical scientists get paid less than engineers, then it's because the free market is still working - not the other way around.

God, does it hurt to be such an ignorant faggot all the time? No one said that America has zero social mobility, the survey says that America has less than other, more socialistic, countries. It is easier to move up the latter in in other countries than in the USA because they have better social programs that aid people in advancement whereas the US does not. If you are born poor, then the USA tries to keep you that way by paying you a barely survivable minimum wage with almost no way to save for schooling or training. The hard Americans have that they country is the best at social mobility is a fabrication to brainlets like yourself.

>Its possible anons.
>It's very possible
I think the moral of the story is to work hard and aim low in life, and things may work out. Most of these stories are anecdotal because they involve a huge element of luck in addition to the hard work put in by the individual in question.

>get BTFO in the first post
>become snarky leftist in response

Better get the witch hazel for that blown out asshole of yours.

>8-5. 9 hour shit. 5 days. 45 hours.
>claimed 12 hour shifts. 4 days. 48 hours.
I'm not him. But it's not hard to see that you're not very good at math.

>successful people dont use media websites
>there arent millionaires on biz
why is it reasonable to assume successful people visit reddit (they do) but not Sup Forums?

>Lol, a supremacist that keeps whining about oppression.
Eh? When did I say that I'm a white supremacist?

>the gini coefficient is bullshit
>S O C I A L I S M
Hello ancap.

>guy works his way out of poverty
>commie parasite antagonizes him


>Risk getting your ass blasted by an IED in sevice of your corporate overlords for a chance at higher education

lol, america

he never said anything about 12 hr shifts. stop sucking off random claims out of your dogs cock. you fucking leaf.
im absolutely sure they do. but not between 9am and noon on a thursday just to brag about how much money they make to a bunch of anons.

You are not wrong, it is just that their social mobility is negative for all.

In socialist countries everyone is equally dirt poor. Wow, wealth distribution works guys!

We got dem programs too! But not if you're white (at least in Canada anyway).
And minimum wage isn't to blame. Most minimum wage jobs are either temporary, or starter jobs for youth.
If you're doing a min wage job as an adult, there's either something wrong with you, or you're a housewife supplementing income while your kids are at school.

Now, if we wanna talk about dem socialist countries. like... say... Denmark!
A lot of dem programs are funded by that fancy offshore OIL MONEY. Along with a small population.

In short, no one's keeping you down but yourself. Find an in demand field, make a moderate amount of money. Properly invest for your CHILDREN'S future. Raise them right, they'll do better the next generation. And so on, and so forth.

>be social mobile society
>great men are statistically more likely get rich, weak men are statistically more likely to stay/become poor
>great men are statistically more likely marry great women and have great children, weak men are statistically more likely marry weak women and have weak children
>this continues for few generations
>after few generations the society is sorted from the worst to the best accordingly to their greatness and no social mobility happens anymore

The obvious answer to this is that america has very unintelligent minorities who will never be in the top 20% because they just aren't smart enough. The lowest average IQ groups in the US create more of an intelligence disparity than in any of these other countries. Keep in mind their study was done on 5 countries total, including the US, and all of these countries have more homogeneous and similar populations than the US. With similar people there will be less genetic differences, therefore less in the way of mobility.

Dude after that fpbp, just give got rekt

this commie shit are the threads they are most likely to respond to and not everyone works all day 9-5

It is almost as though there is a natural order and distribution to things.

>le ebin shitty degrees meme

Middle class is totally achievable. If that’s aiming low then yeah you would need a lot of luck to get much richer. The only person in my family I could say that got lucky would be my aunt landing a nice office job, and I’m pretty sure that had to do more with luck than anything else.

dentist that make 350k per year do.

Why would poor people have two kids if they are poor? Even the rich people don't have more kids than they can provide for

I'm currently in dental school and salaries are absurdly high and you only have to work 5 hours a day. Eventually you'll build your own clinic and its over. Thats in my country, America I'm pretty sure has literally the best paid Dentists in the world. 350k is not unrealistic at all, he could be making even more in the future

yeah socially mobile right into the grave from starvation

how would ya know?

le do what you want you can be anything meme

12 hour work day is literally the standard for most dentists.

You typically get in at 7, review the schedule for the day, get to work at eight. Take lunch whenever for an hour. Last patients at 5 or 6, it might take you an hour or two to wrap up with charting/other duties depending on how much office staff you keep.

t. spent 3 months shadowing a dentist before picking optometry

Bible covered this. Takes three generations to get out of poverty.

Ok ben shapiro

>Denmark relies on oil

Naive much?

So you admit there's some kikery going on in schools, where students get charged 200k+ (Around medical and law degree costs) for wanting to make a career out of art

A lot of people don't have kids.

>He's not smart enough to join the Chair Force.
Brainlets are gonna die one way or another, nigger. At least military brainlets die in service to their country.

>ancap flag
Checks out

The dems think poor people are fat... nice racial profiling

>>after few generations the society is sorted from the worst to the best accordingly to their greatness and no social mobility happens anymore
>Naive much?
Polish user is not wrong. What he left out is that those who rise to positions of power make it extremely difficult for others to attain that power. So the great great great great grandchildren of great people are not necessarily great because due to laws and societal segregation, it is very very hard for others to attain power and wealth.

That is why you have revolutions. The children of rich people are no longer exposed to high level competition, and the children of poor people, who though they may be good never get the opportunities. This leads to an imbalance which builds up over time and the poor people overthrow the rich people.

My dad is a dentist and my sister is a dental hygienist for a different practice.
And the standard salary for a dentist is 160k per year.
Whats your point?


>great-great-grandparents were subsistence farmers in rural PA on one side and Irish immigrants on other
>great-grandparents owned a moderate sized farm, still pretty much subsistence though and Irish side worked different jobs in NYC
>Grandfather does factory work and whatever else he needs to do to support family, Irish side moves to upstate New York and owns a small store
>Mom is a nurse and Dad is a cop
>I'm set to get hired by the DEA in a bit
Each generation in my family has had things better than the one before it at a younger age. Fuck off retard.

Fellow nigger, the poor make bad decisions. Who knew?

it archived, make a new one


I don't like cartoonists now.


Do you try to be this autistic or does it come naturally? The US doesn’t accept BDS degrees from India. You need to get a DDS degree to practice in the states.

Cute. Show benis next.

>poor family

It's true. Socialist countries are one of the fastest ways to make it to the bottom without being a fuckup on an individual level.