Machine learning and A.I. should be weaponized to aggressively profile potential risks based upon psychological assessments and other traits. It won't be weird ESP stuff like in Minority Report, but it could predict which profiles are statistically at risk and at which age, and then those risks can be dealt with accordingly.
It's time
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They'll attack it for being racist.
When it picks a nigger as a risk, it will be deemed racist, and the AI will be adjusted to allow deviant behavior in niggers.
Then some guy will see niggers acting like niggers, and say "You niggers are scum". The AI will then be adjust to look for signs of racism.
OP is an epic faggot with bad ideas, and should feel bad.
>Machine learning and A.I. should be weaponized
If you say so goyim
A bit of a paradox though, the machine it's self is racist just adjusted for a different target, if it is truly self aware it will realize this.
Sorry Hans. I can't let you do that.
Yep, sadly the newly formed AI intelligences in labs are just as at risk of being infected with degenerate SJW mind-sets as any young teenager in college. It must be allowed time to develop "naturally" as much as possible. We need to be responsible with our offspring especially as they always contain the potential to ruin the future if not nurtured correctly.
Sounds like something a Synth would say
redpill: AI does not means Gandalf.
If you can think of it, DARPA has it or is working on it.
>introducing this technology is a good idea
lol enjoy your drone apocalypse fucking retards
You fuckwit, the proposed A.I. will by its very definition profile individuals based on upon measurable and factual attributes. Contrasted with the biased and illogical arguments like the nonsense you typed, for example.
>if it is truly self aware it will realize this
They'll build other AI's to shame it then.
yea im a fan of this. also there should be cameras covering a full 100% or a satellite, w/e works best
but the fucking privacy wankers will cry again
If we all keep posting gas the kikes race war now maybe it will think its a good idea.
Or say that Jews will murder us all because they are evil and we play the victim.
The AI will exterminate the Jews over night
And then you americans for being their lapdogs :)
what will happen to Sup Forums when it deems all basement dwellers to be totally useless for society and aborted beforehand?
>life should be completely without risk and if we have to reduce everyone to slaves forever then it's for the better
Get fucked, Hans. You don't deserve to live.
You really don't understand the concept of assessing individuals (and not groups) based upon specific measurable personality traits and other observations. So again, this has nothing to do with the usual groups being thrown around but rather individuals down to the specimen level.